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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Namco brings ....... something ....... at wiiware

Something ...... REALLY Flamboyant

The game is called Muscle Koushinkyoku basically you follow a line of muscle .... guys ..... and a polar bear trying to capture a thieft that stole your protein. It's similar to a old PS1 game called Pepsiman.... but more .... weird.

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How many thread will this start more than the gane will sell I think.

haha That looks fun and weird but I wouldn’t want to play that in front of my parents or friends…

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

What the bloody heck, that looks like one of the most insanely awesome games I've ever laid eyes on! :p Reminds me of Wario Ware in some wacky way...

Total randomness and weird things ftw! This seems like a game Rubang would totally enjoy. :p

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


wow, it looks so flamboyant but really fun for some reason o.o

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i thought namco was nuts when they released katamari , then they did Noby Noby Boy then i told myself okay maybe someone is being high, and now this?

Namco really knows how to make the most messed up idea look fun....

Former something....

I wonder how long will it be before those muscle men appear in Tekken:P

I'm surprised its done by Namco I thought it woulda been done by the company that did the cho aniki games

the bearded old man, what the hell is he doing?

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434

This game so needs to come over to the states. I mean, I just want to see the reviewers' reactions to this!


-On a quest for the truly perfect game; I don't think it exists...