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Forums - General Discussion - How many users on these boards actually support "The Theory of Evolution"?

CHYUII said:
Evolution is a philosophy because scientific method can never be applied to it. We have no way of researching it, because we have no way of reproducing the moments in which life was created on Earth. If it is a fact then scientist would not still call it a theory.

It already has been researched, the scientific method has been applied to it. Testable predictions have been made. It has nothing to do with the origins of life (thats abiogenesis).

Statistically speaking it is very improbable that random chance gave rise to order

This would be true if it were truly pure random chance. However random chance only occurs with genetic mutations, these are then 'selected' (ie. natural selection) so that the best random mutations are the ones that remain in a species. Hence evolution isn't random chance giving rise to order.

(not to mention it is against the PROVEN Laws of Science).

This isn't the second law of thermodynamics again is it? We aren't in a closed system so the law does NOT apply. The sun and the activity of the core of the earth both supply an external source of power to our environment. Hence entropy is able to decrease within our environment as the entropy increases in those environments, they are part of a system with an overall increase in entropy.

Darwin said that if it could be proven that life forms did not become more complicated over a series of successive improvements, then his theory would be proven wrong.

Indeed it could. However the opposite has been proven.

Micheal Denton an atheist wrote a book called evolution: a theory in Crisis, He spent the first part of the book ripping religion. And then went on to make his case-

And he is not alone in those beliefs other scientist believe the same.

Denton has changed his tune and now believes in evolution. It doesn't stop both of his books (both the one that attacks evolutionary theory and the one which supports it)  being rubbish science that would never pass peer review.

I am not anti- science but I am Anti- Dogma and the theory of Evo. is sometimes just that.

No more so than say, the general theory of relativity.

I believe in Micro but not Macro.

Exactly the same process, just over different periods of time.

The rest is more in line with Intelligent Design because Intelligent Design is more inline with the ACTUAL LAWS of SCIENCE.

What laws are these?

But this is a free country and I do not mean to step on anothers beliefs, we are free to worship as we choose...

Or not worship, as may be the case ;)


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bdbdbd said:
@CHYUII: I remember the ED thread.

To tell you the truth, i did and do skip the longer ramblings in this thread. As i've been participating that kind of discussion for years now and am pretty familiar with the presented argumentation already.
Basically all that you see is copypasting CreationWiki.

Critisizing evolution theory isn't a problem, in science it's done all the time. The problem is, what is offered instead.
Let's imagine for a moment that evolution would be proven false. What would it mean to creationism? Nothing. There wouldn't still be any proof of god or any other supernatural lifeforms.

Microevotion and macroevolution are the same thing. Macroevolution refers to species evolving to another species. Macroevolution as a term brings problems, since it's hard to determine the point where a specie is considered being evolved to another specie.

Nobody is saying you can't believe in what you believe, but they are tired to argumentation that is based on circular reasoning or even liars paradox.

So, every time something challenges your beliefs you are going to shake your head and say, “This Isn’t Happening!” Calm Down. It is pretty Arrogant; at least I looked-up and read all of the information Highwaystar gave me (more that 10 web pages worth) before I commented. I did not tell Highwaystar, “You are wrong cause I THINK so”. I didn’t even quote any scripture. I did not quote all ID people or religious people- I quoted a variety of people. You are being PREJUDICE. You haven’t read my words but you KNOW, what I am going to say? C’mon you know that is arrogance right? You KNOW it is. So, what is up what have I said that is so up setting to you? If you have a response, I will listen to you, I do not believe that ignorance (running) is a solid argument. “Nobody is saying you can't believe in what you believe, but they are tired to argumentation that is based on circular reasoning or even liars paradox.” What is more circular than you implying, “I am right because I am right?” This is a Forum, we discuss, and I was not the 1st to bring this up. Why are you flipping?

ManusJustus said:
CHYUII said:

MACRO and MICRO are words in use by scientist. It is a way to specify specifically what you mean. Even if you buy all of the theory of evolution, it is good to have to different defintions for the 2 different processes.

The Micro only talks about the Gene Expressions in organisms and mutations and Natural Selection. This is proven science the rest is unproven speculation.

Macro evolution is micro evolution.  All evolution is DNA mutations.  If you admit that micro evolution is true, you admit that macro evolution is true.

I know that, for whatever reason, you have a strong desire for God to exist.  You want God to do things for you, you want to live in an eternal paradise, you want to see loved ones, and you dont want to die.  No one wants to die, but it is a fact of life.  We die and cease to exist, and there is no giant receptacle that catches the brain waves of every person when they die.  The only thing that matters is what you do on Earth for the short time you are here, and the more time you spend promoting regressive ideologies that go against the scientific progress that man has struggled for for thousands of years, the more precious time you waste.

