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Darc Requiem said:
forevercloud3000 said:
PullusPardus said:
.. i dont see why they are "TRAITORS!" since they are third party devs and i dont see why Sony fans find them as such.
Tho it IS true that they are going downhill lately most of their games are Cliche. tho we hope for "the best is yet to come", SO4 was a let down it had alot of weird voice acting and cliche story, The Last Remnant was weird, Infnite Undiscovery was ... dont know how to describe it, im looking forward for Final Fantasy , and i hope i wont be let down since its my favorite series.


Traitors to the Fans not the Console.

The ones that want their games the most they withhold them from. When they used to put out AAA games everytime they are now putting out shovelware like garbage. They lie to us fans as well with plenty of broken promises.

This is what makes them traitors to fans in favor of M$'s money(or whatever you want to believe is their cause for this stupidity).

Would you grow up already. Good lord man, if I see another Sony fanboy talk about betrayal in reference to Square-Enix I'm going to hurl. Another case of SSMS. Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Star Ocean, etc. got their start on Nintendo platforms. Square Enix has always went where they felt the most profit could be gained. If you didn't care about them "betraying" Nintendo, then don't bitch now. They are third party developer. I would figure their fans would own a DS, PSP, and 360 by now. Now fanboys on the other hand....

Square have betrayed their fanbase! THEY ARE BENEDICT ARNOLDS TO SONY AND ITS FANBASE


Did you hurl yet?


Black Women Are The Most Beautiful Women On The Planet.

"In video game terms, RPGs are games that involve a form of separate battles taking place with a specialized battle system and the use of a system that increases your power through a form of points.

Sure, what you say is the definition, but the connotation of RPGs is what they are in video games." - dtewi