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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz 360 Gamerscore League

eNamrah said:

Not really digging vgchartz v3.0, especially the forum.  I suppose it looks more professional than v2.0, but the old color scheme of grey/black was easier on the eyes.

@NeoRatt, would it have been easier to just start a new thread?  Thanks for taking the time to fix the links.  I woke up this morning, saw the new format and your post and figured the league was done. 

Btw I hate that posts don't give the actual time they were posted.  They just say '2 days ago' or '1 hour ago.'  Lame.

I've put way too much effort into the league to dump it.  I actually want it to expand so recruiting new members would be appreciated.

I would have had the same problems no matter what.  The biggest issue is the large tables of the league require me to put things on multiple pages of the thread so that load times are not insane.  It worked out not being too hard to figure out how to view a specific post.  I sure wish someone at VGChartz gave a s--t about the 360 league.  I'm not impressed that I received zero help from VGChartz staff in getting things running again even though I left ioi a wall post (because I couldn't PM him).  You would think they would take a look at community stuff like this and involve the people that lead it in their testing.  But, then again, that just shows how much they care about it and the community I guess.

I really don't like that you have to specify a page which forces everyone to have the same forum post number per page settings.

I have put some posts back on the main page...  The weekly stuff on page #1...  Any feedback would be appreciated...

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Just do whatever you can Neo, all photo albums are gone, I had masses amount of pics stored in there for reviews/ editorials/features and threads. All gone, will have to redo them all. Just like how this is hindering the League, we should have know about what was going to change and affect us well within launch.

What exactly do you need asking? I have most of the staff admins on AIM.


JPL78 said:
Thanks guys. Yeah I don't mind the time consuming stuff because it feels almost like an RPG. I know its not, but I can't help but being reminded of Oblivion and WoW when I'm riding the horse. I guess I need to do the optional stuff I haven't done yet. I was going to go back and do it, when you finish the story can you continue sandbox? Is there anything I would or might do that would mess up my chances at earning achievements without going back through?

On a side note about odd gamerscore from disks, the AC/DC Rockband expansion is a retail disk, yet it only has 200 gamerscore I think. Which is weird because it doesn't consider it extra gamerscore for Rockband it just treats it as its own game and it is a stand alone disk not requiring Rock Band at all. But I was fairly positive separate disks had to have a full 1000 gamerscore.

And on the "Game of the Year" and "Gold" editions I've started to realize a frustration... you just get the codes for download. So, basically you're buying the regular game disk with a code and a new wrapper. Seems skeezy, isn't the point of those editions to appeal to people who couldn't download the DLC to begin with? Also if you buy an edition like that for full price, its only worth pennies at Gamestop because they just consider it as the regular game, which really, codes aside, it is.

The only exception to the GOTY editions you're talking about are Bethesda games, which do give you all the new content on a second disc.

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.

Seece said:

Just do whatever you can Neo, all photo albums are gone, I had masses amount of pics stored in there for reviews/ editorials/features and threads. All gone, will have to redo them all. Just like how this is hindering the League, we should have know about what was going to change and affect us well within launch.

What exactly do you need asking? I have most of the staff admins on AIM.

I have it under control now.  Just choked and venting about the lack of concern for the people leading community things like this league...

Speaking personally the league is my only draw to anything VGChartz.  But then it leads me into reading news and reviews sometimes.  Seems like all these sites can't keep pick a format and go with it. I'm tired of IGN changing too.  And its supposed to be improvement but the function is usually always the same except now all different to learn.

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The league is up-to-date for this week...

360 Gamerscore League
Weekly #'s & Tournies GS Career GS Season Platinum  Game Awards
TA Leaderboard TA Career TA Season Platinum Games
MGC Leaderboard League Career League Season League Rules
NOTE: For all the links above to work you must set PROFILE > SETTINGS > PREFERENCES to 50 posts/page

Hang in there Neo.  The big stuff is caught up so no rush.  I'll check my settings.  I'm just happy to be able to login again.  I see you on the PoP:FS board.  Impressions? 

I'm pretty happy Yuri Lowethal is back as the voice of the prince.  No one does a Fantasy cutscene quite like Ubi.  Saw some neg. reviews on the gameplay visuals but they look good to me. A late game glitch has been mentioned but hopefully you won't hit it.  JPL78 and eNamrah got through.  The fix was delete auto-save and count on the back up a-s?  Sounds iffy.  Deleting a-s always produces the 'start new game stupid' screen for me. I hate auto-save.  Where is virtual Gemma Arterton anyway? 

I ditched Wake while it was still worth $42.50.  A fourth playthrough to find 3 thermos' and possibly get the 40 gs I am missing (only on xbl) was not in the cards. Xbl care said they couldn't fix my ach. glitch and I should just go play it again and again.  Ana says they don't have access to their own systems to fix anything whatsoever.  Surprising   Time to move on.  Maybe go outside?

The DA dlc Darkspawn Chronicles was exactly as expected.  An EA inspired money-grab with few redeeming qualites and another ach. glitch.  Don't let the Ogre die or it's delete cache and all saves blah blah blah.  I hate EA too.  I recommend avoiding this minor annoyance by not buying this dlc at all.  Ever.  'I did kill Wynne Yer Honour but in my defense I was a ravening monster at the time.'.


PoP: FS is a good game.  Should only be $29.99 though.  Not much innovation but fun to play.  Typical PoP problems...  Platforming components are great, combat stinks...

I don't hate EA as much as I do Activision right now...

The new levels in Doom II are great.

Completed XBLA: 16 / 32
Completed Retail: 17 / 64
GS Completion %: 82.63%

Finished Dragon Age Awakening so far. Gameplay as great as ever, but the story was all over the place.

Now onto Episodes from Liberty City and Batman: Arkham Asylum. Started both a few days ago, and really like the feel of TLAD more than GTA IV, and having a blast with Batman so far.

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.