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Forums - Gaming Discussion - what game should i get killzone 2 or halo 3?

So according to Uber really good graphics are innovation. Not only that but the advancement of graphics is the only thing that will push the fps genre forward. Ignoring the fact that your definition of innovation is wrong, seeing as how immersion is a completely subjective attribute that differs for each individual, the continued success of the wii and Halo 3 shows the serious flaws in your argument. Neither are pushing graphical standards in the least sense however both continue to be the fore front of success in their respective fields.
The fact that your brush my arguments aside by calling me an xbot without offering a single counter argument to any of my points shows your immaturity. I'm not saying there won't be better looking games in the future but to use graphics as the standard for which to judge a shooter is laughably ignorant. It has been shown time and time again that gameplay and not graphics is the crucial factor in video games. In that respect COD4 and Halo 3 are both far beyond Killzone 2. Until you can come with an example of a game that sells better than previous blockbusters in the same genre based on graphics alone then your arguments are moot. Your objective in playing a video game may be to "immerse" your self but for the majority of gamers it's having fun. Once the fun starts the immersion soon follows, regardless of graphics.


                      The definitive evidence that video games turn people into mass murderers

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Mendicate Bias said:
So according to Uber really good graphics are innovation. Not only that but the advancement of graphics is the only thing that will push the fps genre forward. Ignoring the fact that your definition of innovation is wrong, seeing as how immersion is a completely subjective attribute that differs for each individual, the continued success of the wii and Halo 3 shows the serious flaws in your argument. Neither are pushing graphical standards in the least sense however both continue to be the fore front of success in their respective fields.
The fact that your brush my arguments aside by calling me an xbot without offering a single counter argument to any of my points shows your immaturity. I'm not saying there won't be better looking games in the future but to use graphics as the standard for which to judge a shooter is laughably ignorant. It has been shown time and time again that gameplay and not graphics is the crucial factor in video games. In that respect COD4 and Halo 3 are both far beyond Killzone 2. Until you can come with an example of a game that sells better than previous blockbusters in the same genre based on graphics alone then your arguments are moot. Your objective in playing a video game may be to "immerse" your self but for the majority of gamers it's having fun. Once the fun starts the immersion soon follows, regardless of graphics.

@Uber  I dare you to say that people are no longer Playing Quake III :Arena.....Or Soldier Of Fourtune.....

KillZone 2 is a great game on it's on right....But the Majority of PS3 owners seems not to care.....I don't see KZ2 ever hitting 3 million lifetime....And if it does not hit 2 million before MW2 then good luck seeing that number......

@Bias...  I doubt he will Accept that..I have Played Kill Zone 2...And I must say...2 of it's MP Maps make the game awesome...All the other maps I have played are horrible....That is not the case with COD4 and Halo 3



I'll be honest: I bought Halo 3, and played through the fully co-op campaign on two difficulty settings, then went back to get all the unlockables. I fucked around a lot on local multiplayer, then played online multi for a couple of months. Maybe six months total, haven't really played since (but I probably will check it out again soon, what with the dry spell of games and the new maps I got).

I played the KZ2 demo, and was really, really, really underwhelmed. Felt like a CoD, but with some old-timey "shoot until the armor falls off, then shoot the head" gameplay. I deleted it off my wihtin an hour of downloading it (not counting the time it took to DL) PS3.

I play L4D fairly regularly, busting it out whenever the mood strikes or when I have company. Like Rock Band or something, it's a great game if you have friends, but not really something you're going to be all over. I haven't played it in a week or two.

I bought Res 2 when my 360 RRODed, and found it to be a suitable Halo knock-off stand in. The gimmicky co-op is kinda fun, but poorly executed, and the storyline is nearly as bad as Gears of War 1 (replace "Is that the thingamabob?" with "Are you going to be okay while we fly to yet ANOTHER far off location we'll get shot down at?"). For some reason, I loved the revolver with the remote detonating rounds, though. Somewhat better than the original, but still not great.

Since you're a fanboy douche, I'd recommend getting Leisuresuit Larry.

