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Forums - Sony Discussion - Heavenly Thread: The Heavely Sword Discussion

Ninja Theory is definitely interesting in extending the experience with downloadable content but only if it sells well. Sounds good. I'd like stuff a'la NGS - survival, weapons etc. I think it wouldn't be difficult to develop. Let's hope for the best.

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ckmlb said:

You gotta include cutscenes though... it's part of the game, do you ever not include cutscenes in the length of a game, I mean would I have to time cutscens and remove them from the total time? lol.

I was planning on including cutscenes but I know those who just click through them in most games. Just curious to see how you had timed it.

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Man , I do hope that this game sells at least 150k first week and that it will have good legs :?

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Pretty sweet...I wish someone had a PS3 so I could see this...

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

rocketpig said:
ckmlb said:

You gotta include cutscenes though... it's part of the game, do you ever not include cutscenes in the length of a game, I mean would I have to time cutscens and remove them from the total time? lol.

I was planning on including cutscenes but I know those who just click through them in most games. Just curious to see how you had timed it.

I hate those people. I mean at least the first time watch the cutscenes, especially since the cutscens in this game are actaully very good. Best facial animations in a game period. None of that weird mouth opening and closing stuff in a lot of games that always bothers me a little. Also skipping cut scenes in this game will be worse cause you will be sitting at a load screen. The cut scenes happen over the load screens like in the Darkness. So even if you have played the game 10 times, it's probably better to watch the cut scene than sit and watch a loading bar :)


Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

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Thanks for the detailed review so far. What's your opinion on the combat system vs Ninja Gaiden? I am a big NG fan and found the combat in the demo for HS to be a lot slower than NG.

NG combat system is definitely better and the game is a lot more challenging. But NG pretty much has the best combat system in any action game so I don't expect anything to beat that system. Still I like this sytem and think it's better than God of War's for example.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

Heavenly Sword's battle system is still very impressive and the enemy AI is pretty good, but its more forgiving the NGS.

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Kai's gameplay reminds me of Residint Evil or Gears Of War. It's the first thing I thought of when playing as her.

Oh damn the game is really good. Graphics, acting, story, combat, sound is freaking awseome. Her lil sis gameplay is a pain, but controlling the stuff in air is pretty cool.