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Forums - Sales Discussion - will you buy final fantasy XIII on the first day? and on wich console?

The-Prophet said:
wow, a lot of blind loyalty to Sony.

MS must secure a exclusive NA and Euro 360 FF13 bundle to sway some fence sitters.



Why is it blind? If the tables were turned you would be having an orgasm and everyone would have 20/20 vision.

Hypocritical says hi.

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Day one - PS3

day one and for ps3.

invetedlotus123 said:
I think the game will work like this, on both systems we have i don't know, 4 chapter, on ps3 every time you change chapter you make a new installation and in 360 you change the disc. I'll get the 360 versions because swap disc is faster than HDD instalation.




frictionini said:
invetedlotus123 said:
I think the game will work like this, on both systems we have i don't know, 4 chapter, on ps3 every time you change chapter you make a new installation and in 360 you change the disc. I'll get the 360 versions because swap disc is faster than HDD instalation.



If a 360 games requires installs and disc swapping to backtrack and/or progress it automatically means the PS3 version will work similar to Metal Gear Solid 4.

Didn't you know this?


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I'll buy it within the first few days, and the system depends on whichever has the least issues.

Almost certainly first day, and likely PS3. The only way it would be 360 is if my PS3 dies and I haven't bought a new one, or there is a whole lot of exclusive content on the 360 version.

Owner of PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and 3DS

@ Frictionini

That's what I thought as well. What he is saying is that the chapter is already installed but it needs to re-installed again although it's already installed.

OH and i would love to put it on my shelve next to Final Fantasy versus 13, they go hand in hand xD.

Hence i'm buying it for my PS3 :D

Absolutely not.
I'm not interested in the franchise at all.