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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Little King's Story thread of pure joy and awesome

I just picked this up today, and have just started. Intro and polish looks excellent, and the music is fantastic. My wife is interested in it - which is REALLY a change (compared to MadWorld / HOTD anyway :P).

Two immediate points:

 - PAL version does NOT run in 480p (boo!) - at least it doesn't have black bars

 - some interface components (maybe all of them) do not use the Wiimote pointer functionality back to the game...

(PS - picked it up for $60AU, which is an EXCELLENT price. If more Wii games launch at this price, a lot more copies will be sold... by comparison Day of Disaster is still $90, and latest DS Castlevania $70...).

Gesta Non Verba

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Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

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vonboysp said:

well, at least i found some decent 9 minutes of continuious gameplay, nice. i just looked for recent videos on youtube and found this...


[sorry, still don't know how to embed, and i'm still waiting for someone to enlighten me on how to do it.]

Nice find!

theRepublic covered how to embed already, but if you need a visual guide, you can check out this one.

Magera said:
I Want to give you my impressions but I am having WAY WAY WAY to much fun playing this game that I'm only giving myself enough time to post this!!!

1. This game is realy well done

2. It's filled that neich genre I absolutly love

3. it's addictive as all hell

4. gameplay elements are great - could be better but it is still well done.

5. Easy to learn and play so far, although I'm still working on my first king!!!

6. Gameplay is long yet Fun to keep doing the same things over and over. (You don't have to but can if you want to).

Some downers are:

It's target audience is all over the place, the story is given like it's to a 2 or 3 year old, but the gameplay is way too difficult, or at least get's complicated, well beyond a 7 or 8 year old.

It's a little too easy at the start to get $$$ and build a heap of stuff straight away - BUT if you build a heap of stuff straight away, it gets all confusing and makes the game difficult.

Anyway, I'm off to play more of this awsome game!

Glad to hear you're having a blast. Honestly, it's probably best that it was delayed until after finals...but finals end in mid-May, not June.

rudyrsr8 said:
Is the expected price going to be $50 USD in the US?

They haven't said anything one way or the other yet, but it sounds like it's releasing at a budget price in the PAL regions. Mind you, they have a different publisher, so that doesn't necessarily mean anything for us.

shams said:

I just picked this up today, and have just started. Intro and polish looks excellent, and the music is fantastic. My wife is interested in it - which is REALLY a change (compared to MadWorld / HOTD anyway :P).

Two immediate points:

 - PAL version does NOT run in 480p (boo!) - at least it doesn't have black bars

 - some interface components (maybe all of them) do not use the Wiimote pointer functionality back to the game...

(PS - picked it up for $60AU, which is an EXCELLENT price. If more Wii games launch at this price, a lot more copies will be sold... by comparison Day of Disaster is still $90, and latest DS Castlevania $70...).

Wow. I knew it was releaseing for less than usual, but less than a DS game?! Please let that be the case here in the U.S.!


i really want this to be a 30 dollar game here in the states, but i'm worried the're publisher is gonna pull the douche card and make it full priced.

come try out the computer game i've been working on for my high school senior project, titled sling ball.

you can view a few screenshots from the game in my photo album here;

yes, this is vonboy's alt account. i can't log into my original account, and i'm not sure if i will ever be able to.

Proud Member of the Official Yoshi Fan Club!.

vonboysp said:
i really want this to be a 30 dollar game here in the states, but i'm worried the're publisher is gonna pull the douche card and make it full priced.



It's getting extremely good scores and it's a very long game. I don't see any reason why it should be budget priced from the start. Let alone call the publisher a douche for making a great game normal priced.


Here are my impressions about the game:


I bought the game and played Little King's for around 4 hours and I find it very promising. The game seems really good and I begin only to see all the possibilites.

I like:

-How the city evolves very quickly and the system of upgrade
- How you can recruit people and make them what you want. By exemple, you can make an adult into a soldier, then into a farmer, then into a carpenter, no problem about it.
- The gameplay in itself is very good. The way you have to pick the rights jobs for what you want to do, and how you have to use them intelligently in order to be efficient. ( a solider must no be send to build something, he will just destroy it, a hunter can not dig and can be hurt if the hole is too deep etc....) You have to be careful of what you are doing.
The fights are good. The random monsters are not interesting but there are a lot of them, and they can eat the point of life of your troops quickly.

The boss fights are good. Your troops can die very very quicly if you don't pay attention and don't use a little of tactic. The game is not easy, I have died one time and one other time I had to run away and reset because of all the dead. I did not use strategy at first. Now I will always use it.

I have only one issue with this game so far. And that's a issue that is becoming big.

The game has the worth pathfinding of all the games I have played. i just can beleive it.

It become almost a nightmare to pass on small bridge or on upstairs. When you have more than 10 units with you, there are at least one or more of your guys that stay behind, being blocked. When they just have to move a little to take the right way. They just stay blocked.

And that happens a lot of time. Sometimes, it takes you 5 minutes just to pass an upstairs with the totality of your troops. I had never played something like that. This is really annoying. I don't know why the developpers have not fixed this problem. That should have been easy probably.

But except this problem, the game is really really good so far. I will not give a score now, but it should end between 8 and 9,5.

