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^lol, what do you expect from ec dub. I think cena has really improved in the last year, ever since he came back from that injury at the rumble, he's been great.


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Quick raw recap:

11 matches, 12 draft picks.

1 must see match:
Swagger vs Cena. Swagger has now been in two great tv matches this year, the other being against christian for the ecw title. Cena got the win but swagger got a ton of support from the crowd.

(3) 2 squash matches:
kane beat brian kendrick
khali beat santino.... I love santino, everyone does. He's great and the wwe knows it which is why he gets the tv time he does. That being said, I think every match he's been in since losing the IC title has been a squash match.

(4) 1 bad match:
jericho beat chunky dreamer

(5) 1 absolutely awful match:
kofi beat the miz (dq)

(7) 2 predictably meh matches:
michelle mccool picked up the pin in a 6 diva tag match that had no tags
edge won a 15 man battle royal

(9) 2 let down matches:
christian beat benjamin
rey beat bourne

(11) 2 good matches
matt hardy beat punk (dq)
triple h got the pin in a 2 on 3 handicap match

good draft ideas:
trips, show, maryse, mvp to raw
jericho, melina, punk, rey, kane to smackdown
koslov to ecw (though no one would miss him if he just.... disappeared)

iffy ideas:
miz and matt hardy to raw.... though they would make a nice tag team

why not?:
cena to smackdown
christian to smackdown
morrison to raw
cole to the unemployment line

cole seemed to take it to heart when swagger used the line "the champ is here" when confronting john cena. cole said a lot of dumb shit over the course of 3 hours.

speaking of announcers, I love jr, but the best commentator in the wwe based simply on the here and now is matt striker. he's great.

It's things like One Night Stand that make me wonder what WWE is thinking. They lack strong faces and they continuously hope for Cena to be it, when RVD was incredibly over with the crowds the moment he stepped into WWE. He was the only Alliance member back in 2001 that the fans refused to boo, a face attached to a stable of heels, and he did it simply by being RVD. Does anybody know the circumstances revolving around his release? I just can't believe that he never became the next big thing, because crowds fucking ate everything he did up. Very few know how to work a crowd and be a strong face character quite like Rob Van Dam can.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Onyxmeth said:

It's things like One Night Stand that make me wonder what WWE is thinking. They lack strong faces and they continuously hope for Cena to be it, when RVD was incredibly over with the crowds the moment he stepped into WWE. He was the only Alliance member back in 2001 that the fans refused to boo, a face attached to a stable of heels, and he did it simply by being RVD. Does anybody know the circumstances revolving around his release? I just can't believe that he never became the next big thing, because crowds fucking ate everything he did up. Very few know how to work a crowd and be a strong face character quite like Rob Van Dam can.

While RVD was the dual title holder in 2006 (ECW and WWE, I think) he got pulled over and busted for marijuana. Due to the potential public outcry over it, Vince had RVD drop both belts in short order and afterwards he floundered along the high card without being or doing anything that significant. Plus RVD was never "made by WWE" - which is always a strike against anyone looking to be the man in Vince's firm - and had a tendency to injure his co-workers thanks to his sloppy work.

The real reason he left, however, was his wife's deteriorating health.

Warning: The preceding message may or may not have included sarcasm, cynicism, irony, full stops, commas, slashes, words, letters, sentences, lines, quotes,  flaeed  gramar, cryptic metaphors or other means of annoying communication. Viewer discretion is/was strongly advised.

break up miz and morrison? very uncool, and matt vs jeff in a stretcher match? I shudder. one night stand is going to be even gimmickier than last year


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I just noticed that Shelton, R-Truth, and both members of Cryme Tyme are all on Friday Night Smackdown. I see a stable forming in the near future.........

more draft thoughts:

I just realized there are only 2 heel champions at the moment.

More so then ever, Raw is for headliners, smackdown mid carders/occasional head liners, and ecw is the expansion team of the wwe league. Funny thing is, smackdown looks like the better show.

They got: jericho, kane, morrison, ziggler, rey rey, punk

They dropped: trips, koslov, show, and, for the most part, a bunch of spare parts. MVP being the only real big lose.

The odd thing is, there are very few guys they feel comfortable giving the strap. Jericho, taker, rey rey, kane, punk, jeff hardy, and khali have all had infrequent and usually short world title reigns.

Edge is the real stand out but even he has only had 1 of 8 title reigns last 100+ days. Of course, this is a great program to build future champs such as umaga, benjamin, and morrison.

Back to Raw, they have the tag champs but no one to feud with. Like I said before, I expect to see the heel duo of matt hardy and the miz team up. Miz could play his, "morrison was only holding our team back" card. I'm surprised they kept cena on raw to be honest. I can't see Edge not winning the strap at backlash (or cm punk cashing his money in the bank).

ECW is decent but I'm surprised to see mark henry still on the roster. ECW now has henry, koslov, and ezekiel jackson. Gross. Gaining DH smith and the hurricane will help though. I would have liked to see more down and out mid carders jump over though. charlie haas, jesse, jamie noble, the brian kendrick. maybe even william regal.

^^^Yeah. How awesome would a Brian Kendrick vs. Evan Bourne fued be? ECW is, I guess, the 'C' level show, but some of those guys work their asses off. I think Edge is going to take the tile away from Cena and bring it back to Smack Down. I see Cash Money Punk feuding with Edge and winning the belt, too. CM's image fits better with the Smackdown image. He may get a pretty big push, this time around.

TNA was amazing this week, if you guys didn't see it:

Yeah, I thought TNA was pretty good.

I've come to the realization that ODB (who, to be honest, I can't stand) and cody deaner (who, to be honest, I don't mind) are basically the red neck versions of Beth Phoenix and Santino.

I've also come to the realization that taylor wilde is the hottest female wrestler around.

Abyss has probably one of the top 3 themes around.

Matt Morgan is way too over.

Spike and Balls still bleed like freakin champs. It did a great job of helping beer money earn some major cred.

The 'correct call/screw job' to close the show was nice. I still wish the wrestlers, especially main eventers, would slow down for once. Sell injuries, stay down past a 3 count. I know TNA is all about balls out intensity, but I like my impact to mean something.

On the whole, it was a solid ppv lead in.