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Quick raw recap:

11 matches, 12 draft picks.

1 must see match:
Swagger vs Cena. Swagger has now been in two great tv matches this year, the other being against christian for the ecw title. Cena got the win but swagger got a ton of support from the crowd.

(3) 2 squash matches:
kane beat brian kendrick
khali beat santino.... I love santino, everyone does. He's great and the wwe knows it which is why he gets the tv time he does. That being said, I think every match he's been in since losing the IC title has been a squash match.

(4) 1 bad match:
jericho beat chunky dreamer

(5) 1 absolutely awful match:
kofi beat the miz (dq)

(7) 2 predictably meh matches:
michelle mccool picked up the pin in a 6 diva tag match that had no tags
edge won a 15 man battle royal

(9) 2 let down matches:
christian beat benjamin
rey beat bourne

(11) 2 good matches
matt hardy beat punk (dq)
triple h got the pin in a 2 on 3 handicap match

good draft ideas:
trips, show, maryse, mvp to raw
jericho, melina, punk, rey, kane to smackdown
koslov to ecw (though no one would miss him if he just.... disappeared)

iffy ideas:
miz and matt hardy to raw.... though they would make a nice tag team

why not?:
cena to smackdown
christian to smackdown
morrison to raw
cole to the unemployment line

cole seemed to take it to heart when swagger used the line "the champ is here" when confronting john cena. cole said a lot of dumb shit over the course of 3 hours.

speaking of announcers, I love jr, but the best commentator in the wwe based simply on the here and now is matt striker. he's great.