Keep on believing.  If it makes you feel better and helps you cope with the harshness of life, then more power to you.  But dont waste your time trying to disprove solid scientific knowledge with misunderstandings and misrepresentations from others.  Gain an understanding of science on your own, or just leave science alone altogether.

LOL, you do not KNOW what I think about God; you just ASSUME that you know (by prejudice). I know many people who serve God that would rather he not exist but follow their god’s because the evidence leads them to do so.

Religiously, speaking there is no guarantee that a god would do anything for you a human. Nor, is there a guarantee that you will see better days by serving a god. Life can sometimes be easier without a God too (depending on how you look at it).

It is not always the “opiate” it is sometimes the “salt” in the wound.

 You make many assumptions about me and you make many assumptions about death. There is no scientific study that can show you what happens after death. You have taken your naturalistic philosophy, called it science, and used it to prove something science cannot prove.

What test can you do to prove the soul? And what test can you do to prove String Theory? As a scientist said in Elegant Universe (a Public Television/ secular documentary about String Theory aka The Theory of Everything aka M-Theory aka Unified Theory) - “If you can’t test it, it is philosophy, not science.”

I know the difference, do you?

ManusJustus said:
Here's a great article of useless human body parts. Obviously, humans weren't designed as we have so many flaws and remnants in our genetic code. Suprisingly, male nipples is often considered the most useless human body part.



Let me ask you a question MJ did you read the huge post that I gave to HighwayStar?

Now after you basically call me a “stoopid-head” now you want me to read your article.


Which is it? Am I stupid or am I smart enough to understand the article that you gave me? Nevertheless, I thank you for not giving up on me.


Highwaystar, sent me a Web article about the Tailbone (called coccyx); I showed him (by Wikipedia) that even though it looks like a short tail it had many necessary functions in humans’ bodies. Therefore, because it had function it was not a Vestigial Tail.


But I will read your article if you will read me rebuttal and comment on it in an intelligent fashion.

(I will probably read it anyway though as I am not afraid of learning, even things that challenge me). 




highwaystar101 said:

CHYUII said:

Theory and Hypothesis-


My point is that I believe in good science and not the bad- It is not ALL or Nothing with science it is only what is proven and unproven. To say that something that is not proven is a truth is to put faith in an idea, and that is not science but it is human.

Macroevolution and Microevolution are in my spell check and I have pretty old copy of Word Perfect. To argue that Creationist or Intelligent Designers only makes the distinction is ludicrous. Both terms are in my 1978 Webster Dictionary.

My argument has never been against all that Darwin has proposed but against the idea that Natural Selection and Random Mutation bring about great changes in a species over time, in such away the new phylum are created from the accumulations of those processes. What proceeds from this line of thinking is that all life are a common ancestor and “Adam” of a self-replicating single Cell Organism (organized).

The theory of evolution is in fact an "evolution" itself. A theory is a set of facts explaining a law of nature, it is open to change by including new facts and updating the old through further observations. Essentially it is knowing you are on the right tracks and using it as a means to explore the right areas. Theory of relativity as you said may not be proven 100%, but we have the facts and we have done research and it points the right way, we need to explore.

Look at a book about evolution from 100 years ago and look at one today, we have come a long way. It's not that the 100 year old book is wrong about evolution as an idea, it's that the new book has more facts now and the existing facts have been updated. It will continue to do so. But both have the same idea at heart and we know we are on the correct tracks.

The LAWS of Thermo Dynamics –

Common misconception that is always turned into an argument. The second law of thermo dynamics is often misunderstood by creationists who beloieve it offers some kind of proof.

An oversimplified summarty of the arguement is that creationists see the earth as a closed environment with no external source of energy and so entropy can't increase. However the earth is not a closed environment in any way. The sun (the external source) supplies energy to earth 24 hours a day and so entropy can increase, even the occasional asteroid would do it too. The laws of thermo-dynamics in trying to disprove the scientific societies views on this is flawed, but it's a lot more complex than I just explained.

The long message is screwing up my netbook, which isn't very powerful. I'm going to have to do the rest when I get to my PC.






You said that you were still looking so I will not say much to you – but I can already say that you have started off with a PREJUDICE, and then have started to put words in my writing that I never typed. Please be more scientific.


1 I know that changes occur in science and that Theories are revised. Let us consider Einstein’s correction to Newton’s theories of gravity.

