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No, I don't hate them. I've only recently gotten into the genre, so I'm loving it.

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the_bloodwalker said:
There are a few games that are good, but the rest are pretty boring IMO

That's how it is with every genre of any medium.

The objective is to find the good games within all the bad.  And the more you find, the better the genre will seem to you.


Six upcoming games you should look into:



I started liking them with Counter Strike. But the first one I thought was excellent was Halo: Combat Evolved. Halo 2 and 3, CoD4, Left 4 Dead, and Killzone 2 have joined it in that category, IMO.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

starcraft said:
blazinhead89 said:
I used to. Killzone 1 changed it :)



Yes. I found it very enjoyable despite all the flaws. Thats just me.

I dont care about genre as long its fun

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Nah - I really like them. Half Life 2 series remains the pinacle for me - although I also love FPS hybrids like Deus Ex and Stalker that mix in other elements.

There's too many same game different textures FPS kicking around at the moment though IMHO - I'd like to see some more innovation and individuality in FPS rather than a small number of shining stars and a mass of clones.

But I guess you could say that about most popular gaming genres.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

Shadowblind said:

LMAO some of the first answers in this thread reminded me of a picture:

Too funny. While it doesn't have anything to do with first person shooter games, that completely reminds me of a friend of mine. Other than Halo, he just creams himself over Japanese products. Back on topic... I don't have a hatred for FPS games but I don't really care for them. I've tried a few and they just don't do anything for me. I like being able to see my character and seeing where I am in relation to other characters and objects as well as seeing projectiles hit me or miss. A main thing I don't like about them that some people see as "realistic" view is anything but. Someone could be standing right next to character about to fire on you and you don't have a clue. In real life, you would see that person. I get turned around too easily and I just don't care for it. I much prefer third person and actually find your view more realistic. A game like RE4/5 gives you a better representation of what you would see minus of course seeing your own character.

I'll come up with something better eventually...

most fps games on ps360 are boring to death(though i like maybe 3-5 titles) on wii is a little better, but only bacause there is small selection of them and thanks to controls i always have fun playing them).

Most of them bore me, though therer are a few exceptions.

I dislike shooters on the whole. Though I used to play Doom, and I tried some on the Wii.
Can't say I hate them, or a subgenre, though, not interested enough to care let alone hate.

I do dislike the sheer numbers of them there seem to be this gen though.