PS: excuse in advance for my english

Around the Network

Seems to have started well (at least online)

at gamestation (wii chart) (wii chart)

   1. Mario Kart - Wii Wheel Inside!(WII)
   2. SNK Arcade Classics - Vol 1 (16 in 1)(WII)
   3. Wii Fit (includes Wii Balance Board) + Recharge Battery Pack(WII)
   4. Wii Play(WII)
   5. Wii Remote Controller(WII)
   6. Wii Console + Wii Fit (with fitness Board)(WII)
   7. Little King's Story(WII)
   8. Wii Wheel(WII)
   9. Legend Of Zelda Twilight Princess(WII)
  10. Wii Speak(WII)

The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena (Xbox 360)

Wii Fit with Wii Balance Board (Wii)

Little King's Story (Wii)

Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 (PS3)

Moto GP 08 (Wii)


Out of stock at

Of course these are temporary and don't mean anything, but it's nice to see the game getting some visibility.


Lucas-Rio said:
Here are my impressions about the game:


I bought the game and played Little King's for around 4 hours and I find it very promising. The game seems really good and I begin only to see all the possibilites.

I like:

-How the city evolves very quickly and the system of upgrade
- How you can recruit people and make them what you want. By exemple, you can make an adult into a soldier, then into a farmer, then into a carpenter, no problem about it.
- The gameplay in itself is very good. The way you have to pick the rights jobs for what you want to do, and how you have to use them intelligently in order to be efficient. ( a solider must no be send to build something, he will just destroy it, a hunter can not dig and can be hurt if the hole is too deep etc....) You have to be careful of what you are doing.
The fights are good. The random monsters are not interesting but there are a lot of them, and they can eat the point of life of your troops quickly.

The boss fights are good. Your troops can die very very quicly if you don't pay attention and don't use a little of tactic. The game is not easy, I have died one time and one other time I had to run away and reset because of all the dead. I did not use strategy at first. Now I will always use it.

I have only one issue with this game so far. And that's a issue that is becoming big.

The game has the worth pathfinding of all the games I have played. i just can beleive it.

It become almost a nightmare to pass on small bridge or on upstairs. When you have more than 10 units with you, there are at least one or more of your guys that stay behind, being blocked. When they just have to move a little to take the right way. They just stay blocked.

And that happens a lot of time. Sometimes, it takes you 5 minutes just to pass an upstairs with the totality of your troops. I had never played something like that. This is really annoying. I don't know why the developpers have not fixed this problem. That should have been easy probably.

But except this problem, the game is really really good so far. I will not give a score now, but it should end between 8 and 9,5.

PS: excuse in advance for my english

Thanks for the impressions. Sucks to hear about the pathfinding, but I've heard that if you just keep going your troops will respawn behind you (obviously, I can't verify this myself).

And don't worry, your English is fine.

palancas7 said:

Seems to have started well (at least online)

at gamestation (wii chart) (wii chart)

   1. Mario Kart - Wii Wheel Inside!(WII)
   2. SNK Arcade Classics - Vol 1 (16 in 1)(WII)
   3. Wii Fit (includes Wii Balance Board) + Recharge Battery Pack(WII)
   4. Wii Play(WII)
   5. Wii Remote Controller(WII)
   6. Wii Console + Wii Fit (with fitness Board)(WII)
   7. Little King's Story(WII)
   8. Wii Wheel(WII)
   9. Legend Of Zelda Twilight Princess(WII)
  10. Wii Speak(WII)

The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena (Xbox 360)

Wii Fit with Wii Balance Board (Wii)

Little King's Story (Wii)

Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 (PS3)

Moto GP 08 (Wii)


Out of stock at

Of course these are temporary and don't mean anything, but it's nice to see the game getting some visibility.

It ain't much, but it IS still heartening. I thought it was going to be a BOMBA!!! Now, it might only just be a Bomba!

Curiously, that cheers me up quite a bit.



no matter what sales this game gets, you can bet your poor hindquarters there will be 65584 threads titled "little kings story bombed zomg wii is dooomedd!!!1one" next week.

mods, just be forwarned to have trusty banhammers ready.

come try out the computer game i've been working on for my high school senior project, titled sling ball.

you can view a few screenshots from the game in my photo album here;

yes, this is vonboy's alt account. i can't log into my original account, and i'm not sure if i will ever be able to.

Proud Member of the Official Yoshi Fan Club!.

vonboysp said:
no matter what sales this game gets, you can bet your poor hindquarters there will be 65584 threads titled "little kings story bombed zomg wii is dooomedd!!!1one" next week.

mods, just be forwarned to have trusty banhammers ready.

Nah, the game wasn't hyped enough for the trolls to notice it. There might be one or two, just because of the spike in threads on Friday, but luckily this will pass as unnoticed by them as it is by the general public.


shams said:

I just picked this up today, and have just started. Intro and polish looks excellent, and the music is fantastic. My wife is interested in it - which is REALLY a change (compared to MadWorld / HOTD anyway :P).

Two immediate points:

 - PAL version does NOT run in 480p (boo!) - at least it doesn't have black bars

 - some interface components (maybe all of them) do not use the Wiimote pointer functionality back to the game...

(PS - picked it up for $60AU, which is an EXCELLENT price. If more Wii games launch at this price, a lot more copies will be sold... by comparison Day of Disaster is still $90, and latest DS Castlevania $70...).

Hey Shams, where did you pick this up?  Or is it just $60 everywhere?