Believing in the PLAYSTATION®3......IS.......S_A_C_R_I_L_E_G_E

Mendicate Bias said:
So according to Uber really good graphics are innovation. Not only that but the advancement of graphics is the only thing that will push the fps genre forward. Ignoring the fact that your definition of innovation is wrong, seeing as how immersion is a completely subjective attribute that differs for each individual, the continued success of the wii and Halo 3 shows the serious flaws in your argument. Neither are pushing graphical standards in the least sense however both continue to be the fore front of success in their respective fields.
The fact that your brush my arguments aside by calling me an xbot without offering a single counter argument to any of my points shows your immaturity. I'm not saying there won't be better looking games in the future but to use graphics as the standard for which to judge a shooter is laughably ignorant. It has been shown time and time again that gameplay and not graphics is the crucial factor in video games. In that respect COD4 and Halo 3 are both far beyond Killzone 2. Until you can come with an example of a game that sells better than previous blockbusters in the same genre based on graphics alone then your arguments are moot. Your objective in playing a video game may be to "immerse" your self but for the majority of gamers it's having fun. Once the fun starts the immersion soon follows, regardless of graphics.


all i can tell you is to read my posts again.  you are terribly misreading me.  this is the gist of what you think apparently:


uber:  graphics, yay!  graphics, yay!  kz2 is the best eva!!!11  go suck sony's dick  w00t!

bias:  graphics don't mean everything.  look at halo's sales.  halo is the best eva!  i masturbate to porn on vista cuz vista makes everything sexier!


until you can start actually showing that you understand what i've been saying this whole time, then there is no need to keep up this farce.





art is the excrement of culture


I responded in lenght to every single one of your points. Not only have you not directly responded to my arguments all your recent posts are petty insults. The fact that you can't understand that immersion is a completely subjective attribute shows that your either incapable of understanding simple concepts or stupidly stubborn. You like Killzone 2 better, good for you. But no matter how much you like a game it will not change the fact that it brought nothing new to the table.

If Killzone 2 is such a step up from every other fps then why isn't it out selling COD4 over the same time period? Killzone 2 launched with ten times the hype of that game yet is selling poorly in comparison. Why on a consistent basis do people that have played both games continue to call COD4 the better game? Is it because everyone but you is blind, no its because your too stubborn and ignorant of shooters to understand what makes a game great.

This has nothing to do with Sony or Microsoft, it has to do with you being unable to process information and make a coherent argument. We have repeatedly asked you to list Killzone 2's innovation and you have repeatedly said immersion. If you don't understand why that is an absolutely stupid argument then nothing I say will make you understand.


                      The definitive evidence that video games turn people into mass murderers

Around the Network
Mendicate Bias said:

I responded in lenght to every single one of your points. Not only have you not directly responded to my arguments all your recent posts are petty insults. The fact that you can't understand that immersion is a completely subjective attribute shows that your either incapable of understanding simple concepts or stupidly stubborn. You like Killzone 2 better, good for you. But no matter how much you like a game it will not change the fact that it brought nothing new to the table.

If Killzone 2 is such a step up from every other fps then why isn't it out selling COD4 over the same time period? Killzone 2 launched with ten times the hype of that game yet is selling poorly in comparison. Why on a consistent basis do people that have played both games continue to call COD4 the better game? Is it because everyone but you is blind, no its because your too stubborn and ignorant of shooters to understand what makes a game great.

This has nothing to do with Sony or Microsoft, it has to do with you being unable to process information and make a coherent argument. We have repeatedly asked you to list Killzone 2's innovation and you have repeatedly said immersion. If you don't understand why that is an absolutely stupid argument then nothing I say will make you understand.


your response didn't deal with my list at all.  you dismissed it as praising the graphics.  i don't want to repeat myself anymore, but what i don't understand is why you don't get that the realism in killzone is something new to the table.  i listed detailed ways how killzone added realism to the genre, and you blew them off or mistreated them in some other way.  your crown jewel in your argument has always been sales, but you cannot explain what sales has to do with the discussion.

yes, i fully believe that killzone has a higher level of immersion than cod4.  i believe cod4 is selling better for two key reasons.