Accepting, Einstein does not mean that Sir Isaac Newton is dumb or that he was wrong on all accounts, it just means we know more than we did.


2 I never said Earth was a closed system. Which is why I began my argument for ID with the creation of the Universe the Big Bang, the talked about the Universe, the Planet Earth, and then the Micro-world and then to animals/ humans.


If Creationist say earth is a closed system, I certainly haven’t.



P.s. I love the Animal Crossing quote.

Around the Network
RockSmith372 said:
WessleWoggle said:
ManusJustus said:
Here's a great article of useless human body parts. Obviously, humans weren't designed as we have so many flaws and remnants in our genetic code. Suprisingly, male nipples is often considered the most useless human body part.

My nipples certainly aren't useless. Nipples clamps and rubbing can bring forth powerful sensations.... Once I almost made myself orgasm by nipple touching alone...

that's alittle too much information for us there thx for sharing though...




I never said we evolved from them. But according to Darwinian Evolution, we all have a common ancestor though but what is that ancestor? Every tree regardless how many branches it has, must have a centralized trunk. For every animal that exists, there has to be a map of transitional forms that lead to each stage, which leads to other animals (dead and living. There has to be a connection one-way or the other. The more animals the more links/mutants/ and transitional phases there has to be.


The fossil record does not show this.


There is a thing called the Cambrian Explosion aka the Evolutionary Big Bang that shows most of the current body plans of animal arose in a short period of time.

Before that, we have single-cell organisms and bam all of the other forms of creatures pop into existence, without MISTAKES, WITHOUT TRANSITIONAL FORMS.


This is why theories like Punctuated Equilibrium and Complexity Theory arose to account for the order that they see at the Sub-cellular level and the natural gravitation toward order that all life/ molecules/DNA tend to arrange themselves into. Punctuated Eq. has been disproved, Complexity Theory, is for video games (truthfully, it’s a theory that also gives us great computer graphics). Scientist say that it has no place in the real-world though. 



If we all share common, descent then there has to be connecting points.







5) What the Cambrian Era Says About The Fossil Record - Time and The Transitional Big Bang:


The Cambrian Explosion called the Biological Big Bang- Shows fossils of many body plans in fully evolved, appearing suddenly in rocks dating to the Cambrian Age without transitional forms. 


Paleontologist Niles Eldredge in 1995 Reinventing Darwin said:

“No wonder paleontologists shied away from evolution for so long. It never seems to happen. Assiduous collecting up cliff faces yields zigzags, minor oscillations, and the very occasional slight accumulation of change- over millions of years, at a rate too slow to account for all the prodigious change that has occurred in evolutionary novelty, it usually shows up with a bang, and often with no firm evidence that the fossils did not evolve elsewhere! Evolution cannot forever be going on somewhere else. Yet, that is how the fossil record has struck many a forlorn paleontologist looking to learn something about evolution.”


The time allowed for all of the beneficial Genetic Mutations necessary to bring about chordates from a singled cell organism has become shorter from 50 million year to 10 million years (The Cambrian Explosion is about 10 million years in length).

Because of the fact of the Cambrian Explosion theories like Punctuated Equilibrium, a theory in existence since the 70, postulated 2 things:

1 Species go through little observable change

2 When change does happen it is rapid and concentrated in small, isolated populations.


                Now there is Complexity Theory (championed by Straut Kauffman of the Sante Fe Institute) that theorizes that living systems are created by self-organization, the tendency for complex systems to arrange themselves into patterns- not by natural selection. The Theory has few followers as an explanation for the complexity of irreducibly complex living eternal systems.

The theory is actually based on, computer programs and the variations in output generated by variation in the code or in unexpected “mutations”. The thinking that is that perhaps small changes in DNA somehow propagates massive, and coordinated biological changes. Complexity Theory is fine on paper and as a computer program but in the real world, the experiment would meet the same fate a Stanley Miller’s (Origin of Life Theories and the offshoots) See section 6 under “ The WHO or WHAT” below.



Kaufman in Origins of Order (Pub. by Oxford Uni. Press) says:

“Darwin and evolution stand astride us, whatever the mutterings of creation scientist. But is the view right? Better, is it adequate? I believe it is not. It is not that Darwin is wrong, but that he got hold of only part of the truth.”


Evolutionary Biologist Mae-Wan Ho and Peter Saunders says in Beyond Neo-Darwinism- An Epigenetic Approach to Evolution:

“Yet the successes of the theory are limited to the minutia of evolution, such as the adaptive change in coloration of moths; while it has remarkably little to say on the question which interest us most, such as how there came to be moths in the first place.”


