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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Should I buy a Xbox 360 or a PS3 ?

Garnett said:
Demonik said:

I have a Wii too. I used to have an XBOX 360. But if you are looking for an HD system to compliment the Wii, go with the PS3. Whatever you do stay away from the XBOX 360. Or at least until Microsoft has figured out a permanent solution for the Red Ring of Death. Throwing down a huge stack of money for a system that will malfunction on you in about a year is not worth it. The PS3 has a much lower malfunction rate than that of the XBOX 360. Not that I much care about Sony or anything, but you gotta be realistic.


MS fixed the RROD,Only about 3 million Xbox 360 had the RROD,now near 30 million sold.


19 posts and already banned... no need to question the pertinency of Demonik...

I'm getting tired of newbies like him ....



Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.

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Garnett said:
Demonik said:

I have a Wii too. I used to have an XBOX 360. But if you are looking for an HD system to compliment the Wii, go with the PS3. Whatever you do stay away from the XBOX 360. Or at least until Microsoft has figured out a permanent solution for the Red Ring of Death. Throwing down a huge stack of money for a system that will malfunction on you in about a year is not worth it. The PS3 has a much lower malfunction rate than that of the XBOX 360. Not that I much care about Sony or anything, but you gotta be realistic.


MS fixed the RROD,Only about 3 million Xbox 360 had the RROD,now near 30 million sold.


True and agreed 100%.... but the E74 is a new issue, that people with Jasper models have even got. So the 360 still does have its technical flaws.


Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Garnett said:
Demonik said:

I have a Wii too. I used to have an XBOX 360. But if you are looking for an HD system to compliment the Wii, go with the PS3. Whatever you do stay away from the XBOX 360. Or at least until Microsoft has figured out a permanent solution for the Red Ring of Death. Throwing down a huge stack of money for a system that will malfunction on you in about a year is not worth it. The PS3 has a much lower malfunction rate than that of the XBOX 360. Not that I much care about Sony or anything, but you gotta be realistic.


MS fixed the RROD,Only about 3 million Xbox 360 had the RROD,now near 30 million sold.


True and agreed 100%.... but the E74 is a new issue, that people with Jasper models have even got. So the 360 still does have its technical flaws.


Not mah jasper!!!!!,I think the E74 is blown out of proportion IMO,It sounds like people are trying to bring the console down,sure it exist but it isnt gonna effect no 3 million consoles.




Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Garnett said:
Demonik said:

I have a Wii too. I used to have an XBOX 360. But if you are looking for an HD system to compliment the Wii, go with the PS3. Whatever you do stay away from the XBOX 360. Or at least until Microsoft has figured out a permanent solution for the Red Ring of Death. Throwing down a huge stack of money for a system that will malfunction on you in about a year is not worth it. The PS3 has a much lower malfunction rate than that of the XBOX 360. Not that I much care about Sony or anything, but you gotta be realistic.


MS fixed the RROD,Only about 3 million Xbox 360 had the RROD,now near 30 million sold.


True and agreed 100%.... but the E74 is a new issue, that people with Jasper models have even got. So the 360 still does have its technical flaws.



ok i'm maybe too old for this. I know for the RROD but what is the E74 ???

yeah do research, it's no reason to ask, because of the fanboys here

You should be beaten, burned to ashes then someone should throw your ashes from a plane

Around the Network
wierdassmart said:
Marry your girlfriend, have lots of babies and get on with your life. that´s all you need


already done that little boy

ok guys stop that war... why peoples are so angry at each others ? Dam

sly777 said:
ok guys stop that war... why peoples are so angry at each others ? Dam


PS3 fanboys are frustrated by the situation of their console of choice while 360 fanboys are pretentious now that their console has the lead. WII players don't care...

It will never end !


Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.

@Garnett- lol, yeah maybe not yours, but i know of more then a few people here on VG and my buds on PSN who own Jaspers that have had the issue. It's an issue alright its just not as big as the RRoD ever will be.

@Sly- I dont really know what the hell the "E74" thing is, but i've heared alot of bad stuff about it, whats worse is that its not coverd by the 3 year RRoD warranty because techniclly its not the RRoD per se, more like a new side effect of the new low down of V's i think.

Still though, if theres a game on any console that peaks your interest even a little bit Jump In for it or Go B3yond, you can go wrong with each since there both great consoles.

To be honest, just ask the mods for there opinions and ask them directly about the HD consoles such as Twest or MakingMusic. Threads like this only start fruitless console wars that have no benifit, we get enough of them on IGN and GameFAQ's.

Sardauk said:
sly777 said:
ok guys stop that war... why peoples are so angry at each others ? Dam


PS3 fanboys are frustrated by the situation of their console of choice while 360 fanboys are pretentious now that their console has the lead. WII players don't care...

It will never end !

With a post like that you dont do 360 fans any better of a Reputation. At this point i'd say both are on equal terms.