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Onyxmeth said:

It's things like One Night Stand that make me wonder what WWE is thinking. They lack strong faces and they continuously hope for Cena to be it, when RVD was incredibly over with the crowds the moment he stepped into WWE. He was the only Alliance member back in 2001 that the fans refused to boo, a face attached to a stable of heels, and he did it simply by being RVD. Does anybody know the circumstances revolving around his release? I just can't believe that he never became the next big thing, because crowds fucking ate everything he did up. Very few know how to work a crowd and be a strong face character quite like Rob Van Dam can.

While RVD was the dual title holder in 2006 (ECW and WWE, I think) he got pulled over and busted for marijuana. Due to the potential public outcry over it, Vince had RVD drop both belts in short order and afterwards he floundered along the high card without being or doing anything that significant. Plus RVD was never "made by WWE" - which is always a strike against anyone looking to be the man in Vince's firm - and had a tendency to injure his co-workers thanks to his sloppy work.

The real reason he left, however, was his wife's deteriorating health.

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