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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Should I buy a Xbox 360 or a PS3 ?

I really wonder if some of you guys even read his original post before making out points to decide on a system =P.

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chris1_16 said:

Has your decision been made yet?

btw, I'd say 360

-Best Online


-Great incoming exclusives and great available exclusives and awesome exclusive DLC

-Alot of value which makes it worth $200

-A reliable system jasper baby!


See what i did?


You will not be disappointed in the RPG and Shooter categories if you get a 360. Fable 2, Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey, BioShock, Gears, Halo 3 just to name a few.

Garnett said:
chris1_16 said:

Has your decision been made yet?

btw, I'd say 360

-Best Online


-Great incoming exclusives and great available exclusives and awesome exclusive DLC

-Alot of value which makes it worth $200

-A reliable system jasper baby!


See what i did?



 Yes. You couldn't handle the fact that somebody else had a different opinion and you felt like you had to do something about it


Favorite films. Foreign films forever!



Warhawk, MGS4, Valkyria Chronicles, Little Big Planet, Killzone 2, Uncharted
Much more.

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Do yourself a favor and JUMP IN!!!!

Xbox 360.....just make sure you buy a "Jasper" chipset model. Later than October 2008 Mfr Date & 12V --- 12.1A; 5V --- 1A power code & 150W power supply are all indicators of a Jasper chipset. Then go out and buy Halo 3, Gears 2 & Left 4 Dead.

(Predicted on 5/31/11) END of 2011 Sales - Xbox 360 = 62M;  PS3 = 59M;  Wii = 97M

chris1_16 said:
Garnett said:
chris1_16 said:

Has your decision been made yet?

btw, I'd say 360

-Best Online


-Great incoming exclusives and great available exclusives and awesome exclusive DLC

-Alot of value which makes it worth $200

-A reliable system jasper baby!


See what i did?



 Yes. You couldn't handle the fact that somebody else had a different opinion and you felt like you had to do something about it

lol about when someone else does it to me,Can i say that? or will that excuse run out?



indodude said:
Buy a PS3 if you like its exclusives. Buy a Xbox 360 if you don't like its exclusives.

Buy a 360 if you DON'T like its exclusives? 


Ok, in a nutshell, the answer for the original poster is, look over and weigh the value of each feature, and games, and then score accordingly, and go with which you prefer.

You look at exclusives, and then compare BluRay vs not having it.  Do you also have a high def TV?


In keeping with the spirit of the replies, I am going to have to recommend...

It has AWESOME exclusives you can't get anywhere else, like Tempest 2000 (not that bogus Playstation Tempest X) and Aliens vs Predator.