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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Homosexuality In Games?

forevercloud3000 said:
You know....I came to a very disturbing realization the other day at work(Gamestop)
This lady, after being told numerous times that GTAIV contains graphic violence, nudity, drugs, and the like, she did not care. Her 11 year old son wanted the game so she was going to get it for him regardless of it's contents.

The next day the same lady returned, with GTAIV in hand. When we asked her why was she returning it, she thought it was inappropriate for her kids. We asked what was it exactly, the killing? the drugs? the violence? the hookers? the swearing? She said no, it was the one gay character in the game, she ended with saying "I dont want my kids exposed to that sort of thing!"............

W.......T..........F.......0_o? Apparently that is the worst possible thing her kids could possibly be exposed to in that game, homosexuality? Needless to say the staff was relatively disgusted with the women and proceeded in mocking her upon her exit.

If we are to pave way for homosexual characters in video games I think it should be done stealthly. Dont go advertising the fact, just subtly slip it in there. Because once some biggoted minded moron catches wif of it, it will flop. It is sad really.

I personally love Kanji from Persona 4, he was the shit. Yea, he is a closeted homosexual and even at the end of the game refused to admit it, he was so damn cool. Especially when you see his "shadow" self, and how awesomely flamboyant he is. Kanji himself though was not stereotypical "girly" gay though. I pray for more inventive game characters like him.



Wow, it's weird how people think you know.

Around the Network
Sephiroth357 said:
I'll just pretend that I never knew they were gay.




Zizzla_Rachet said:
I like Bacon said:
No, that is not correct at all. Why would you even say that? You know that it's a lie.


Meaning the Christians and the catholics..If you read the old testament..their is a story about two men traveling and they end up in a gay town...So god send an angel to protect them..and then the town get's destroyed


people misconstrude that story so often.

Firstly, the fucking sodomist were........RAPISTS, Child MOLESTERS, etc!!! THAT is why the damn guy needed protection. And Paul(Saul) was a ex-biggot who at one time persecuted christions by death. He had a history of lumping people together that he felt were undesirable. Instead of singling out the harmful people in that passage, he grouped ALL gay people(sort of). And if I have done my research correctly, in that time period there wasn't a seperate word for "those men who have sex with men" and "Those men who have sex with men against their will".

Secondly, The bible is FULL of stories that make no fucking sense and are contradicting. Mainly because the entire book is not written by GOD OR JESUS, but by people who were TRYING to follow his will. Take that shit about the man who was suppose to sacrifice his son on the ulter for god. Didn't god say "thou shalt not kill"? Why the fuck would he tell him to do that then(even if he never meant for him to go through with it)? I call bull shit and would give anything to prove that that loon was a schitzo who THOUGHT he was hearing god.

3rd, I hate the fact that christianity/catholics have such a strong hold on society. Especially here in america where we were founded on the fact of free religion and freedom of speech. I kind of wish I could speak for those gay activists in Cali who are fighting for gay mairage. I want to know why no one has ever brought up "This is a country who is free from religion, if their is a 'Gay Christian' belief that two men can get married it should be treated as it's own religious idea(just like Muslim, Christianity, Catholic, Budist, etc) and allowed to marry".

anyone who is prejudice against gays are the same fucking people that would have inslaved blacks and murdered the jews(and I dont take that back). And that offends me deeply because I am black and would NEVER wish such a fate on anyone.

@I like Bacon

Live on my Homo Amigo :)




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

Lightning_24 said:
Zizzla_Rachet said:
I like Bacon said:
Zizzla_Rachet said:
I like Bacon said:
I wish the whole world thought like me. i think the world would be a better place. I mean, it's not my fault I was born like this.

 Do you believe in Jesus Christ?

yes, but what does that have to do with being gay? I thought Jesus said that we shouldn't hate any group of people.


Bucuase the people that follow Jesus Christ believe in a god that destroy's homosexuality


This is not what this thread is about so can we please not talk about it. It's okay whatever you believe in but we are not hear to talk about religion.

We are here to talk about if people are okay with gay characters in games. Yes some may not like if because of their religious beliefs but we are not here to talk about those beliefs

You know i am surprised, but i am happy. Many people are actually okay with it. More so than i would have thought. Yes there are few who can't take that but that is fine.

@I like bacon

Nothing is wrong with homosexuality, but to others there are things wrong with it. People do have to be ready because some can't think for themselves and accept others.



Lightning_24 are you trying to bring the Trolls and Flame? You basically just said that ALL religious people can't think for themselves- And I am sure they think the same about people who disagree with them.

