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Forums - General Discussion - I am a liberal and I'm proud

rocketpig said:
SciFiBoy said:

im not proposing forcing anyone to act in a certain way, am i forcing them to help others via taxation, yes, but that seems fair enough to me, i feel taxation is neccesary as i dont trust rich people and private companies to pay for the education and healthcare of a poor person, so we should make sure that they can get there pay, but give up a fair percentage to help the less fortunate.

does that help?

You realize that the people who run government share the same greedy, self-absorbed mentality of those evil businessmen you so deplore, right?

I'm fine with you if you're liberal and believe in socialism. I disagree, but that's your choice and your right. But the idea that people who serve in government are somehow more noble than their capitalistic brethren is folly.


i trust them more than the bussinessmen, the government would at least be helping the less fortunate via the welfare state


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SciFiBoy said:
rocketpig said:

Utopia is impossible. Humanity continually finds ways to separate itself into groups and judge others based on the perceptions of its peers. It's the very nature of our tribal heritage and will continue until the end of time. As one group of bad guys are considered acceptable (minorities, for example), another fills the gap to take its place (homosexuals). It's merely a continuation of when we roamed the earth in packs of 30 and hated everyone around us. You like what you know, you dislike what you don't because you don't fully understand it.

Today, janitors have shit jobs and Wall Street brokers treat them as a member of the sub-class every day. 100 years from now, a highly skilled machine technician will probably be viewed the same way by the guy who programs said machine. The job may have changed but the attitude (and roughly hewn class system) remains the same. Mix in culture, ethnicity, and background and you have a formula that will perpetuate until man inevitably destroys itself.


well, i disagree, i think humanity can co-exist with each other, i dont hate any section of society or look down on people based upon there job, im sorry if you do.

Show me one example of humanity ever doing this or even showing the willingness to try it. It's a sliding scale but overall, nothing changes. Do we take better care of our weak, poor, and elderly? Of course. That's really your one defense of socialism. An equity of health and prosperity.

But to use it for defense of an utopian society is ridiculous. We're the same as our spear-bearing ancestors, though society has grown in compassion as time progressed. But, in our hearts, we're still the same self-serving, scared, weak individuals when it comes to safety and survival, which is the true core of any animal.

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SciFiBoy said:
rocketpig said:
SciFiBoy said:

im not proposing forcing anyone to act in a certain way, am i forcing them to help others via taxation, yes, but that seems fair enough to me, i feel taxation is neccesary as i dont trust rich people and private companies to pay for the education and healthcare of a poor person, so we should make sure that they can get there pay, but give up a fair percentage to help the less fortunate.

does that help?

You realize that the people who run government share the same greedy, self-absorbed mentality of those evil businessmen you so deplore, right?

I'm fine with you if you're liberal and believe in socialism. I disagree, but that's your choice and your right. But the idea that people who serve in government are somehow more noble than their capitalistic brethren is folly.


i trust them more than the bussinessmen, the government would at least be helping the less fortunate via the welfare state

Bill Gates has given more wealth to humanity than any other person in the history of man.

Do you trust him? If no, why not? He's done a hell of a lot more for the world than Nancy Pelosi, Barrack Obama, George W., or any other American politician you can think of.


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rocketpig said:

Show me one example of humanity ever doing this or even showing the willingness to try it. It's a sliding scale but overall, nothing changes. Do we take better care of our weak, poor, and elderly? Of course. That's really your one defense of socialism. An equity of health and prosperity.

But to use it for defense of an utopian society is ridiculous. We're the same as our spear-bearing ancestors, though society has grown in compassion as time progressed. But, in our hearts, we're still the same self-serving, scared, weak individuals when it comes to safety and survival, which is the true core of any animal.

um, Liberals are an example of it, we want to treat everyone equally

rocketpig said:

Bill Gates has given more wealth to humanity than any other person in the history of man.

Do you trust him? If no, why not? He's done a hell of a lot more for the world than Nancy Pelosi, Barrack Obama, George W., or any other American politician you can think of.



he has given alot to certain groups and people, he has not given everyone a chance to go to a school or hospital

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SciFiBoy said:
rocketpig said:

Show me one example of humanity ever doing this or even showing the willingness to try it. It's a sliding scale but overall, nothing changes. Do we take better care of our weak, poor, and elderly? Of course. That's really your one defense of socialism. An equity of health and prosperity.

But to use it for defense of an utopian society is ridiculous. We're the same as our spear-bearing ancestors, though society has grown in compassion as time progressed. But, in our hearts, we're still the same self-serving, scared, weak individuals when it comes to safety and survival, which is the true core of any animal.

um, Liberals are an example of it, we want to treat everyone equally


Are you talking about the same liberals that fought so many anti-segregation laws just 45 years ago?

They were serving their base, just like any other politician. And the base happened to lose that battle (thank God).

You're naive. I'm not saying that as an insult, it's a sign of youth and rather charming. Without youth, little would ever change. I'd love to resume this conversation in 10 years after the world has chewed you up, spit you out, and then stepped on you for good measure.

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SciFiBoy said:
rocketpig said:

Bill Gates has given more wealth to humanity than any other person in the history of man.

Do you trust him? If no, why not? He's done a hell of a lot more for the world than Nancy Pelosi, Barrack Obama, George W., or any other American politician you can think of.



he has given alot to certain groups and people, he has not given everyone a chance to go to a school or hospital

No, he gave them a chance to survive past the age of 8.

Damn him. He should have been working on the school part.


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rocketpig said:
SciFiBoy said:
rocketpig said:

Show me one example of humanity ever doing this or even showing the willingness to try it. It's a sliding scale but overall, nothing changes. Do we take better care of our weak, poor, and elderly? Of course. That's really your one defense of socialism. An equity of health and prosperity.

But to use it for defense of an utopian society is ridiculous. We're the same as our spear-bearing ancestors, though society has grown in compassion as time progressed. But, in our hearts, we're still the same self-serving, scared, weak individuals when it comes to safety and survival, which is the true core of any animal.

um, Liberals are an example of it, we want to treat everyone equally


Are you talking about the same liberals that fought so many anti-segregation laws just 45 years ago?

They were serving their base, just like any other politician. And the base happened to lose that battle (thank God).

You're naive. I'm not saying that as an insult, it's a sign of youth and rather charming. Without youth, little would ever change. I'd love to resume this conversation in 10 years after the world has chewed you up, spit you out, and then stepped on you for good measure.


the people you mention wouldnt have been liberals then would they

i dont think im naive at all, i think youre niave to think humanity cant co-exist and that bill gates can be better trusted to educate me for free than the government who i can vote for


rocketpig said:

No, he gave them a chance to survive past the age of 8.

Damn him. He should have been working on the school part.


i didnt say there was anything wrong with charity, quite the opposite, i think charitys are in general good things

if rich people helped pay for everyone to get free healthcare and education and stuff, then id be happy, but they dont, nor do they seem likely ever to do so, many of them are greedy and dont even give to charitys

SciFiBoy said:
rocketpig said:
SciFiBoy said:
rocketpig said:

Show me one example of humanity ever doing this or even showing the willingness to try it. It's a sliding scale but overall, nothing changes. Do we take better care of our weak, poor, and elderly? Of course. That's really your one defense of socialism. An equity of health and prosperity.

But to use it for defense of an utopian society is ridiculous. We're the same as our spear-bearing ancestors, though society has grown in compassion as time progressed. But, in our hearts, we're still the same self-serving, scared, weak individuals when it comes to safety and survival, which is the true core of any animal.

um, Liberals are an example of it, we want to treat everyone equally


Are you talking about the same liberals that fought so many anti-segregation laws just 45 years ago?

They were serving their base, just like any other politician. And the base happened to lose that battle (thank God).

You're naive. I'm not saying that as an insult, it's a sign of youth and rather charming. Without youth, little would ever change. I'd love to resume this conversation in 10 years after the world has chewed you up, spit you out, and then stepped on you for good measure.


the people you mention wouldnt have been liberals then would they

i dont think im naive at all, i think youre niave to think humanity cant co-exist and that bill gates can be better trusted to educate me for free than the government who i can vote for

At the time those people were considered liberals. That's the trick when it comes to politicking. You can be one thing on a certain day, something entirely different the next. You vote on who you think best serves the needs you feel important but inevitably, they don't entirely serve what you want.

You think I'm naive for believing in something humanity has never even come close to accomplishing? This isn't a space walk. There is no technological advancement that can achieve this masterpiece. I'm talking about thousands of years of recorded history where nothing has changed. The times, the social situations, the circumstances may be different but at the core, it's the same.

Call that naive if you want but I have the feeling those who are impartial can see which one of us is the naive one here.


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