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I responded in lenght to every single one of your points. Not only have you not directly responded to my arguments all your recent posts are petty insults. The fact that you can't understand that immersion is a completely subjective attribute shows that your either incapable of understanding simple concepts or stupidly stubborn. You like Killzone 2 better, good for you. But no matter how much you like a game it will not change the fact that it brought nothing new to the table.

If Killzone 2 is such a step up from every other fps then why isn't it out selling COD4 over the same time period? Killzone 2 launched with ten times the hype of that game yet is selling poorly in comparison. Why on a consistent basis do people that have played both games continue to call COD4 the better game? Is it because everyone but you is blind, no its because your too stubborn and ignorant of shooters to understand what makes a game great.

This has nothing to do with Sony or Microsoft, it has to do with you being unable to process information and make a coherent argument. We have repeatedly asked you to list Killzone 2's innovation and you have repeatedly said immersion. If you don't understand why that is an absolutely stupid argument then nothing I say will make you understand.


                      The definitive evidence that video games turn people into mass murderers