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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Should I buy a Xbox 360 or a PS3 ?

sly i have a feeling u opend this as a flamebait thread.

why would anyone ask on here what console to buy, surely u can make ur own mind up. buy what u think is best for u.

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

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Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Sardauk said:
sly777 said:
ok guys stop that war... why peoples are so angry at each others ? Dam


PS3 fanboys are frustrated by the situation of their console of choice while 360 fanboys are pretentious now that their console has the lead. WII players don't care...

It will never end !

With a post like that you dont do 360 fans any better of a Reputation. At this point i'd say both are on equal terms.



Absolutly... did I said something different ? Fanboys are just fanboys..


Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.

Skeeuk said:
sly i have a feeling u opend this as a flamebait thread.

why would anyone ask on here what console to buy, surely u can make ur own mind up. buy what u think is best for u.


Exactly, but the scary part is...

His Fission didn't get mailed. It got Sission Fuccess.

They are both good systems, that each have good games and features. I won't tell ya what to buy, i'll just tell you what i bought and why.
I bought a PS3(obvious by sig) cause i didn't want to take a chance that if i bought a 360 i'd have tachnical issues.
Some of my friens have 360's so i thought i'd get the best of both worlds.
I liked the PS3 exclusives so that was another plus, especially MGS4.
I knew i'd use wifi, so i'd have to pay extra for that on the 360(at the time both systems cost way more than they do now).
PSN being free was big for me also.
I have a hdtv in my room so i thought i'd get the most out of it, with blu-ray etc. The opening sequence of The Dark Knight on blu-ray is jaw dropping.
Also when i heard about all disks having scratch-proof layering, that kind of sealed the deal.

Edit:Also if you have a psp, stuff like remote play is awesome

Garnett said:
chris1_16 said:
Garnett said:
chris1_16 said:

Has your decision been made yet?

btw, I'd say 360

-Best Online


-Great incoming exclusives and great available exclusives and awesome exclusive DLC

-Alot of value which makes it worth $200

-A reliable system jasper baby!


See what i did?



 Yes. You couldn't handle the fact that somebody else had a different opinion and you felt like you had to do something about it

lol about when someone else does it to me,Can i say that? or will that excuse run out?



Feel free to say it



Favorite films. Foreign films forever!


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I think a PS3 would be the best choice

Did seece really get banned for that?

That was such a weak ban. It was hardly trolling.

Buy a PS3, MAG is coming

Do some research for its 2009 lineup, u'll see what is best

Also you can get these titles while u wait for them

Uncharted: Drakes Fortune
Little Big Planet

There many many multi titles also for u to try

Yeah he really got banned
its really ridiculous i see nothing wrong with what he was sayin

--OkeyDokey-- said:
scottie said:
sly777 said:

I already own a nintendo wii. The console is pretty great but I would like to play games like sport games (hockey, football and basket...), RPG, Shooters...

I plan to buy a new console but I don't know which one to choose ( of course). The two console seems pretty cools but I would choose a console that offers a lot of games. I don't care about movies, photos, music...

Should I buy a Xbox 360 or a ps3 ? Please, don't be fanatic... I don't want to start a war, I just want to find somes answers

Thanks !


I would advise neither.


The Wii already has all your sports needs covered, with much better games than the PS360

The Wii is getting some very good exclusive shooters, The Conduit and Red Steel 2, as well as (no doubt) Modern Warfare 2 as a multiplat

The Wii is quickly becoming the home console leader for JRPGS. However, the DS is the true king of RPG's this gen.


Conclusion: For your gaming tastes, a DS will help you more than a PS360


Who would have guessed that the stupidest fanboy post in this thread wouldn't come from the Sony side nor the Microsoft side...




I'm not going to argue with you Okey, because to be quite honest, I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to the thread creator