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I don't love them like I used to. I prefer TPS with some other stuff, maybe some RPG features. I wish you can change your view. But I don't hate them.

I like the Half-Life series, and I like the original DOOM games. Other than those, I really don't like FPS games all that much.

in the past, after I gave CoD4 I try, I saw the light.

4 ≈ One

Yeah, I have to agree shooting people from a first person perspective is soooo boring.

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I love Frames Per Second.

Can't get enough of them.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

No I don't.

When I first played Doom and Wolfenstien back in the day, I didn't like them. Those games turned me off from the genre for a while. But when I got older, games like Goldeneye and Counter-Strike got me into the genre. And I've played many other games since, from Battlefield 1942/Desert Storm/Battlefield 2 to the Nintendo produced Metroid Prime. The latter which many consider to be in its own genre.

Six upcoming games you should look into:



hell no,
look @ my avatar

You should be beaten, burned to ashes then someone should throw your ashes from a plane



I used to, but there have been so many shovelware ones as of late that it's becoming annoying.