Aussie Evolutionary Geneticist George Miklos says in The Emergence of Organizational Complexities During the Metazoan Evolution: Perspectives for Micro Biology, Paleontology, and Neo-Darwinism:

“What then does the all-encompassing theory of evolution predict? Given a handful of postulates, such as random mutations, and selection coefficients, it will predict changes in (gene) frequencies over time. Is this what a grand theory of evolution ought to be about?”


Jerry Coyne of the Department of Ecology and Evolution at the University of Chicago says in The Genetics of Adaptation: A Reassessment:

“We conclude- unexpectedly- that there is little evidence for the Neo- Darwinian view; its theoretical foundation and the experimental evidence supporting it are weak.”


University of California geneticist John Endler ponders in The Process of Evolution: A Newer Synthesis how mutations that are beneficial come about, saying:

“Although much is known about mutation, it is still largely a ‘black box’ relative to evolution. Novel biochemical functions seem to be rare in evolution, and the basis for their origin is virtually unknown.”


Mathematician Shutzenberger (M.P.) in Algorithms and the Neo-Darwinian Theory of Evolution argued that it was not mathematically possible for the amount of mutations to arise needed to create the human-eye:

“ There is a considerable gap in the neo-Darwinian theory of evolution, and we believe this gap to be of such a nature that it cannot be bridged with the current conception of biology.”



This section is about the new challenge to Macroevolution from the relatively new field of Microbiology.



But in the relatively new field of Micro Biology, it is no longer acceptable to explain evolution along the lines of the overall physical structure of an organism. Why? Because now that we can see the insides of cell and now those we can see molecules and proteins in the body, we now must explain the evolution of every one of those processes as well.



Charles Darwin stated in Origin of the Species in the section that called “Organs of Extreme Perfection and Complication” Darwin thought that evolution could not build an organ such as the human eye quickly but had to do it in slow gradual steps. If the human eye appeared rapidly, it, in his opinion; would be a miracle.


He presented a series of eyes:

1 Jelly Fish Eye  (a light sensitive spot)- sensing light

2 A marine Limpets Eye (A cupped eye)- sensing light and the direction from which it comes.

3 Eye of a marine snail (an eye with a lens)- sensitivity to light increased by gelatinous fluid.


He believed that this might show Evolution but it does not, microbiology has shown that flesh is not like matter. So while an eye may have a form likened to a video camera in reality, there is an extremely complex dance of chemicals that must activate, shut-off, and replenish just in order that we may see even a fraction of a second of light.


Darwin also thought that if it could be proven that a system of the body is irreducibly complex (All part of the system are necessary for its function) then his theory is at fault. Things like the Blood Clotting Cascade, the Human Immune System, and Intercellular Transport Systems all show system that are irreducibly complex.


5) What the Cambrian Era Says About The Fossil Record - Time and The Transitional Big Bang:


The Cambrian Explosion called the Biological Big Bang- Shows fossils of many body plans in fully evolved, appearing suddenly in rocks dating to the Cambrian Age without transitional forms. 


Paleontologist Niles Eldredge in 1995 Reinventing Darwin said:

“No wonder paleontologists shied away from evolution for so long. It never seems to happen. Assiduous collecting up cliff faces yields zigzags, minor oscillations, and the very occasional slight accumulation of change- over millions of years, at a rate too slow to account for all the prodigious change that has occurred in evolutionary novelty, it usually shows up with a bang, and often with no firm evidence that the fossils did not evolve elsewhere! Evolution cannot forever be going on somewhere else. Yet, that is how the fossil record has struck many a forlorn paleontologist looking to learn something about evolution.”


The time allowed for all of the beneficial Genetic Mutations necessary to bring about chordates from a singled cell organism has become shorter from 50 million year to 10 million years (The Cambrian Explosion is about 10 million years in length).

Because of the fact of the Cambrian Explosion theories like Punctuated Equilibrium, a theory in existence since the 70, postulated 2 things:

1 Species go through little observable change

2 When change does happen it is rapid and concentrated in small, isolated populations.


                Now there is Complexity Theory (championed by Straut Kauffman of the Sante Fe Institute) that theorizes that living systems are created by self-organization, the tendency for complex systems to arrange themselves into patterns- not by natural selection. The Theory has few followers as an explanation for the complexity of irreducibly complex living eternal systems.

