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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz 360 Gamerscore League

@ Grahamhsu
Cro-Cop is in it. SHamrock isnt.

And its not all about ground and pound
At least give it a rent


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Gamerscores are properly up-to-date...

Just an open question to everyone in the league?

What do you think if we end a league season when the first person reaches 100?

And then what I will do is "imortalize" the top 10 in the league by taking the top 10 of the league and putting them in a "League Hall of Fame" post below the "Tournament Hall of Fame" post.

I don't like that idea, NeoRatt. I think you should do the Gamerscore league and be our slave forever. But I guess that's illegal now (darn you, Abraham Lincoln!). 100 is fine with me.

Sounds like a good idea.

Although Ronster is way too close for my liking, so he should probably be disqualified.

In fact, we should probably just race to 13. And everyone with more than 13 points has busted... kinda like gamerscore blackjack.

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d21lewis said:
I don't like that idea, NeoRatt. I think you should do the Gamerscore league and be our slave forever. But I guess that's illegal now (darn you, Abraham Lincoln!). 100 is fine with me.

Slavery is over?  I didn't get the memo...  I'm free...  I'm free...

Heh, I kind of enjoy getting my butt kicked by RONSTER316 every week showing how pathetic a gamer I am...  I'm staying...  I'm staying...

I will get top marks on Prototype :) rest of ya'll don't stand a chance


badgenome said:
Sounds like a good idea.

Although Ronster is way too close for my liking, so he should probably be disqualified.

In fact, we should probably just race to 13. And everyone with more than 13 points has busted... kinda like gamerscore blackjack.

I agree we should disqualify Ronster, what kind of game of BlackJack are you playing I have 21 points so I'll be happy with Gamerscore blackjack =)

@Seece you're on! Looking foward to the Prototype race =)

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

I prefer a set amount of time. That way we can see the best score every season, like a football season. So a league season lasts for say 20 weeks and then reset and a hall of fame saved.

Yeah, at least with a longer season you have a chance to build up points. I wasn't really happy with the resetting of the league to begin with. Seems like we all worked so hard to get what we had and then it was just reset to 0.

I mean, you have to look at this from an average gamers prospective. We have a few people who are constantly winning all the races and the same few people always getting top gamerscore for the week. Then you have a lot of other people who don't score that much and don't win but one or two races tops. If you make it a quick burst race then that second group of people stand no chance in accumulating anything. Meanwhile the same handful of people will just constantly get Hall of Fame over and over. I'm not saying they don't deserve it, but the rest of us deserve not having our points constantly reset.

Plus the league seems to reward above all just playing a bunch of games each week, jumping around scoring as many points as possible and also playing a lot of easy gamerscore games to achieve the 10 league points every week. That's fine but if you look at my gaming for the last 3 weeks I've focused on one really massive game, spent over 120 hours playing it and IF, big if, I manage to win the race I'll get 5 points. A month of play for 5 points.

I'm just ranting my personal frustrations, it should have no effect on the league rules. Do whatever you want Neo, I know you work hard for us. Just personally the league has become less and less exciting with each reset to me. I'm just here for the few people I know now.