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Forums - Gaming Discussion - WRPGs or JRPGs and why?

Oniichan said:
JRPGs for me are above WRPG. I just love the way JRPGs can pull you emotionally into the story to the point of shedding a tear. No WRPG has done that for me. Stories and character development are just done better in JRPGs (thoough there are a few gems in WRPGs).

The 1 thing i do like about WRPGs is that it gives you options (good or bad) and multiple endings.



Have you played Fallout 3?


Favorite films. Foreign films forever!


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chris1_16 said:
Oniichan said:
JRPGs for me are above WRPG. I just love the way JRPGs can pull you emotionally into the story to the point of shedding a tear. No WRPG has done that for me. Stories and character development are just done better in JRPGs (thoough there are a few gems in WRPGs).

The 1 thing i do like about WRPGs is that it gives you options (good or bad) and multiple endings.



Have you played Fallout 3?


Yes i have. Played it through 3 times (good, bad and neutral). Never once made me feel emotional.

JRPG. are simply better.
they put more money and it shows.
jrpg are artistic yet heavily crafted to be awesome and deep storyline, likeable characters ,good symphonic soundtrack yet likeable, and complex and fun gameplay

JRPGs because the main characters have nice hair.

Currently playing: Marvel vs. Capcom 3, League of Legends

Oniichan said:
chris1_16 said:
Oniichan said:
JRPGs for me are above WRPG. I just love the way JRPGs can pull you emotionally into the story to the point of shedding a tear. No WRPG has done that for me. Stories and character development are just done better in JRPGs (thoough there are a few gems in WRPGs).

The 1 thing i do like about WRPGs is that it gives you options (good or bad) and multiple endings.



Have you played Fallout 3?


Yes i have. Played it through 3 times (good, bad and neutral). Never once made me feel emotional.



Eh, fair enough. To let it strike you emotinally is to think about it in a certain way. That's what I did


Favorite films. Foreign films forever!


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It depends on what I'm in the mood for.

If I want a game that's fairly lighter on gameplay and more of story-centered game, then naturally, I'll reach for a good JRPG(although the litter of them this gen have not been exactly...eye catching).

If I want a more free-roaming, gameplay-centered game less focused on story, Then of course I have my Fallout's and Oblivion's to choose from.

chris1_16 said:
Oniichan said:
chris1_16 said:
Oniichan said:
JRPGs for me are above WRPG. I just love the way JRPGs can pull you emotionally into the story to the point of shedding a tear. No WRPG has done that for me. Stories and character development are just done better in JRPGs (thoough there are a few gems in WRPGs).

The 1 thing i do like about WRPGs is that it gives you options (good or bad) and multiple endings.



Have you played Fallout 3?


Yes i have. Played it through 3 times (good, bad and neutral). Never once made me feel emotional.



Eh, fair enough. To let it strike you emotinally is to think about it in a certain way. That's what I did


I can understand how you can be striken emotionally with Fallout 3 as it is a sad game (world is destroyed by man, living in a hole, chasing your father only to have.... wont say it, etc) while it does do all that it never made me felt attached to the game or the characters in it.

.jayderyu said:
I have question. If RPG means Role Play which Role means you become the person. How is that a game where you have no substantial choices in development of your character and more importantly no choices in how your character makes choices in the game world be classified as an RPG?

In understand the argumentative point that RPG is about character advancement, but it's not. Also games like FF don't really let you advance noticeably outside of certain predetermined designs. While FF has been prone to include the magical alternate advancement, gear and levels tend to drive characters on a predetermined course of killing growth.

So I am asking to understand from the JRPG Gamer perspective what justifies JRPG as an RPG to a person who has been playing Pen and Paper RPG for 20 years? because I don't get it. Though I still enjoy the JRPG for story so I'm not saying they are bad games.


I'm with you. WRPGs because some of them actually are RPGs.

There needs to be a new term for a story-driven game with a leveling system, because that's all most of these so-called RPGs have in common. Some of them aren't even very story-driven. Perhaps we should call them 'leveling games.'

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

famousringo said:


I'm with you. WRPGs because some of them actually are RPGs.

There needs to be a new term for a story-driven game with a leveling system, because that's all most of these so-called RPGs have in common. Some of them aren't even very story-driven. Perhaps we should call them 'leveling games.'


I perfer "Playable literature"

*Gratuitous falme-bait signature that mocks two or more consoles while praising another*

Carl2291 said:
This gen its WRPG simply for Mass Effect.

Overall its JRPG, Suikoden 2


 moon bird recipe FTW! Greatest sub plot of all video games!