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Forums - Sony Discussion - What has gotten into Square Enix?

They arent what they used to be thats for sure.


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If Square-Enix is a traitor and their games suck then why do you still bother with them? why do you pay them that much attention and anticipate and buy their games?

See: you are a part of the problem. You could skip all the recent SE games, forget that FFXIII even exists and instead of making this thread make a hype thread for Demon's Soul so maybe it sells more and kicks FF ass as the king of the genre.

Yet, you prefer to whine and bitch about SE's PS3 support instead. Every f'n day. If you'd stop paying them any attention these traitors would soon be gone.

Rei said:

If Square-Enix is a traitor and their games suck then why do you still bother with them? why do you pay them that much attention and anticipate and buy their games?

See: you are a part of the problem. You could skip all the recent SE games, forget that FFXIII even exists and instead of making this thread make a hype thread for Demon's Soul so maybe it sells more and kicks FF ass as the king of the genre.

Yet, you prefer to whine and bitch about SE's PS3 support instead. Every f'n day. Stop paying them attention and these traitors will soon be gone.


Because I refuse to give up on them entirely. They ARE the creators of my most beloved game, Final Fantasy VII. I just trully hate to see them go down the toilet.

I Bitch, because I care! lol ^^




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

forevercloud3000 said:
outlawauron said:
Well nothing has changed. The only Square Enix RPG that the 360 has gotten is The Last Remnant made by the Saga team which hasn't made a good game in over a decade.

If the main Final Fantasy (and Versus) are bad, then you have a case.


Wrong, SE does produce these games do they not (IU, SO,etc)? They have say in where these games go. The decision to keep these games exclusive to 360 is SE's decision just as much as it is TriAce's decision. And sense when has TriAce made a game by themselves? When have they ever put out a game not dealing with Square or Enix in some way. Never, thats when. You might as well say TriAce is a subsidary of SE because all of their games go through them since their inception.

I am a bit weary of this arguing point.

Well, you're right about Star Ocean 4 and The Last Remnant, but Infinite Undiscovery is a Microsoft IP, Square Enix is only co-publishing.


The Anarchyz said:
forevercloud3000 said:
outlawauron said:
Well nothing has changed. The only Square Enix RPG that the 360 has gotten is The Last Remnant made by the Saga team which hasn't made a good game in over a decade.

If the main Final Fantasy (and Versus) are bad, then you have a case.


Wrong, SE does produce these games do they not (IU, SO,etc)? They have say in where these games go. The decision to keep these games exclusive to 360 is SE's decision just as much as it is TriAce's decision. And sense when has TriAce made a game by themselves? When have they ever put out a game not dealing with Square or Enix in some way. Never, thats when. You might as well say TriAce is a subsidary of SE because all of their games go through them since their inception.

I am a bit weary of this arguing point.

Well, you're right about Star Ocean 4 and The Last Remnant, but Infinite Undiscovery is a Microsoft IP, Square Enix is only co-publishing.


you are right, my mistake.





Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

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forevercloud3000 said:
PullusPardus said:
.. i dont see why they are "TRAITORS!" since they are third party devs and i dont see why Sony fans find them as such.
Tho it IS true that they are going downhill lately most of their games are Cliche. tho we hope for "the best is yet to come", SO4 was a let down it had alot of weird voice acting and cliche story, The Last Remnant was weird, Infnite Undiscovery was ... dont know how to describe it, im looking forward for Final Fantasy , and i hope i wont be let down since its my favorite series.


Traitors to the Fans not the Console.

The ones that want their games the most they withhold them from. When they used to put out AAA games everytime they are now putting out shovelware like garbage. They lie to us fans as well with plenty of broken promises.

This is what makes them traitors to fans in favor of M$'s money(or whatever you want to believe is their cause for this stupidity).

Would you grow up already. Good lord man, if I see another Sony fanboy talk about betrayal in reference to Square-Enix I'm going to hurl. Another case of SSMS. Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Star Ocean, etc. got their start on Nintendo platforms. Square Enix has always went where they felt the most profit could be gained. If you didn't care about them "betraying" Nintendo, then don't bitch now. They are third party developer. I would figure their fans would own a DS, PSP, and 360 by now. Now fanboys on the other hand....

Darc Requiem said:
forevercloud3000 said:
PullusPardus said:
.. i dont see why they are "TRAITORS!" since they are third party devs and i dont see why Sony fans find them as such.
Tho it IS true that they are going downhill lately most of their games are Cliche. tho we hope for "the best is yet to come", SO4 was a let down it had alot of weird voice acting and cliche story, The Last Remnant was weird, Infnite Undiscovery was ... dont know how to describe it, im looking forward for Final Fantasy , and i hope i wont be let down since its my favorite series.


Traitors to the Fans not the Console.

The ones that want their games the most they withhold them from. When they used to put out AAA games everytime they are now putting out shovelware like garbage. They lie to us fans as well with plenty of broken promises.

This is what makes them traitors to fans in favor of M$'s money(or whatever you want to believe is their cause for this stupidity).

