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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Killzone 2 reminded me of these games...

-Newcloud- said:
while i was playing online i looked at the backround it just looked like a few places from FFVII advent childen

Yup, i agree with you on that. Midgar FTW


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coolestguyever said:
hmmm well...

The shooting of a gun in Halo reminds me of Goldeneye

The 3rd person view in Gears of War reminds me of SOCOM

The cover system in Gears of War reminds me of James Bond: Everything or Nothing

The driving in Forza reminds me of Gran Turismo

And the award for lamest fanboy thread ever goes to...


i don't think it's fan boy thread.


it just reminded him of the games he likes.


what's wrong with that?




Controlling Agro in Shadow of The Colossus reminds me of Tetris.


Please be cool. Call me anything you want, but I am not a fanboy.

I was quite specific about the things in KZ2 that reminded me of the games I played. I started playing video games since 2002 so I really haven't played that many games. Just out of the games that I played, I found similar things between KZ2 and them.

Just something I like to share, that's all.

xbox 360 cause such effects,,lol



''Halo reach''.. sell 7.m first week ,Believe¡¡¡¡¡¡







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point x said:
xbox 360 cause such effects,,lol


or playing games in general.




killzone2 reminded me of:

1. b.l.a.c.k ( overhyped amount of physical destruction, amazing animations, grphx and sound and in ur face action)
2. securing the beach reminded me of securing the beach in the film saving private ryan
3. helghan remind me of nazis
4. rico reminded me of the local oversized arse#### that has more balls then sense

damn it, i cud go on but i wont. i think u get the point.

i dont think this is a fanboy thread, far from it. its just someone talking about things they liked and what it reminded them of.

daxiang12 said:

Almost done, about to take on Radec in the final show down.  So far, very enjoyable experience.

Overall, yes, this game feels similar to COD 4.  But while I was playing it, it reminded me of these games too:

1. Those flying robots shooting at you reminded me of Halo.

2. The train section reminded me Gears of War.

3. Controlling the robot to take out tanks reminded me of Lost Planet.

4. Mannuing AA gun to shoot the fighter jets reminded me of Crimson Skies (and Ratchet games).

I also like being able to know where I should go by pressing the "up" button, and that remidned me of Fable II, though not directly similar. 

It's funny that this PS3 exclusive reminded me of so many 360 games.  To me, it is a very good thing because I love all the above games mentioned.

Yeah, it reminds me of Halo and Cod4 the most.  After the single player, play the multiplayer.  Its awesome.


Feylic said:
I noticed it kind of reminded me of awesome.


 LOL, I agree