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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz 360 Gamerscore League

Grahamhsu said:
@jagenjg OMG your gamerscore it's OVER 9000!!!!

Ahh... you didn't think it would ever happen did you, neather did I Graham... jk.  I don't compare to most of you ppl.  Just a squirrel trying to get a nut man, just a squirrel.

Consoles: Atari 5200, NES, SNES, N64, Dreamcast, PS2, Gamecube, Wii, Xbox 360, PS3

Around the Network
MontanaHatchet said:
Wait, we were having an argument about people who are good at Gears 2? I could probably stomp anyone on this site.

I just had a good ride in the roffle copter after reading this.  Talk is cheap though and unfortunately for you anybody can look up your stats on  Which are: 

Games Played 1,305
Wins 592
Losses 713
Win/Loss Ratio 0.83
Kills 13,183
Deaths 8,540
Kill/Death Ratio 1.54

In other words, I would destroy you.

Completed XBLA: 16 / 32
Completed Retail: 17 / 64
GS Completion %: 82.63%
erikers said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Wait, we were having an argument about people who are good at Gears 2? I could probably stomp anyone on this site.

I just had a good ride in the roffle copter after reading this.  Talk is cheap though and unfortunately for you anybody can look up your stats on  Which are: 

Games Played 1,305
Wins 592
Losses 713
Win/Loss Ratio 0.83
Kills 13,183
Deaths 8,540
Kill/Death Ratio 1.54

In other words, I would destroy you.

Touche. However, kill/death ratio can be skewed by Horde, and win/loss ratio can be skewed by playing with sucky teammates. I think there's only one way to settle this...



MontanaHatchet said:
erikers said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Wait, we were having an argument about people who are good at Gears 2? I could probably stomp anyone on this site.

I just had a good ride in the roffle copter after reading this. Talk is cheap though and unfortunately for you anybody can look up your stats on Which are:

Games Played 1,305
Wins 592
Losses 713
Win/Loss Ratio 0.83
Kills 13,183
Deaths 8,540
Kill/Death Ratio 1.54

In other words, I would destroy you.

Touche. However, kill/death ratio can be skewed by Horde, and win/loss ratio can be skewed by playing with sucky teammates. I think there's only one way to settle this...

Horde modes aren't including in the mutliplayer stats. If you go to Multiplayer Gears Stats and click on Horde you'll see they only keep 2 stats for it and the only one that is even counted is "games played".

I think I can settle it right now though.


Games Played 1,213

Kills 19,607



Games Played
Kills 13,188
Deaths 8,541

And our complete play time is only 13 hours difference.

Completed XBLA: 16 / 32
Completed Retail: 17 / 64
GS Completion %: 82.63%
erikers said:

Horde modes aren't including in the mutliplayer stats.  If you go to Multiplayer Gears Stats and click on Horde you'll see they only keep 2 stats for it and the only one that is even counted is "games played". 

I think I can settle it right now though. 


Games Played  1,213

Kills 19,607



Games Played
Kills 13,188
Deaths 8,541

 And our complete play time is only 13 hours difference. 

Since the July 4 update, stats from both public and private horde mode games are included.

Around the Network

I meant play a match, but fine, hide behind your facts and numbers. Being rational doesn't mean anything in Gears!!!



MontanaHatchet said:
I meant play a match, but fine, hide behind your facts and numbers. Being rational doesn't mean anything in Gears!!!

I'll violently murder you in the game anytime you want

Completed XBLA: 16 / 32
Completed Retail: 17 / 64
GS Completion %: 82.63%
Grahamhsu said:

@JPL OMG no one plays ranked wth >< been waiting for a ranked match for 4 minutes. So far I've only got to play 1... just need 49 more wins -_-


edit: wow it's going to be impossible getting 50 one character victories...I found another ranked match he took an all SF team I knew he was boned straight off. I kill his Ryu in 8 seconds he rage quits on my ass immediately -_-

I've played about 5 ranked and all of them found an opponent within 30 seconds.  Maybe you just hit a bad time.


I know what you mean about that achievement.  That is clearly the hardest one to get.  And you have to use 50 unique teams in accomplishing it don't you?


Did you complete Mothership Zeta fully yet?


Carl2291 said:

Did you complete Mothership Zeta fully yet?

Not yet. I'm not too far in... just let the samurai, cowboy, and medic out of stasis.