The theory is actually based on, computer programs and the variations in output generated by variation in the code or in unexpected “mutations”. The thinking that is that perhaps small changes in DNA somehow propagates massive, and coordinated biological changes. Complexity Theory is fine on paper and as a computer program but in the real world, the experiment would meet the same fate a Stanley Miller’s (Origin of Life Theories and the offshoots) See section 6 under “ The WHO or WHAT” below.



Kaufman in Origins of Order (Pub. by Oxford Uni. Press) says:

“Darwin and evolution stand astride us, whatever the mutterings of creation scientist. But is the view right? Better, is it adequate? I believe it is not. It is not that Darwin is wrong, but that he got hold of only part of the truth.”


Evolutionary Biologist Mae-Wan Ho and Peter Saunders says in Beyond Neo-Darwinism- An Epigenetic Approach to Evolution:

“Yet the successes of the theory are limited to the minutia of evolution, such as the adaptive change in coloration of moths; while it has remarkably little to say on the question which interest us most, such as how there came to be moths in the first place.”


Aussie Evolutionary Geneticist George Miklos says in The Emergence of Organizational Complexities During the Metazoan Evolution: Perspectives for Micro Biology, Paleontology, and Neo-Darwinism:

“What then does the all-encompassing theory of evolution predict? Given a handful of postulates, such as random mutations, and selection coefficients, it will predict changes in (gene) frequencies over time. Is this what a grand theory of evolution ought to be about?”


Jerry Coyne of the Department of Ecology and Evolution at the University of Chicago says in The Genetics of Adaptation: A Reassessment:

“We conclude- unexpectedly- that there is little evidence for the Neo- Darwinian view; its theoretical foundation and the experimental evidence supporting it are weak.”


University of California geneticist John Endler ponders in The Process of Evolution: A Newer Synthesis how mutations that are beneficial come about, saying:

“Although much is known about mutation, it is still largely a ‘black box’ relative to evolution. Novel biochemical functions seem to be rare in evolution, and the basis for their origin is virtually unknown.”


Mathematician Shutzenberger (M.P.) in Algorithms and the Neo-Darwinian Theory of Evolution argued that it was not mathematically possible for the amount of mutations to arise needed to create the human-eye:

“ There is a considerable gap in the neo-Darwinian theory of evolution, and we believe this gap to be of such a nature that it cannot be bridged with the current conception of biology.”


ManusJustus said:
Here's a great article of useless human body parts. Obviously, humans weren't designed as we have so many flaws and remnants in our genetic code. Suprisingly, male nipples is often considered the most useless human body part.

[edit] Function

In humans and other tailless primates (e.g. great apes) since Nakalipithecus (a Miocene hominoid)[2], the coccyx is the remnant of a vestigial tail, but still not entirely useless;[3] it is an important attachment for various muscles, tendons and ligaments  — which makes it necessary for physicians and patients to pay special attention to these attachments when considering surgical removal of the coccyx.[1] Additionally, it is also part of the weight-bearing tripod structure which act as a support for a sitting person. When a person sits leaning forward, the ischial tuberosities and inferior rami of the ischium take most of the weight, but as the sitting person leans backward, more weight is transferred to the coccyx.[1]

The anterior side of the coccyx serves for the attachment of a group of muscles important for many functions of the pelvic floor (i.e. defecation, continence, etc): The levator ani muscle, which include coccygeus, iliococcygeus, and pubococcygeus. Through the anococcygeal raphé, the coccyx supports the position of the anus. Attached to the posterior side is gluteus maximus which extend the thigh during ambulation.[1]

Many important ligaments attach to the coccyx: The anterior and posterior sacrococcygeal ligaments are the continuations of the anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments that stretches along the entire spine.[1] Additionally, the lateral sacrococcygeal ligaments complete the foramina for the last sacral nerve.[4] And, lastly, some fibers of the sacrospinous and sacrotuberous ligaments (arising from the spine of the ischium and the ischial tuberosity respectively) also attach to the coccyx.[1]


I already posted this on the Thread but I will do it again to make it easy for you.

well i'd have to say evolution because sokmething just isn't believeable about a god....


also the bible i mean WTH its a book we found in the ground come on!

CHYUII said:
RockSmith372 said:
WessleWoggle said:
ManusJustus said:
Here's a great article of useless human body parts. Obviously, humans weren't designed as we have so many flaws and remnants in our genetic code. Suprisingly, male nipples is often considered the most useless human body part.

My nipples certainly aren't useless. Nipples clamps and rubbing can bring forth powerful sensations.... Once I almost made myself orgasm by nipple touching alone...

that's alittle too much information for us there thx for sharing though...




