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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Thief 4 Officialy announced " Thi4f "

Eidos-Montreal are in the early development stages for Thief 4, the developer confirmed this morning.

Last week we heard that an announcement was coming, but there's not much grist in the news that hit today.

Eidos-Montreal, which is currently producing Deus Ex 3, has recruited the "very best core team" for Thief 4, we're told.

"We're in the early development stages for Thief 4, but this is an incredibly ambitious and exciting project for Eidos," said Stéphane D'Astous, General Manager at Eidos-Montréal. "While it's too early for us to offer any specific game details, right now we are focused on recruiting the very best talent to join the core team at the studio and help us make what we believe will be one of the most exciting games on the market."

With development underway, the team is looking to hire people. Head over to their site if you're looking to be hired.

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Will it be as good as Driv3r?


Xen said:
Will it be as good as Driv3r?


i hope its not modern day based, xD

cool, I have never played a Thief game though but it seems it will take some time before this one is ready

the words above were backed by NUCLEAR WEAPONS!

I absolutely loved the first game.

Running around hacking up guards with a sword then throwing their corpses down wells or into rivers...

Sneaking about in the shadows throwing smoke bombs...

Hacking guards...

Brilliant stuff.


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The first Thief was awesome for sure. Back then hiding in a dark corner to avoid fights with the guards was something completly different and I really liked it. The atmosphere was brilliant, I really felt like being a thief. However the 2nd and 3rd installement didn't really "click"...I don't know why, but I always liked the original a lot more. Hopefully I will enjoy the 4th as much as the first one.


But on a side note: what's that for a stupid title? "Thi4f"? I also hated it when they called the third Driver "Driv3r". Why can't they just call it "Thief 4"...plain and simple, but fitting.