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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Pokemon Anime How they turned the Best Show into the Worst

First 49 Episodes  10/10

BEST SHOW EVARRR!!!!!!!!! it had everything! Ash not knowing what he is doing and misty and brock making fun of him for it, Brock's obsession with women, Jesse and James failing all the time, Jesse's vanity, Gary and Ash's rivilry, Meowth's funny comments, 4th wall breaking, and innuendo i didn't get until i was was AWESOME!!!!!

Episodes 50-82 9.8/10

Still the BEST SHOW EVAR!!!!!! but the whole togepi part was really stupid...i hated he/ added an element of cuteness that didn't need to be there..thats what pikachu is for. And dexter got a new voice which kinda sucked..but still the best show EVARR!!!!!!

Episodes 83-118 9/10

It was no longer in the kanto region so i really couldn't identify with the areas or gym fights...also brock left...WTF!!!!!!!!! i loved how brock always went crazy over women and they took that part out!!! WTF!!! and nobobdy likes tracy...jeez!

Episodes 118-276 8.5/10

Brock came back which was good...but still..the show seemed a little different..Ash's voice seemed kinda different and i didn't find the plots as interesting...Also it took them WAYYYY TOOO LONGGGGG to get through the Jhoto Region. it took them 158 episodes to get through the Jhoto region...WTF!!!!! And i know everyone else complains about this but, i don't care what you say the first 151 pokemon are the best and the others are "okay". Some Jhoto pokemon are cool but they just aren't as super awesome as the first 151.

Episodes 276-422 7.5/10

ASH CHANGED CLOTHES!!!!! OMG!!! NOTHING HAS BUGGED ME MORE THAN THAT....GRRRR!!!!!! RABBBLE RABBLE RABBLE!!!!!...sorry..just letting off a little steam...Misty left and May and Max joined (may was okay but max was annoying, and i miss misty) 4 Protaginists? too suck max...also Ash seemed to know what he was doing during the Hoenn and Battle Frontier season (so a main element of the original show was lost) i liked Ash being an made me laugh

Episodes 422-Current 5/10

new voices...this actually bugged me more than Ash's outfit changing..this is when i stopped watching...also the show seemed to get a lot more kiddy seemed like it should've been playing on Nick Jr. not Cartoon Network


so yeah...what do you think? (Sorry if there is tons of typos)

EDIT: i still liked the original show, i have the DVD Box Sets and i love them, Me Growing up has nothing to do with it


At the name of YESHUA, EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth (Philippians 2:10)

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Thats what happens when you milk something too much..




At the name of YESHUA, EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth (Philippians 2:10)

I have the biggest Wishlist on VGchartz

wow I'm not the only one to think this. The show got bad after the kanto region.It turned from funny to just make Ash get the 8 badges and move on. It would have been better to just follow the game's story and have somone new everytime

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

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I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
Do Not Click here or else I will call on the eye of shinning justice on you. 

Maybe you get older, and realize how kiddy the show was from the beginning.

I never like Pokemon, I think I was too old to get the Idea My kid brother liked it a lot, but I really like Charizard!!!!!!!!

In my last hour I'm slave to power of death!!!

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I'm 17 and i have the Box sets of the First 72 episodes..i still like the growing up has nothing to do with it..i'm waching the originals in production order right now and i love them...i watch the newer ones and cringe

At the name of YESHUA, EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth (Philippians 2:10)

I have the biggest Wishlist on VGchartz

It's because it's a fucking kiddy cartoon, and you're growing up.
Sorry to be so blunt, but there you go.

Stop getting so excited about a Kid Icarus remake... the original NES Icarus sucked.


the show wasn't kiddy at the beginning it was awesome and still is

At the name of YESHUA, EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth (Philippians 2:10)

I have the biggest Wishlist on VGchartz

My main problem with the anime is the it was 90% filler. Other than that, I still watch on occasion.

Pixel Art can be fun.

16-bit gamer said:
the show wasn't kiddy at the beginning it was awesome and still is


 Watch 'Ninja Scroll'.  Then tell me if Pokemon is kiddy.


You seem to be a bit obsessed, ya know?

Stop getting so excited about a Kid Icarus remake... the original NES Icarus sucked.