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@Garnett- lol, yeah maybe not yours, but i know of more then a few people here on VG and my buds on PSN who own Jaspers that have had the issue. It's an issue alright its just not as big as the RRoD ever will be.

@Sly- I dont really know what the hell the "E74" thing is, but i've heared alot of bad stuff about it, whats worse is that its not coverd by the 3 year RRoD warranty because techniclly its not the RRoD per se, more like a new side effect of the new low down of V's i think.

Still though, if theres a game on any console that peaks your interest even a little bit Jump In for it or Go B3yond, you can go wrong with each since there both great consoles.

To be honest, just ask the mods for there opinions and ask them directly about the HD consoles such as Twest or MakingMusic. Threads like this only start fruitless console wars that have no benifit, we get enough of them on IGN and GameFAQ's.