Would you grow up already. Good lord man, if I see another Sony fanboy talk about betrayal in reference to Square-Enix I'm going to hurl. Another case of SSMS. Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Star Ocean, etc. got their start on Nintendo platforms. Square Enix has always went where they felt the most profit could be gained. If you didn't care about them "betraying" Nintendo, then don't bitch now. They are third party developer. I would figure their fans would own a DS, PSP, and 360 by now. Now fanboys on the other hand....

Square have betrayed their fanbase! THEY ARE BENEDICT ARNOLDS TO SONY AND ITS FANBASE


Did you hurl yet?


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ShadowSoldier said:
Darc Requiem said:
forevercloud3000 said:
PullusPardus said:
.. i dont see why they are "TRAITORS!" since they are third party devs and i dont see why Sony fans find them as such.
Tho it IS true that they are going downhill lately most of their games are Cliche. tho we hope for "the best is yet to come", SO4 was a let down it had alot of weird voice acting and cliche story, The Last Remnant was weird, Infnite Undiscovery was ... dont know how to describe it, im looking forward for Final Fantasy , and i hope i wont be let down since its my favorite series.


Traitors to the Fans not the Console.

The ones that want their games the most they withhold them from. When they used to put out AAA games everytime they are now putting out shovelware like garbage. They lie to us fans as well with plenty of broken promises.

This is what makes them traitors to fans in favor of M$'s money(or whatever you want to believe is their cause for this stupidity).

Would you grow up already. Good lord man, if I see another Sony fanboy talk about betrayal in reference to Square-Enix I'm going to hurl. Another case of SSMS. Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Star Ocean, etc. got their start on Nintendo platforms. Square Enix has always went where they felt the most profit could be gained. If you didn't care about them "betraying" Nintendo, then don't bitch now. They are third party developer. I would figure their fans would own a DS, PSP, and 360 by now. Now fanboys on the other hand....

Square have betrayed their fanbase! THEY ARE BENEDICT ARNOLDS TO SONY AND ITS FANBASE


Did you hurl yet?


Nope, it's called a figure of speech


forevercloud3000 said:
outlawauron said:
Well nothing has changed. The only Square Enix RPG that the 360 has gotten is The Last Remnant made by the Saga team which hasn't made a good game in over a decade.

If the main Final Fantasy (and Versus) are bad, then you have a case.

Wrong, SE does produce these games do they not (IU, SO,etc)? They have say in where these games go. The decision to keep these games exclusive to 360 is SE's decision just as much as it is TriAce's decision. And sense when has TriAce made a game by themselves? When have they ever put out a game not dealing with Square or Enix in some way. Never, thats when. You might as well say TriAce is a subsidary of SE because all of their games go through them since their inception.

I am a bit weary of this arguing point.

But the quality of Square Enix hasn't gone down. They are the same company.

The Saga and Mana teams put out bad games.

Tri-Ace puts out above average RPGs and the main team puts out the games with universal appeal.

I'm talking moreso from the developer standpoint rather than caring which platform they go to.

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Darc Requiem said:
forevercloud3000 said:
PullusPardus said:
.. i dont see why they are "TRAITORS!" since they are third party devs and i dont see why Sony fans find them as such.
Tho it IS true that they are going downhill lately most of their games are Cliche. tho we hope for "the best is yet to come", SO4 was a let down it had alot of weird voice acting and cliche story, The Last Remnant was weird, Infnite Undiscovery was ... dont know how to describe it, im looking forward for Final Fantasy , and i hope i wont be let down since its my favorite series.


Traitors to the Fans not the Console.

The ones that want their games the most they withhold them from. When they used to put out AAA games everytime they are now putting out shovelware like garbage. They lie to us fans as well with plenty of broken promises.

This is what makes them traitors to fans in favor of M$'s money(or whatever you want to believe is their cause for this stupidity).

Would you grow up already. Good lord man, if I see another Sony fanboy talk about betrayal in reference to Square-Enix I'm going to hurl. Another case of SSMS. Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Star Ocean, etc. got their start on Nintendo platforms. Square Enix has always went where they felt the most profit could be gained. If you didn't care about them "betraying" Nintendo, then don't bitch now. They are third party developer. I would figure their fans would own a DS, PSP, and 360 by now. Now fanboys on the other hand....


firstly, what the hell are you talking about? I can care less whether you like what Sony fans have to say or not, vomit your brains out for all I care. The fact remains that SE is doing terrible because of their actions this gen, one of the most disturbing is their decision not to support the PS3 for any of their HD games so far. Is this not true? Are many PS3 fans not also SE fans(at least from previous consoles)? Are square making the bank they predicted from putting their games on 360 only? NO! Are SE not putting out garbage games for consoles in favor of AAA ones?

If I am not wrong then what is your point?

And the "Betrayal" of the PS3 by SE as its sole destination for all its games was not the topic of this thread. People like you like to bring everything to that when someone complains about SE's failings as a JRPG giant. The fact is they are doing badly due to some of these decisions and that is what we are discussing.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)