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.jayderyu said:
I have question. If RPG means Role Play which Role means you become the person. How is that a game where you have no substantial choices in development of your character and more importantly no choices in how your character makes choices in the game world be classified as an RPG?

In understand the argumentative point that RPG is about character advancement, but it's not. Also games like FF don't really let you advance noticeably outside of certain predetermined designs. While FF has been prone to include the magical alternate advancement, gear and levels tend to drive characters on a predetermined course of killing growth.

So I am asking to understand from the JRPG Gamer perspective what justifies JRPG as an RPG to a person who has been playing Pen and Paper RPG for 20 years? because I don't get it. Though I still enjoy the JRPG for story so I'm not saying they are bad games.


I'm with you. WRPGs because some of them actually are RPGs.

There needs to be a new term for a story-driven game with a leveling system, because that's all most of these so-called RPGs have in common. Some of them aren't even very story-driven. Perhaps we should call them 'leveling games.'

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.