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Mendicate Bias said:
So according to Uber really good graphics are innovation. Not only that but the advancement of graphics is the only thing that will push the fps genre forward. Ignoring the fact that your definition of innovation is wrong, seeing as how immersion is a completely subjective attribute that differs for each individual, the continued success of the wii and Halo 3 shows the serious flaws in your argument. Neither are pushing graphical standards in the least sense however both continue to be the fore front of success in their respective fields.
The fact that your brush my arguments aside by calling me an xbot without offering a single counter argument to any of my points shows your immaturity. I'm not saying there won't be better looking games in the future but to use graphics as the standard for which to judge a shooter is laughably ignorant. It has been shown time and time again that gameplay and not graphics is the crucial factor in video games. In that respect COD4 and Halo 3 are both far beyond Killzone 2. Until you can come with an example of a game that sells better than previous blockbusters in the same genre based on graphics alone then your arguments are moot. Your objective in playing a video game may be to "immerse" your self but for the majority of gamers it's having fun. Once the fun starts the immersion soon follows, regardless of graphics.


all i can tell you is to read my posts again.  you are terribly misreading me.  this is the gist of what you think apparently:


uber:  graphics, yay!  graphics, yay!  kz2 is the best eva!!!11  go suck sony's dick  w00t!

bias:  graphics don't mean everything.  look at halo's sales.  halo is the best eva!  i masturbate to porn on vista cuz vista makes everything sexier!


until you can start actually showing that you understand what i've been saying this whole time, then there is no need to keep up this farce.





art is the excrement of culture