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Forums - Sony Discussion - Killzone 2 (Aiming Lag) Videos.

NJ5 said:
@Reasonable: Lag is an objective term which leaves no room for interpretation. It is certainly an undesirable thing, whether the developers knew about it or not is another question.

I would agree with you regarding the "heavy feeling" and acceleration and all that stuff... that's a matter of opinion unlike lag.

True on the lag.  I personally don't feel there is any as such (i.e. I don't believe from what I've seen there is a significant, factual lag that impedes play) - it seems to me its the movement/weight and speed that's putting people off.  Certainly I'm only average with console FPS yet I'm having few issues and have found online to be okay (i.e. I'm still ending up average!).

I think GG took a risk with the 'feel' they went for but I'm actually glad.  While I think CoD4 is great, as well as other 'twitch' shooters like UT, etc. it's nice to see someone try something different.  The 'feel' of KZ2 works for me within the world presented - now hopefully for KZ3 they spend a bit more time on the dialogue and voice work!


Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

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Staude said:
This should put your complaints to rest:

"Guerrilla Games’ Seb Downie has defended the company’s decision not to revamp Killzone 2’s controls, describing the sequel as “a weighty, slower, more tactical first person experience.”

Speaking in response to complaints posted on CVG’s forums, Downie commented, “After carefully looking into this, reading the posts, talking to a lot of you directly and analysing the controls at GG we have come to the conclusion that there are no changes required to the system.”

"If at all, any changes to the controls would put the majority of people who have not had problems or have adapted out of whack, which may be more serious," he continued, adding, “Killzone 2 is a weighty, slower, more tactical first person experience that focuses on immersion.”

Despite this, Downie noted that a few tweaks were made to the game’s online component: "It is not a twitchy, split-second gun-wielding experience like some shooters. Also, the online experience is quicker as we've made the controls and animations a little faster during design."

Be sure to let us know your thoughts on the subject in the comments section below."

Good news. Glad to hear they're not going to resort to the Call of Dutification everyone is clamoring for.

My feeling: If you want another game to replace your copy of CoD, then just go play something else. But, when that doesn't play the same way as CoD, don't complain about it.

I knew KZ2 was going to be fighting an uphill battle on the control front when the first thing people commented on in the demo was that they had to change to alt 2, swap the zoom toggle, and jack up the sensitivity.

I agree with GG too. If people don't like it they can play COD4 or Halo. I don't mean that in a snarky way, but in a legitimate choice made by gamers sort of way. I play street fighter instead of tekken because I find the special moves in tekken to be un-intuitive compared to the fluid and charge specials of street fighter, and it feels too weighty compared to the high jumping and speed of street fighter. That's not a knock against tekken, it's just a different fighter with different design choices.

They created KZ2 to feel a specific way. They succeeded. If some people prefer the faster twitch shooters, then that is fine. That is a choice they can make as a gamer. But they shouldn't complain that KZ2 should change to accommodate their preferences over the purposes that the designer had in mind and seem to be enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of people.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

Way to split hairs in that video.

Honestly, and I mean really honest, I never notice lag when I'm playing it. Doesn't stop me from killing the enemy.

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c0rd said:

The lag is a problem for any competitive player, an extra .1s lag in video games is far from microscopic. I can easily tell the difference simply by switching between KZ2 (demo) / CoD4, surprised it's only .1s. Throw this on top of that questionable weighty control scheme, and you've got a big problem.

Well, I'm skipping out due to the controls, they were a little too unbearable for me. I'm sensitive to these kind of gameplay issues - I want to play the game, not the controls. I'm sure it doesn't bother some people, just like the online lag doesn't bother people in SSBB (a game 8mil+ bought, so there's no problems amirite)... but seriously, I hope people understand it's not just trolls that agree with me, I really did want a game to replace CoD4.

you should be an astronaut

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IllegalPaladin said:

Meh, I'm tired of this ongoing back and forth debate though there is a noticable difference between singleplayer and multiplayer. In fact, they've said that they're still looking into it in the official forums.

The lag I'm annoyed with is when you're shooting somebody, they don't go down. I'd really like to see what everybody's ping is when I'm in games because some people go down normally while others feel like bullet sponges and they're also the people where you get the annoying thing where they kill you, but your bullets finally register and kill them while you're falling down.


 thats really annoying when that happens (you kill them only after youve died) but i had a lol moment when i died and it literally took about 2-3 seconds of the respawn screen and me waiting to get back in the game and it popped up id killed him !

the people never have happy,..



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headshot91 said:
IllegalPaladin said:

Meh, I'm tired of this ongoing back and forth debate though there is a noticable difference between singleplayer and multiplayer. In fact, they've said that they're still looking into it in the official forums.

The lag I'm annoyed with is when you're shooting somebody, they don't go down. I'd really like to see what everybody's ping is when I'm in games because some people go down normally while others feel like bullet sponges and they're also the people where you get the annoying thing where they kill you, but your bullets finally register and kill them while you're falling down.


 thats really annoying when that happens (you kill them only after youve died) but i had a lol moment when i died and it literally took about 2-3 seconds of the respawn screen and me waiting to get back in the game and it popped up id killed him !

You gotta remeber that there is a class that wears a heavier armour than you do....


IMVHO: acceleration and weight are fine, when you move heavy items initial speed is low, but lag is neither realistic nor good, when you try to move something you don't feel a lag at all between your brain's order and the actual movement (*), what you feel is that you won't be able to move heavy objects fast and initial speed will be very low. In real life you feel lag in movements only when you are really very tired or you are ill or drunk, or you have for some reasons low K and Mg for example.
I remember a game in which acceleration and weight sensation were really well done and perceptible even withot force feedback: in A-10, with full load of fuel and weapons and/or if speed dropped to low, the difficulty to climb was rendered very well without lag tricks, but with proper inertia. Lag isn't the proper way to render inertia.
Anyhow, with modern light weapons even inertia shouldn't be so high, it wasn't even with the old rifle (a FAL BM59, 1959 design, manufactured through the 60's) I used 19 years ago during National Service...

(*) Edit: lag exists, at most a few tens ms, but nobody feels it unless for some reasons it becomes longer than normal.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

The amount is anti killzone 2 posts / threads is sadening . People are obviously struggling to appreciate the notion that Sony made any excellent FPS . I'll leave the forums for a while and return when the K2 hate dies down it's sad really.