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yo_john117 said:
JPL78 said:
Was anyone else really impressed with the Red Faction demo? I think that total destruction is probably the most impressive thing I've seen in a game this generation. Blows DICE's frostbite engine away!

yeah i can't wait for that game to come out!!  I wish they wouldn't keep delyaing it....oh well better late and good then early with a broken game.

and btw you sig is the best believe sig i have seen yet lol


My favorite thing is to take a big truck and just go driving it through structures :) That's the odd kind of single player demo that makes me want to play it again and again just to screw around.

Thanks about the sig!


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JPL78 said:
yo_john117 said:
JPL78 said:
Was anyone else really impressed with the Red Faction demo? I think that total destruction is probably the most impressive thing I've seen in a game this generation. Blows DICE's frostbite engine away!

yeah i can't wait for that game to come out!!  I wish they wouldn't keep delyaing it....oh well better late and good then early with a broken game.

and btw you sig is the best believe sig i have seen yet lol


My favorite thing is to take a big truck and just go driving it through structures :) That's the odd kind of single player demo that makes me want to play it again and again just to screw around.

Thanks about the sig!


There's a demo out for it??


yo_john, better get to downloading!

GAH!!! i can't believe i didn'tknow there was a demo!!!
well i'm off to download!!!!

I traded in some games to get 3,200 ms points so I can get Fallout DLC. Looks like I'll have a heck of some downloading myself :) Probably pick up Arkanoid with the left overs.

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Curse my slow download speed!!

its at about 15% >_> goina take forever.

That's kind of sad considering it's a small demo!

I went out of my way to get the points to download Fallout stuff and the funny part is I can't even play it tonight because it's STILL downloading!

That's why I'm really not a fan of download only. They were talking about Patapon 2 being download only. I just hate that, there are too many issues with DLC. I buy a game and get the disk and I feel like I own it. I download something and all I can think is, do I have to be online for it to work? If my drive crashes do I lose it? I hate this trend.

I mean, I sold all my CDs because I had them on my iPod. So what happens? My motherboard dies and I'm going to have to spend a couple hundred dollars to get my hard drive salvaged. Then I still need ANOTHER computer to use it.... ugh.

I have 67 different XBLA games and all I can wonder is, is this going to be useless one day? At least I can still plug my old Genesis in and play any games I have for it. The same is not true for DLC. Sorry for the rant, I know that has nothing to do with anything. Hope you enjoy the demo, it's wicked awesome.

The league is up to date for this week.

Muahahaha! Finals will be over tomorrow and I hope to get into the top 50!

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

I need new games, my weekly GS has been shocking.

Cant wait for Star Ocean... maybe even Overlord 2!

And of course the godsend that will be MW2!!