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Forums - Website Topics - Something About Your Avatar

Mine is the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Have you been touched by his noodly appendage?

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axumblade said:
CHYUII said:
spdk1 said:

Ryan Reynolds


 What else has he done?

Blade Trinity


Definitely, Maybe

Van Wilder

Smoking Aces

The Amityville Horror

The Nines

and Just Friends

Did you just mention Blade Trinity? I hate that movie. But I won't fault R.R. for the film.

I don't remember him in any of those films though but he does look familiar.


Jake Gyllenhaal!!


Plaupius said:
My avatar is a Glorious VUX Captain commanding his Intruder ship in battle. From one of the greatest games ever made: Star Control II.


 What system was it on?

What type of game was it?

I tried to look it up on Youtube but nothing.


Oops I used the wrong name.

Here it is a music video of the game from 1992.

<object width="340" height="285"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="340" height="285"></embed></object>

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CHYUII said:
vlad321 said:
My avatar is in and of itself. There's no other work with it from what I know.



Did you create it?

Why did you chose it?

Are you a giant eye or is someone you care about a giant eye? =-P (just a joke)

What was you inspiration?


I got lost on the internet and foudn these with 3 or 4 other eye pics.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


TWRoO said:

Random photo of lion made from felt:

Plus Majora's Mask:

Plus Adobe PhotoShop = my avatar.



I thought I knew that mask.

 Majora's mask is the only Zelda game that creeps me out.

I own it but I hate playing it knowing I am on the clock.

I like your avatar I always wondered about it.

axumblade said:
CHYUII said:
axumblade said:
CHYUII said:
axumblade said:
My avatar fluctuates between my most anticipated games...

My current avatar is Infamous. The last one I had was the lombax from the R&C teaser trailer. The one before that was a Prinny. Whats up next? I dunno.



You ought to post a review of the games when they come out.

InFamous looks interesting, I've read some of the interviews, one of the reasons I wish the Wii was more powerful but maybe they will port it onto the Wii 2. While everybody else will be posting "Why does the Wii 2 get last Gen Ports?" I'll be saying "Yippee!"

Infamous is Sony first party so I don't know if they'll port it. There could be a port for Prototype though or a game slightly similar for the Wii depending on the success of inFamous though. :)



I didn't want to have to do this... I guess I have to hijack the nuclear codes and make my demands. Mwooo ha ha ha ha!

Don't tell anybody.


I am a Ninty fanboy but I am glad for Sony and happy that they have a game that seems like a lot of effort and creativity was poored into.

Maybe I will pick it up when the PS4 comes out (a decade from now?) and the PS3 is the price and size that the Wii is now. Or maybe on the PSP2.


I have no problem with any of the companies. I feel that all 3 of them add competition, which is great because the companies have to think innovatively. I do get in Sony fanboy mode, occasionally Nintendo fanboy mode (not lately though..) and rarely Microsoft defense mode. :p




We all have our modes but yeah, you are 100% correct- if there was no Sony or Microsoft, Nintendo wouldn't be pushed to change or innovate.

Sony wouldn't work as hard on its games if Nintendo and Microsoft weren't around either.

But I see the companies like Sports teams for Geeks, we have to rib each other about our favorites.

JustinUK said:
Mine is the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Have you been touched by his noodly appendage?



He's making me rather hungry.

seece said:

Jake Gyllenhaal!!



I can't view your picture.