I like your first point-

THIS THREAD IS NOT ABOUT RELIGION- it is about Homosexuality in gaming.

@I like bacon

Nothing is wrong with homosexuality, but to others there are things wrong with it. People do have to be ready because some can't think for themselves and accept others.



Username2324 said:
Firstly, I'd like to know in what game would a gay main character be required.

Second, having a gay main character would most likely kill sales, and as above, I do not see where a gay main character would be needed. And having a gay main character means its alot harder for the player to relate, which means the game won't be perceived in the same manner.

And, personally, I would hate having a game push homosexuality on me and would not buy it. The only reason a game would have a gay main character would be the developer trying to push a political point.

I dont mean to get off topic here, but gay people wonder why some take such offense to them, its because they are not content with being gay, they have to try to push aspects of their life onto others who simply do not want it.



Okay I am only going to say this once, and never reply and go off topic again. It is not about pushing anything on you. In this world Homosexuals are treated as dirt. They don't deserve the same things straight people are entitled to. Why is that? Because they love differently. Can't one just love the one they want and not be persecuted for it? For a game the developer may do it to be controversial but that's about it. Not to push something on someone. It is your right not to buy that game. So in fact they are not pushing it on you. You cannot complain when you aren't buying it.

It has nothing to do with being content, it has everything to do with being treated equally. It is not SPECIAL RIGHTS it is EQUAL RIGHTS. WE have a right to the same things as straight people. We have a right not to be fired because we LOVE differently. We have a right not to be discriminated against.

I'm not sorry i want to fall in love with a guy, i will lead the my life that i was BORN into. You can lead yours the way you want, by dicriminating and hating, that is fine.

Now i am not talking about this again and not responding to anything else you say.

Around the Network
CHYUII said:
Lightning_24 said:
Zizzla_Rachet said:
I like Bacon said:
Zizzla_Rachet said:
I like Bacon said:
I wish the whole world thought like me. i think the world would be a better place. I mean, it's not my fault I was born like this.

 Do you believe in Jesus Christ?

yes, but what does that have to do with being gay? I thought Jesus said that we shouldn't hate any group of people.


Bucuase the people that follow Jesus Christ believe in a god that destroy's homosexuality


This is not what this thread is about so can we please not talk about it. It's okay whatever you believe in but we are not hear to talk about religion.

We are here to talk about if people are okay with gay characters in games. Yes some may not like if because of their religious beliefs but we are not here to talk about those beliefs

You know i am surprised, but i am happy. Many people are actually okay with it. More so than i would have thought. Yes there are few who can't take that but that is fine.

@I like bacon

Nothing is wrong with homosexuality, but to others there are things wrong with it. People do have to be ready because some can't think for themselves and accept others.



Lightning_24 are you trying to bring the Trolls and Flame? You basically just said that ALL religious people can't think for themselves- And I am sure they think the same about people who disagree with them.

I like your first point-

THIS THREAD IS NOT ABOUT RELIGION- it is about Homosexuality in gaming.

@I like bacon

Nothing is wrong with homosexuality, but to others there are things wrong with it. People do have to be ready because some can't think for themselves and accept others.



LOL you got me.


forevercloud3000 said:
Zizzla_Rachet said:
I like Bacon said:
No, that is not correct at all. Why would you even say that? You know that it's a lie.


Meaning the Christians and the catholics..If you read the old testament..their is a story about two men traveling and they end up in a gay town...So god send an angel to protect them..and then the town get's destroyed


people misconstrude that story so often.

Firstly, the fucking sodomist were........RAPISTS, Child MOLESTERS, etc!!! THAT is why the damn guy needed protection. And Paul(Saul) was a ex-biggot who at one time persecuted christions by death. He had a history of lumping people together that he felt were undesirable. Instead of singling out the harmful people in that passage, he grouped ALL gay people(sort of). And if I have done my research correctly, in that time period there wasn't a seperate word for "those men who have sex with men" and "Those men who have sex with men against their will".

Secondly, The bible is FULL of stories that make no fucking sense and are contradicting. Mainly because the entire book is not written by GOD OR JESUS, but by people who were TRYING to follow his will. Take that shit about the man who was suppose to sacrifice his son on the ulter for god. Didn't god say "thou shalt not kill"? Why the fuck would he tell him to do that then(even if he never meant for him to go through with it)? I call bull shit and would give anything to prove that that loon was a schitzo who THOUGHT he was hearing god.

