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erikers said:

The new levels in Doom II are great.

I see your playing Crackdown as well.  One of my favorites...

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JPL78:  How exactly did that lady get on the train tracks if you don't mind me askin?  I actually roped a nun from Los Hermanas.  For 5 gamescore points.  I am a bad, bad person.

and: Yeah,  thanks a lot there podnuh...blam blam.  So much for due process.        

NeoRatt said:
erikers said:

The new levels in Doom II are great.

I see your playing Crackdown as well.  One of my favorites...

Yeah I had avoided it the whole time but I figured I would get it for 10 bucks and try it since so many people liked it and the second one is coming out soon.  It's pretty good but has some incredibly stupid things in it.  Such as the auto lock not leaving somebody even after you kill them unless you release it then aim at another person over and over.  You also can't tell which races you've completed which is retarded.  The game has gotten progressively better though.

Completed XBLA: 16 / 32
Completed Retail: 17 / 64
GS Completion %: 82.63%
erikers said:
NeoRatt said:
erikers said:

The new levels in Doom II are great.

I see your playing Crackdown as well.  One of my favorites...

Yeah I had avoided it the whole time but I figured I would get it for 10 bucks and try it since so many people liked it and the second one is coming out soon.  It's pretty good but has some incredibly stupid things in it.  Such as the auto lock not leaving somebody even after you kill them unless you release it then aim at another person over and over.  You also can't tell which races you've completed which is retarded.  The game has gotten progressively better though.

There was definately a bunch of technical flaws in the game.  The thing that attracted me was the leveling up capabilities offered from orbs, the fun that the city provided, the lack of cut scenes (detailed story), and the fun of doing what you want when you want to do it (I don't know how many hours I spent blowing s--t up as the C2 theme song states).

I'm really enjoying The Lost and Damned so far, and I'm just only about halfway done with Gay Tony still to go. Things like mid mission checkpoints and gang wars really make me wanna just keep playing and playing. They totally should patch checkpoints into GTA IV, and then I'd pick it up again for sure (I guess TLAD doesn't feel as connected to GTA IV as it should be as an expansion). Great soundtrack too. What I don't like is that the minigames may just have some of the worst controls I've ever seen. Move the right thumbstick left and right to arm wrestle? Really now? Also, the fact that people who own the disc can't play multiplayer with people who downloaded is one of the dumbest things I've seen this gen.  So I'd say with this one so far, Rockstar's taken two steps forward and one step back for me.

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.

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I am officially cursed.  I was playing towards maxing the new PoP when right at the last platform I needed to land on to get the last sarcophagus for my last achievement I got glitched.  Am I the unluckiest sob alive? Well it's close.

The fix as I unwiely stated above (spoke of the devil) is to delete auto-save and let the back up load.  Unfoturnately that was an hour beforehand and about 300 baddies but fair enough.  Got back to the same spot outisde King's Tower and it happened again.  Three times now.  I am really pissed obviously.  Since I can't land eventually my rewinds run out and it loads you in a room with no exit.  Lovely .  No amount of LB hammering would make that platform materialize. 

Pretty damn crappy quality control there Ubishaft.  I got through the game twice before that so it's not breaking everyone's game.  The load prob./corrupt save is on a bunch of sites but not the specific issue with the platform. 

Stuff happens. 'In times of trouble I remember this verse, no matter what happens it could always be worse.'

Recon, that sucks!  But if its any consolation I won't be scoring any more in it, looks like you get second place at least.

Hey guys, mainly Ronster and Neo, I swear I played the same game room game for an hour and ten minutes yesterday and the achievement wouldn't pop.  What am I missing? Do I need to pick casual play or something?

Also, side point, leveling to 50 in Red Dead is taking forever.  Me and eNamrah both need the full posse achievement, are there enough other people here that want to boost it?

Please disregard previous whining.  Finally got it by using LB for the platform before killing the last vulture.  No way would I have found all 21 without a guide.  Not a bad game overall but it could have been so much more.  The rush to market didn't help.  Money and time constraints are affecting quality a lot lately.  Glitches like this have moved devs like Ubi and Bioware down a notch imo. 

JPL:  The 1000 feels good since I won't max either Wake or RDR.  See you are at 950 with 2 to go.  RDR and ME2 look like early GOTY candidates to me.

1,000 always feels good.  Especially in a game like RDR that has already taken 50 plus hours of my life.  As for PoP, I'm glad you were able to get it, I didn't have the heart to play through again or look up chest locations.  Like you said, good game and all, but obviously rushed to match up with the movie release.

JPL78 said:

Recon, that sucks!  But if its any consolation I won't be scoring any more in it, looks like you get second place at least.

Hey guys, mainly Ronster and Neo, I swear I played the same game room game for an hour and ten minutes yesterday and the achievement wouldn't pop.  What am I missing? Do I need to pick casual play or something?

Also, side point, leveling to 50 in Red Dead is taking forever.  Me and eNamrah both need the full posse achievement, are there enough other people here that want to boost it?

To get the one hour achievement you must play a single game for a full hour.  If you die out and start it again that's not good enough.  RONSTER316 and I got it playing tennis.  You can make a single tennis game last an hour easily.  Also, I think the emulators detect idol time, so if you are just sitting there in a game, Game Room will stop counting your time.

I'd be willing to boost for the posse achievement.  Just let me know if you get enough people.