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Forums - Sales Discussion - If it does end up being Forza vs GT5 at Christmas (I know how original)

^How are GT 4 and MGS3 not significant upgrades whilst GTA VC and SA are?


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I expect GT5 to do 8-12M LTD
Forza - 3-5M LTD

4 ≈ One

Squilliam said:
^How are GT 4 and MGS3 not significant upgrades whilst GTA VC and SA are?

Well to Hardcore gamers I'd say they'd be significant upgrades. But to your average gamer? Not so much....

Forza 3 will Beat GT5. I love standing out of the crowd I'm a attention whore

GT5 will be hyped so much more than Halo 3, even coca-cola and pepsi will to put it on their cans where as Forza 3 will be just like Gears of War 2 level when it comes to hype.

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GT5 should easily outsell Forza no matter when it is released. The series is just too popular and there will be some people that will buy a PS3 just to play GT5 and no other game.

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End of 2009 sales predictions:

PS3 - 33 Million     360 - 40 Million    Wii - 75 Million

why cant we just hope both games end up being great and both end up selling well?.

GT will easily win thats certain... if Forza gets no bundles I could GT 5 selling as much in 10 days as Forza LT ;) Its just a huge name, and lets be honest by far the biggest brand the Playstation family has... FF 13 at this point on is a distant 2nd place console seller in most peoples eyes when it comes to the PS3 ;)

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

no one would buy forza to buy GT5 especially in europe.

RPG said:
Oh noez looks like madskillz is one of those higher install base = higher sales people. You need to learn about market saturation which is simply that attach rate decreases a huge amount of the number of sales increase.

If indeed install base = sales games like FFX would not have outsold FFXII since the latter released on a higher install base.


 Well, to be fair, it is a great advantage to have a higher install base.

What you really have to look at, is

Competition on platform (in same genre) vs software sold (or just hardware sold if you will).


GTA increased in sales throughout the gen, as the installbase increased (more possible buyers) while no other sandbox game really took off (low competition).


GT4 sold less than GT3, because GT3 released with little competition, and had little for a long time. GT4 released with a large competition.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS