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Forums - Sony Discussion - First MAG images released

DW when I by a chance get one I will hate on every 360 thread and put this on my sighn" can't touch me I have a 360" LOL

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kowenicki said:
Half of those pics are artists impressions and the other half wont be in game.

But the point remains what appetite is there for a FPS on the PS3 that isnt COD and just may have a subscription.

@prophecy. the point is you havent bought a 360 and squill and I have bought a PS3. You are therefore more inclined to bias than are we.

My PS3 is a 60GB model, therefore I am <3.



the graphics look awesome! those first-person shots are in-game. And I haven't heard of any subscription, and I don't think there will be one.

Initiating social expirement #928719281

Squilliam said:
NinjaKido said:
Squilliam said:
Both Kowen and I have PS3s...


What you have a PS3 !?!? , oh you couldn't possibly be a troll then.

Mr 666 posts is calling me out, huh?


aha ! 667

kowenicki said:


I know... I just wanted you to say it out loud!

This game may just be a bomb in the end. 6% of PS3 owners have paid for KZ2, and that stat will fall obviously.

How many will pay a monthly sub for a FPS?

And to compound the problem it will launch around about the same time as COD MW2 presumably.


The part that I bolded has nothing to do with this discussion and will most likely be proven wrong over time.

As for the rest of your post, I agree. Personally, there is no fucking way in hell I am paying a subscription for MAG unless it does something earthshattering. The first thing I thought after seeing the screenshots was "wow KZ2 makes other FPS' look like shit". I highly doubt they would line-up MAG's release with MW2 though...that would be stupid...MW2 is gonna be the best selling game of all time!

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The game Looks really good i wouldnt mind a small fee.

*Al Bundy's My Hero*


*Al Bundy For President*

Waiting On GT7!!!

 PSN ID: Acidfacekiller

it's good, but i hope this game won't turn into total mess during online/single player matches with so many players. sony need to work it out so it won't become some Campersfest for people who will manage to get to the safepoints first and will kill everything that moves(or everyone that respawned 1 second ago) with headshots on the other side of map.

looks good, YES IT'S A FPS,

You should be beaten, burned to ashes then someone should throw your ashes from a plane

kowenicki said:


I know... I just wanted you to say it out loud!

This game may just be a bomb in the end. 6% of PS3 owners have paid for KZ2, and that stat will fall obviously.

How many will pay a monthly sub for a FPS?

And to compound the problem it will launch around about the same time as COD MW2 presumably.

I agree with both of you.  One of the biggest reasons I bought an Xbox was so I wouldn't have to get excited about any exclusive releases in 2009. All of these great looking PS3 exclusives take a lot of time, I just needed a break.  Thanks Microsoft.  


Thanks for the input, Jeff.



Really nice bullshots, will be interesting to see where this game goes in terms of scope and gameplay.