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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Silent Hill: Shattered Memories announced for Wii

Looks good.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

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Is this real or just April fools?

at least its not on rails

Wow, this is great news. Silent Hill has always been one of my favorite franchises

quotes from the atricle. second one sounds really really interesting

“The characters play different roles, things don’t necessarily happen in the same order, and the story is taken in lots of new directions. You still play as Harry Mason, you’re still looking for your daughter, and you’ll see familiar elements, but they’re all twisted to betray your expectations.”

“One of Shattered Memories’ most significant and intriguing additions—your answers actually affect how the game unfolds. And it doesn’t end there. the game “watches” you constantly, and your behavior throughout can determine when you’ll meet certain characters, which scenes you’ll witness, and a variety of other factors.” “In Silent Hill games, the town always gets inside the protagonist’s head,” say Hulett. “But now, it’s getting inside YOUR head.”

“We’re using the Wii Remote to interact directly with the environment, so the puzzles are all based around that idea,” says Hulett. “You’re not just hitting buttons to choose things.” He also notes that the solution to a puzzle is always in the immediate vicinity, and assures us there’s a lot less backtracking then in previous games.”

“Longtime fans of the series will also be delighted to learn that there’s a way through every locked door; no more checking dozens of entrances only to find that 90% of them are permanently barred shut.”

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


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like Reggie says

"i like that"

btw i hope they make the atmosphere as good as the Ps1 game, what made that game good is the system limitation , i hope it wont lose that atmosphere like what the gamecube did with the MGS : Twin Snakes.

Very nice! If it gets decent reviews I´m going to get it. I want a Silent Hill game in my collection.

I think this are good news (if it's for real), but I'm just worried is for PSP too.

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Valkyria00 said:
Awesome. Always wanted to play a Silent Hill. Though I wouldve preferred a female lead.

Yes, I know the originals main was a man.


Play Silent Hill 3, PS2 exclusive.  Heather is the main character.  It's a direct sequel to the first one.

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.