1. name recognition.  cod is a very well known and respected franchise.  killzone is not.  people were more willing to buy cod just for the name.  it is seen as a safe bet.  killzone sold over seven hundred thousand copies in its first two days, with little to no advertising.  what does that tell you?  it tells me that there was a huge collection of people waiting for this game.  but after they bought it the sales went down fast.  this is because casual gamers were not persuaded from name recognition or advertising.

2.  the second reason cod4 is selling better is that while it has a great deal more immersion than previous fps, it does not radically change the experience.  it still played pretty much the same as the previous call of duty games, just with major enhancements.  people like what they already know.  why the hell else is summer the time of sequels?  killzone presented a fairly radical departure from standard fps play.  this is the reason that most gamers either think it is the best ever or that it sucks ass.  a game that draws such a sharp division among players is doomed to not sell astronomical numbers.


but to go back to kz's innovation and your failure to digest them, i'll cite a couple of points.


i said the weather was innovative.  it took what was normally a benign afterthought and pushed it more to the forefront of the game...thus upping the atmosphere and intensity.  you dismissed this as just more praise for graphics.  this is poor poor poor.  many other games have great graphics, that doesn't mean that the weather will be cast in a different way.  what guerilla did was something innovative.  sure the game having great graphics made it easier to make more robust weather, but they still had to have the idea to prosecute it.  now guerilla did have a few errors in their programming.  if you watch smoke closely it doesn't follow true diffusion or brownian motion, and their projectile physics don't take inertia into account.  but even with those errors the weather really adds to the enjoyment and realism of the game, and so i include it as a valid innovation.


i said the jump mechanic was innovative.  kz does not allow the player to shoot while jumping, as one typically uses one's arms to gain momentum to jump, thus making it impossible to aim and shoot.  you responded that halo makes the player take certain things into consideration when shooting while jumping.  that really misses the whole point.  twitch shooters typically give the feel that the player controls a point in space that has no inertia and can fire weapons from any frame of reference.  killzone is the first game i've ever played where it tries to give the feel of controlling a person with inertia and weight.  since it is a first attempt it is not perfect, but if that is not the definition of innovation then i am afraid nothing is.

it all makes so much sense why people object to the controls once you understand how it changes the gameplay.  i confess it is much easier to control a point in space than it is a person, but i don't think it is necessarily a bad thing to learn how to play games where you control a person instead.


i think i've been very clear on these points.  there were other innovations i listed, but i figured these encapsulated our empass.


lastly, immersion is not a subjective quality at all.  immersion has nothing to do with fun or replayability or online options or anything like that.  immersion is about realism.  anything that a game does to make it more realistic can up the immersion.  the thin line games must walk is that if games were too realistic then they would not be fun.  think about it.  shooters would be terrible on account of the fact that once you got shot you would pretty much be screwed.  game devs have to find the balance between raw realism and fun factor.  i think killzone pretty much hit it spot on with the balance.  obviously many gamers disagree.

art is the excrement of culture

Mendicate Bias said:

I responded in lenght to every single one of your points. Not only have you not directly responded to my arguments all your recent posts are petty insults. The fact that you can't understand that immersion is a completely subjective attribute shows that your either incapable of understanding simple concepts or stupidly stubborn. You like Killzone 2 better, good for you. But no matter how much you like a game it will not change the fact that it brought nothing new to the table.

If Killzone 2 is such a step up from every other fps then why isn't it out selling COD4 over the same time period? Killzone 2 launched with ten times the hype of that game yet is selling poorly in comparison. Why on a consistent basis do people that have played both games continue to call COD4 the better game? Is it because everyone but you is blind, no its because your too stubborn and ignorant of shooters to understand what makes a game great.

This has nothing to do with Sony or Microsoft, it has to do with you being unable to process information and make a coherent argument. We have repeatedly asked you to list Killzone 2's innovation and you have repeatedly said immersion. If you don't understand why that is an absolutely stupid argument then nothing I say will make you understand.

Sorry Uber but I also agree with what Mendicate wrote... .



Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.

uber said:
De85 said:
uber said:
after reading through the responses, the one thing i am convinced of is that people don't seem to know the definition of innovation.

my post should have been simple to understand. the killzone level of realism and immersion has never been done before, so to do it is by definition innovation.  Evolution =/= Innovation.  Doing something better is not the same as doing something new.

battlefield bad company was awesome, but its chief innovation was due to environmental damage. its controls were pretty much the same as cod4 in feel. in fact, one can successfully play both games the same way. i know becaue i do. killzone is a unique game in that to play it requires a completely style of play.

as far as the AI, i recall the baddies on halo3 jumping from side to side to avoid incoming fire. wolfenstein 3d anyone? real sharp AI there. If you think that's the extent to which the enemies are intelligent in Halo 3 then you are just showing that you don't know Halo 3 at all. 

as for there rest of what i included, i still cannot tell whether you are being obtuse on purpose or not.

you show in what you responded to really not know killzone at all, but more than that you seem to have a paucity of knowledge of what would be considered innovative.

for you to say that a repackaged halo2 is mega-innovative, but a game which does something in spirit which has never been done before in generic and blah blah blah. so much of what's coming from you reads like what xbots were saying on gamespots user reviews when they were trying to lower the score. pathetic.

and more people like immersion that you seem to think. all my halo friends dumped it for cod4 because of the immersion, and now they love killzone.
you represent the voice of a militant group of gamers who think fps evolution peaked with halo. well i got news for you....twitch shooters are a thing of the past. now that consoles have the power to pursue total immersion that is where the future will be. Saying total immersion is the future is just fanboy talking points.  Halo 3 is not going anywhere because Killzone 2 came out, and in fact a few weeks ago ( more new people opted to purchase Halo 3 than Killzone 2.  Clearly it's all about the immersion factor.  In the same vein, people will not stop playing Mario Kart when GT5 comes out, in fact I bet Mario Kart will have better legs, just like Halo is outlegging Killzone.  Teh vast majority of people play games because they think they are fun, not because they think the pretty graphics make them more "immersive."

one last thing, i completely agree that halo3 will live on with many people...but for the exact same reason that bret michaels still has a music career. Wrong, it will live on because of its fun and addicting gameplay.  You seem to like CoD4 a lot, well guess what - more people play Halo 3 every week on Live than play CoD4, and it's an older game.  Try to explain that away with talking points like "it only sold because of M$ marketing," or "it's a repackaged Halo 2." I'd love to see what you can come up with. 


Responses in blue.


well i guess i was right.  you do not know the definition of innovation.  now moving on...


if you saw my post on the play of halo3 you would have seen i gave up on it after 15 minutes due to boredom.  so you are right, i don't have a ton of experience with the sp.


your last couple of points don't really address my point at all.  fps of old were all twitch shooters.  halo is a finely tuned twitch shooter.  this gen has shown that shooters can also set new standards and directions in immersion.  at this point i am just repeating myself.  i really don't understand why halo fans have such a hard time conceding this.  they just want to throw numbers and sales if that means anything.  all it shows is that there is a huge market for twitch shooters...which is good to know given that that's how shooters got so popular to begin with.

the fact that you want to speak of mario kart and gran turismo 5 in the same sentence really shows that the subtlety of this point is beyond you.  good day.

@ uber

It seems you dont understand the definition of innovation. To try and makr you understand I want you to right the definition for evolution right here on VGChartz. If then you still think KZ2 is innovative there is no hope for you.


uber said:
Mendicate Bias said:

I responded in lenght to every single one of your points. Not only have you not directly responded to my arguments all your recent posts are petty insults. The fact that you can't understand that immersion is a completely subjective attribute shows that your either incapable of understanding simple concepts or stupidly stubborn. You like Killzone 2 better, good for you. But no matter how much you like a game it will not change the fact that it brought nothing new to the table.

If Killzone 2 is such a step up from every other fps then why isn't it out selling COD4 over the same time period? Killzone 2 launched with ten times the hype of that game yet is selling poorly in comparison. Why on a consistent basis do people that have played both games continue to call COD4 the better game? Is it because everyone but you is blind, no its because your too stubborn and ignorant of shooters to understand what makes a game great.