I never said we evolved from them. But according to Darwinian Evolution, we all have a common ancestor though but what is that ancestor? Every tree regardless how many branches it has, must have a centralized trunk. For every animal that exists, there has to be a map of transitional forms that lead to each stage, which leads to other animals (dead and living. There has to be a connection one-way or the other. The more animals the more links/mutants/ and transitional phases there has to be.

The fossil record does not show this.

I'm not entirely sure what you're saying here to be honest. Are you saying that the fossil record does not have a complete history of evolution? Because if you are - we already know this. Fossils are rare and the fossil record is incomplete. It does however show in multiple cases a fairly long and complete set for certain animals, for example we can trace the modern horse back about 52 million years fairly completely.

There is a thing called the Cambrian Explosion aka the Evolutionary Big Bang that shows most of the current body plans of animal arose in a short period of time.

Before that, we have single-cell organisms and bam all of the other forms of creatures pop into existence, without MISTAKES, WITHOUT TRANSITIONAL FORMS.

Bwahaha. That is the most hysterical definition of the Cambrian Explosion I have ever heard. For one things the short period of time was only short on the timescale that is the history of life. We're talking a period of millions of years here. Multi-Cellular organisms existed pre-cambrian. 

Also you make it sound as if everything appeared the way it is during the Cambrian, the Cambrian explosion was an important event that caused several branches far down the evolutionary tree but the Cambrian period had nowhere near the disparity of life seen today.

This is why theories like Punctuated Equilibrium and Complexity Theory arose to account for the order that they see at the Sub-cellular level and the natural gravitation toward order that all life/ molecules/DNA tend to arrange themselves into. Punctuated Eq. has been disproved, Complexity Theory, is for video games (truthfully, it’s a theory that also gives us great computer graphics). Scientist say that it has no place in the real-world though. 

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but isn't punctuated equilibrium merely an exageration of the fact that evolution occurs when population sizes shrink or new ecological niches open up? The cause of most periods of accelerated evolution seems to be mass extinction events.


If we all share common, descent then there has to be connecting points.

 There are connecting points along the way. Ida for example is one of them ( In fact its believed that we know what the first form of life on the planet was (and it still exists!)






5) What the Cambrian Era Says About The Fossil Record - Time and The Transitional Big Bang:


The Cambrian Explosion called the Biological Big Bang- Shows fossils of many body plans in fully evolved, appearing suddenly in rocks dating to the Cambrian Age without transitional forms. 


Paleontologist Niles Eldredge in 1995 Reinventing Darwin said:

“No wonder paleontologists shied away from evolution for so long. It never seems to happen. Assiduous collecting up cliff faces yields zigzags, minor oscillations, and the very occasional slight accumulation of change- over millions of years, at a rate too slow to account for all the prodigious change that has occurred in evolutionary novelty, it usually shows up with a bang, and often with no firm evidence that the fossils did not evolve elsewhere! Evolution cannot forever be going on somewhere else. Yet, that is how the fossil record has struck many a forlorn paleontologist looking to learn something about evolution.”


The time allowed for all of the beneficial Genetic Mutations necessary to bring about chordates from a singled cell organism has become shorter from 50 million year to 10 million years (The Cambrian Explosion is about 10 million years in length).

Because of the fact of the Cambrian Explosion theories like Punctuated Equilibrium, a theory in existence since the 70, postulated 2 things:

1 Species go through little observable change

2 When change does happen it is rapid and concentrated in small, isolated populations.


                Now there is Complexity Theory (championed by Straut Kauffman of the Sante Fe Institute) that theorizes that living systems are created by self-organization, the tendency for complex systems to arrange themselves into patterns- not by natural selection. The Theory has few followers as an explanation for the complexity of irreducibly complex living eternal systems.

The theory is actually based on, computer programs and the variations in output generated by variation in the code or in unexpected “mutations”. The thinking that is that perhaps small changes in DNA somehow propagates massive, and coordinated biological changes. Complexity Theory is fine on paper and as a computer program but in the real world, the experiment would meet the same fate a Stanley Miller’s (Origin of Life Theories and the offshoots) See section 6 under “ The WHO or WHAT” below.



Kaufman in Origins of Order (Pub. by Oxford Uni. Press) says:

“Darwin and evolution stand astride us, whatever the mutterings of creation scientist. But is the view right? Better, is it adequate? I believe it is not. It is not that Darwin is wrong, but that he got hold of only part of the truth.”


Evolutionary Biologist Mae-Wan Ho and Peter Saunders says in Beyond Neo-Darwinism- An Epigenetic Approach to Evolution:

“Yet the successes of the theory are limited to the minutia of evolution, such as the adaptive change in coloration of moths; while it has remarkably little to say on the question which interest us most, such as how there came to be moths in the first place.”


