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Username2324 said:
Firstly, I'd like to know in what game would a gay main character be required.

Second, having a gay main character would most likely kill sales, and as above, I do not see where a gay main character would be needed. And having a gay main character means its alot harder for the player to relate, which means the game won't be perceived in the same manner.

And, personally, I would hate having a game push homosexuality on me and would not buy it. The only reason a game would have a gay main character would be the developer trying to push a political point.

I dont mean to get off topic here, but gay people wonder why some take such offense to them, its because they are not content with being gay, they have to try to push aspects of their life onto others who simply do not want it.



Okay I am only going to say this once, and never reply and go off topic again. It is not about pushing anything on you. In this world Homosexuals are treated as dirt. They don't deserve the same things straight people are entitled to. Why is that? Because they love differently. Can't one just love the one they want and not be persecuted for it? For a game the developer may do it to be controversial but that's about it. Not to push something on someone. It is your right not to buy that game. So in fact they are not pushing it on you. You cannot complain when you aren't buying it.

It has nothing to do with being content, it has everything to do with being treated equally. It is not SPECIAL RIGHTS it is EQUAL RIGHTS. WE have a right to the same things as straight people. We have a right not to be fired because we LOVE differently. We have a right not to be discriminated against.

I'm not sorry i want to fall in love with a guy, i will lead the my life that i was BORN into. You can lead yours the way you want, by dicriminating and hating, that is fine.

Now i am not talking about this again and not responding to anything else you say.