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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What's your most anticipated "no press" title?

Godzilla. I've always been a fan of the series, and well, it indulges the 'let's go out and smash things' urge that other games just can satisfy.

Other than that, looking forward to Dragon Blade: Wrath of Fire. It's got potential.

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Fire Emblem(Wii), SSBB(Wii), oh wait...

PS Vita and PC gamer

CPU Intel i5 2500K at 4.5 Ghz / Gigabyte Z68 Mobo / 8 Gb Corsair Vengeance 1600 mhz / Sapphire HD 7970 Dual X Boost / Corsair Obsidian 550d 

Well I would say Sadness but I know the evil would be unleashed in some.

So how about Obscure II.

Oh, you're all sinners, how could you forget a masterpiece like NinjaBreadman?!, you don't deserve to be called gamer. You have so bad taste.

PS Vita and PC gamer

CPU Intel i5 2500K at 4.5 Ghz / Gigabyte Z68 Mobo / 8 Gb Corsair Vengeance 1600 mhz / Sapphire HD 7970 Dual X Boost / Corsair Obsidian 550d 

NiGHTS and Dewy's. Dewy seems specially ignored.

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Probably the Band of Brothers games, I don't hear much about them at all =/

To Each Man, Responsibility

Batallion Wars 2, the first one was incredible



Sadness. A black and white psychological gothic horror thriller game for Wii.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

NiGHTS gets about as much press as a radon sponge, which is irritating considering just a few years ago people where begging for a sequel. Now we get one thats looking very promising and it's just one big "meh".

So yeah, NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams and Ghost Squad.

I'm going with Sadness, and for some reason I think Nights is going to be that good game that got messed up but the developers.