Aussie Evolutionary Geneticist George Miklos says in The Emergence of Organizational Complexities During the Metazoan Evolution: Perspectives for Micro Biology, Paleontology, and Neo-Darwinism:

“What then does the all-encompassing theory of evolution predict? Given a handful of postulates, such as random mutations, and selection coefficients, it will predict changes in (gene) frequencies over time. Is this what a grand theory of evolution ought to be about?”


Jerry Coyne of the Department of Ecology and Evolution at the University of Chicago says in The Genetics of Adaptation: A Reassessment:

“We conclude- unexpectedly- that there is little evidence for the Neo- Darwinian view; its theoretical foundation and the experimental evidence supporting it are weak.”


University of California geneticist John Endler ponders in The Process of Evolution: A Newer Synthesis how mutations that are beneficial come about, saying:

“Although much is known about mutation, it is still largely a ‘black box’ relative to evolution. Novel biochemical functions seem to be rare in evolution, and the basis for their origin is virtually unknown.”


Mathematician Shutzenberger (M.P.) in Algorithms and the Neo-Darwinian Theory of Evolution argued that it was not mathematically possible for the amount of mutations to arise needed to create the human-eye:

“ There is a considerable gap in the neo-Darwinian theory of evolution, and we believe this gap to be of such a nature that it cannot be bridged with the current conception of biology.”

 A series of quotes arguing evolution does not make an argument. Especially when half of them are taken terribly out of context.


This section is about the new challenge to Macroevolution from the relatively new field of Microbiology.



But in the relatively new field of Micro Biology, it is no longer acceptable to explain evolution along the lines of the overall physical structure of an organism. Why? Because now that we can see the insides of cell and now those we can see molecules and proteins in the body, we now must explain the evolution of every one of those processes as well.



Charles Darwin stated in Origin of the Species in the section that called “Organs of Extreme Perfection and Complication” Darwin thought that evolution could not build an organ such as the human eye quickly but had to do it in slow gradual steps. If the human eye appeared rapidly, it, in his opinion; would be a miracle.


He presented a series of eyes:

1 Jelly Fish Eye  (a light sensitive spot)- sensing light

2 A marine Limpets Eye (A cupped eye)- sensing light and the direction from which it comes.

3 Eye of a marine snail (an eye with a lens)- sensitivity to light increased by gelatinous fluid.


He believed that this might show Evolution but it does not, microbiology has shown that flesh is not like matter. So while an eye may have a form likened to a video camera in reality, there is an extremely complex dance of chemicals that must activate, shut-off, and replenish just in order that we may see even a fraction of a second of light.

 Err. Wrong. The human eye could have evolved and extensive amounts of study have been done on it. Nothing you posted even argued against the evolution of the eye, it just said that the evolution of the eye would take a complex dance of chemicals. There is no reason why this complex dance of chemicals could not have evolved.

 =D. The Discovery Institute. Lul.

Darwin also thought that if it could be proven that a system of the body is irreducibly complex (All part of the system are necessary for its function) then his theory is at fault. Things like the Blood Clotting Cascade, the Human Immune System, and Intercellular Transport Systems all show system that are irreducibly complex.

 Actually none of them are irreducibly complex. Care to prove otherwise?

5) What the Cambrian Era Says About The Fossil Record - Time and The Transitional Big Bang:


The Cambrian Explosion called the Biological Big Bang- Shows fossils of many body plans in fully evolved, appearing suddenly in rocks dating to the Cambrian Age without transitional forms. 


Paleontologist Niles Eldredge in 1995 Reinventing Darwin said:

“No wonder paleontologists shied away from evolution for so long. It never seems to happen. Assiduous collecting up cliff faces yields zigzags, minor oscillations, and the very occasional slight accumulation of change- over millions of years, at a rate too slow to account for all the prodigious change that has occurred in evolutionary novelty, it usually shows up with a bang, and often with no firm evidence that the fossils did not evolve elsewhere! Evolution cannot forever be going on somewhere else. Yet, that is how the fossil record has struck many a forlorn paleontologist looking to learn something about evolution.”


The time allowed for all of the beneficial Genetic Mutations necessary to bring about chordates from a singled cell organism has become shorter from 50 million year to 10 million years (The Cambrian Explosion is about 10 million years in length).