This has nothing to do with Sony or Microsoft, it has to do with you being unable to process information and make a coherent argument. We have repeatedly asked you to list Killzone 2's innovation and you have repeatedly said immersion. If you don't understand why that is an absolutely stupid argument then nothing I say will make you understand.


your response didn't deal with my list at all.  you dismissed it as praising the graphics.  i don't want to repeat myself anymore, but what i don't understand is why you don't get that the realism in killzone is something new to the table.  i listed detailed ways how killzone added realism to the genre, and you blew them off or mistreated them in some other way.  your crown jewel in your argument has always been sales, but you cannot explain what sales has to do with the discussion.

yes, i fully believe that killzone has a higher level of immersion than cod4.  i believe cod4 is selling better for two key reasons.


1. name recognition.  cod is a very well known and respected franchise.  killzone is not.  people were more willing to buy cod just for the name.  it is seen as a safe bet.  killzone sold over seven hundred thousand copies in its first two days, with little to no advertising.  what does that tell you?  it tells me that there was a huge collection of people waiting for this game.  but after they bought it the sales went down fast.  this is because casual gamers were not persuaded from name recognition or advertising.

2.  the second reason cod4 is selling better is that while it has a great deal more immersion than previous fps, it does not radically change the experience.  it still played pretty much the same as the previous call of duty games, just with major enhancements.  people like what they already know.  why the hell else is summer the time of sequels?  killzone presented a fairly radical departure from standard fps play.  this is the reason that most gamers either think it is the best ever or that it sucks ass.  a game that draws such a sharp division among players is doomed to not sell astronomical numbers.


but to go back to kz's innovation and your failure to digest them, i'll cite a couple of points.


i said the weather was innovative.  it took what was normally a benign afterthought and pushed it more to the forefront of the game...thus upping the atmosphere and intensity.  you dismissed this as just more praise for graphics.  this is poor poor poor.  many other games have great graphics, that doesn't mean that the weather will be cast in a different way.  what guerilla did was something innovative.  sure the game having great graphics made it easier to make more robust weather, but they still had to have the idea to prosecute it.  now guerilla did have a few errors in their programming.  if you watch smoke closely it doesn't follow true diffusion or brownian motion, and their projectile physics don't take inertia into account.  but even with those errors the weather really adds to the enjoyment and realism of the game, and so i include it as a valid innovation.


i said the jump mechanic was innovative.  kz does not allow the player to shoot while jumping, as one typically uses one's arms to gain momentum to jump, thus making it impossible to aim and shoot.  you responded that halo makes the player take certain things into consideration when shooting while jumping.  that really misses the whole point.  twitch shooters typically give the feel that the player controls a point in space that has no inertia and can fire weapons from any frame of reference.  killzone is the first game i've ever played where it tries to give the feel of controlling a person with inertia and weight.  since it is a first attempt it is not perfect, but if that is not the definition of innovation then i am afraid nothing is.

it all makes so much sense why people object to the controls once you understand how it changes the gameplay.  i confess it is much easier to control a point in space than it is a person, but i don't think it is necessarily a bad thing to learn how to play games where you control a person instead.


i think i've been very clear on these points.  there were other innovations i listed, but i figured these encapsulated our empass.


lastly, immersion is not a subjective quality at all.  immersion has nothing to do with fun or replayability or online options or anything like that.  immersion is about realism.  anything that a game does to make it more realistic can up the immersion.  the thin line games must walk is that if games were too realistic then they would not be fun.  think about it.  shooters would be terrible on account of the fact that once you got shot you would pretty much be screwed.  game devs have to find the balance between raw realism and fun factor.  i think killzone pretty much hit it spot on with the balance.  obviously many gamers disagree.


Having better realism is NOT INNOVATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's EVOLUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Plenty of games have tried for realism in FPS. As technology gets better, Realism gets better. Operation Flashpoiont, Battlefield, MOH Allied assault etc etc. Many games opt for reality.

LOL that Realsim is an innovation.

Ive heard it all.


I also agree with Mendicate and selnor,
uber is just looking desperate now, clinging onto the last few things he can lol.....