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oh dear, I'd better go tell my wife.

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

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wtf, 60% gay D:

How does shaving my pubes make me gay? And that sex toy was for my girlfirend!

I've already taken that test before and I was around 50% gay, which just means I'm not a flaming queen but I have zero sexual attraction for girls so I'm pretty much 100% gay and happy about it.

Signature goes here!

NO!!!! I would kill myself if i was gay

BladeOfGod said:
NO!!!! I would kill myself if i was gay

I'm kind of sad you aren't then!......................... j/k!

Signature goes here!

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yes i am very happy


but if you mean homosexual

according to the test i am at 53%


I was very feminine as a small child.

fuck sake i answered all the questions in a manly way and still got 63% not happy lol

TruckOSaurus said:
I've already taken that test before and I was around 50% gay, which just means I'm not a flaming queen but I have zero sexual attraction for girls so I'm pretty much 100% gay and happy about it.


You are also bi-secual... your jjust ticking at least 95% percent towards the gay end of the spectrum, and 5% straight or soemthing ;)

The Doctor will see you now  Promoting Lesbianism -->


I wonder if anyone else got 100% on that too. XD!