Because of the fact of the Cambrian Explosion theories like Punctuated Equilibrium, a theory in existence since the 70, postulated 2 things:

1 Species go through little observable change

2 When change does happen it is rapid and concentrated in small, isolated populations.

 This is true by the theory of evolution, species only evolve quickly when under pressure and in small groups a gene spreads far more quickly. It is not an argument against the theory of evolution.

                Now there is Complexity Theory (championed by Straut Kauffman of the Sante Fe Institute) that theorizes that living systems are created by self-organization, the tendency for complex systems to arrange themselves into patterns- not by natural selection. The Theory has few followers as an explanation for the complexity of irreducibly complex living eternal systems.

The theory is actually based on, computer programs and the variations in output generated by variation in the code or in unexpected “mutations”. The thinking that is that perhaps small changes in DNA somehow propagates massive, and coordinated biological changes. Complexity Theory is fine on paper and as a computer program but in the real world, the experiment would meet the same fate a Stanley Miller’s (Origin of Life Theories and the offshoots) See section 6 under “ The WHO or WHAT” below.



Kaufman in Origins of Order (Pub. by Oxford Uni. Press) says:

“Darwin and evolution stand astride us, whatever the mutterings of creation scientist. But is the view right? Better, is it adequate? I believe it is not. It is not that Darwin is wrong, but that he got hold of only part of the truth.”


Evolutionary Biologist Mae-Wan Ho and Peter Saunders says in Beyond Neo-Darwinism- An Epigenetic Approach to Evolution:

“Yet the successes of the theory are limited to the minutia of evolution, such as the adaptive change in coloration of moths; while it has remarkably little to say on the question which interest us most, such as how there came to be moths in the first place.”


Aussie Evolutionary Geneticist George Miklos says in The Emergence of Organizational Complexities During the Metazoan Evolution: Perspectives for Micro Biology, Paleontology, and Neo-Darwinism:

“What then does the all-encompassing theory of evolution predict? Given a handful of postulates, such as random mutations, and selection coefficients, it will predict changes in (gene) frequencies over time. Is this what a grand theory of evolution ought to be about?”


Jerry Coyne of the Department of Ecology and Evolution at the University of Chicago says in The Genetics of Adaptation: A Reassessment:

“We conclude- unexpectedly- that there is little evidence for the Neo- Darwinian view; its theoretical foundation and the experimental evidence supporting it are weak.”


University of California geneticist John Endler ponders in The Process of Evolution: A Newer Synthesis how mutations that are beneficial come about, saying:

“Although much is known about mutation, it is still largely a ‘black box’ relative to evolution. Novel biochemical functions seem to be rare in evolution, and the basis for their origin is virtually unknown.”


Mathematician Shutzenberger (M.P.) in Algorithms and the Neo-Darwinian Theory of Evolution argued that it was not mathematically possible for the amount of mutations to arise needed to create the human-eye:

“ There is a considerable gap in the neo-Darwinian theory of evolution, and we believe this gap to be of such a nature that it cannot be bridged with the current conception of biology.”



CHYUII said:

Aaccording to Darwinian Evolution, we all have a common ancestor though but what is that ancestor? Every tree regardless how many branches it has, must have a centralized trunk. For every animal that exists, there has to be a map of transitional forms that lead to each stage, which leads to other animals (dead and living). There has to be a connection one-way or the other. The more animals the more links/mutants/ and transitional phases there has to be.

The fossil record does not show this.


Have you looked at the fossil record?  You think that a species is created, then goes extinct, then a new species replaces it.  That is wrong, the entire fossil record is a 'transitonal' phase.

What do you think happens then?  God is involved in a endless cycle of killing species and replacing them with new ones.  What about the early homo species that we have found?  Did God create humans, kill them off, and create new humans that were a little different each time until he got to us?

The only thing more ridiculous than denying evolution theory is the theory that is made up in its place.

Useless Organs:

You mention the coccyx which, even though the body would work fine without it and occasionaly develops into a tail, has more uses than many other examples of vestigial body parts.  But what about a man's ability to produce milk, or the appendix, or various muscles that much of the population doesnt have?

Answer this:  Why do flightless birds have wings and whales have hind legs?

Your Methods:

It is very difficult to read your posts.  Your last post consisted of two large copy and pastes whose readibility suffers in its new format.  Furthermore, your main source is the Discovery Institute, a conservative think tank whose stated goal is to "turn away from a materialistic worldview and replace it with a worldview with Christian and theistic convictions."

The goal of science is not to create worldview opposed to religion, it is only to reveal truths about our world.  Science would lead us to intelligent design and other 'religiously inspired' ideas if they were true, but since science seeks truth it is often at odds with these religious ideas.