3rd, I hate the fact that christianity/catholics have such a strong hold on society. Especially here in america where we were founded on the fact of free religion and freedom of speech. I kind of wish I could speak for those gay activists in Cali who are fighting for gay mairage. I want to know why no one has ever brought up "This is a country who is free from religion, if their is a 'Gay Christian' belief that two men can get married it should be treated as it's own religious idea(just like Muslim, Christianity, Catholic, Budist, etc) and allowed to marry".

anyone who is prejudice against gays are the same fucking people that would have inslaved blacks and murdered the jews(and I dont take that back). And that offends me deeply because I am black and would NEVER wish such a fate on anyone.

@I like Bacon

Live on my Homo Amigo :)



forevercloud3000 said:


Please start an OFF-TOPIC thread to spread your Flames.

Lightning_24 said:
CHYUII said:
Lightning_24 said:
Zizzla_Rachet said:
I like Bacon said:
Zizzla_Rachet said:
I like Bacon said:
I wish the whole world thought like me. i think the world would be a better place. I mean, it's not my fault I was born like this.

 Do you believe in Jesus Christ?

yes, but what does that have to do with being gay? I thought Jesus said that we shouldn't hate any group of people.


Bucuase the people that follow Jesus Christ believe in a god that destroy's homosexuality


This is not what this thread is about so can we please not talk about it. It's okay whatever you believe in but we are not hear to talk about religion.

We are here to talk about if people are okay with gay characters in games. Yes some may not like if because of their religious beliefs but we are not here to talk about those beliefs

You know i am surprised, but i am happy. Many people are actually okay with it. More so than i would have thought. Yes there are few who can't take that but that is fine.

@I like bacon

Nothing is wrong with homosexuality, but to others there are things wrong with it. People do have to be ready because some can't think for themselves and accept others.



Lightning_24 are you trying to bring the Trolls and Flame? You basically just said that ALL religious people can't think for themselves- And I am sure they think the same about people who disagree with them.

I like your first point-

THIS THREAD IS NOT ABOUT RELIGION- it is about Homosexuality in gaming.

@I like bacon

Nothing is wrong with homosexuality, but to others there are things wrong with it. People do have to be ready because some can't think for themselves and accept others.



LOL you got me.



 It's a good thread.

forevercloud3000 said:
Zizzla_Rachet said:
I like Bacon said:
No, that is not correct at all. Why would you even say that? You know that it's a lie.


Meaning the Christians and the catholics..If you read the old testament..their is a story about two men traveling and they end up in a gay town...So god send an angel to protect them..and then the town get's destroyed


people misconstrude that story so often.

Firstly, the fucking sodomist were........RAPISTS, Child MOLESTERS, etc!!! THAT is why the damn guy needed protection. And Paul(Saul) was a ex-biggot who at one time persecuted christions by death. He had a history of lumping people together that he felt were undesirable. Instead of singling out the harmful people in that passage, he grouped ALL gay people(sort of). And if I have done my research correctly, in that time period there wasn't a seperate word for "those men who have sex with men" and "Those men who have sex with men against their will".

Secondly, The bible is FULL of stories that make no fucking sense and are contradicting. Mainly because the entire book is not written by GOD OR JESUS, but by people who were TRYING to follow his will. Take that shit about the man who was suppose to sacrifice his son on the ulter for god. Didn't god say "thou shalt not kill"? Why the fuck would he tell him to do that then(even if he never meant for him to go through with it)? I call bull shit and would give anything to prove that that loon was a schitzo who THOUGHT he was hearing god.

3rd, I hate the fact that christianity/catholics have such a strong hold on society. Especially here in america where we were founded on the fact of free religion and freedom of speech. I kind of wish I could speak for those gay activists in Cali who are fighting for gay mairage. I want to know why no one has ever brought up "This is a country who is free from religion, if their is a 'Gay Christian' belief that two men can get married it should be treated as it's own religious idea(just like Muslim, Christianity, Catholic, Budist, etc) and allowed to marry".

anyone who is prejudice against gays are the same fucking people that would have inslaved blacks and murdered the jews(and I dont take that back). And that offends me deeply because I am black and would NEVER wish such a fate on anyone.

@I like Bacon

Live on my Homo Amigo :)


Although i agree with what you say forevercloud i don't think we should go on about it.

Words Of Wisdom said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:

There's also a trans character in Streets of Rage, that was supposed to be male in Japan but female in America.

You have that backwards.

Her name is Poison.  She was a girl in the original Japanese version and wore skimpy clothes.  When they localized the game, the reaction to beating on women would have been too negative so they changed the outfit a bit and retconned her to a transexual.



That is really bad, what it is basically saying is. "It's okay to beat up a transexual because they are freaks"