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Forums - Sony Discussion - Killzone 2 (Aiming Lag) Videos.

NinjaKido said:
The amount is anti killzone 2 posts / threads is sadening . People are obviously struggling to appreciate the notion that Sony made any excellent FPS . I'll leave the forums for a while and return when the K2 hate dies down it's sad really.


his anti kill zone 2 post  and you anti halo wars post:







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Hm, I don't really feel any sort of lag. I just had to adjust the sensitivity to my liking, but I don't see the lag.

Although, I do suck at it atm, still getting used to the controls and all, really haven't played it for more than 2 hrs yet.

My friend however, picked up the controls and was going through it just fine. He is really good at shooters mind you, prestine even.

So I know it's me when I play, lol.

Honestly, I just think people want to complain. Because, GG played this pretty much every day of their development and they obviously didn't have any issues with it.

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The_vagabond7 said:
I agree with GG too. If people don't like it they can play COD4 or Halo. I don't mean that in a snarky way, but in a legitimate choice made by gamers sort of way. I play street fighter instead of tekken because I find the special moves in tekken to be un-intuitive compared to the fluid and charge specials of street fighter, and it feels too weighty compared to the high jumping and speed of street fighter. That's not a knock against tekken, it's just a different fighter with different design choices.

They created KZ2 to feel a specific way. They succeeded. If some people prefer the faster twitch shooters, then that is fine. That is a choice they can make as a gamer. But they shouldn't complain that KZ2 should change to accommodate their preferences over the purposes that the designer had in mind and seem to be enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of people.


lol coincidentially i just got street fighter 2 hd remix and i find .. well the opposite of what you said. The move list have like 5 moves and i dunno how to make combos properly. If it is even possible XD and the fireball stuff.. it says how you do but it doesn't do it... damn .. :P

Tekken is a very combo orientated game. Probably more so than any other fighting game. (this i say because some of the chars have above 130 combos and moves :P) Anyways i still can't figure out street fighter :p

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I actually thought the problem in the second video was worse than the lag shown in the first video. A big dead zone means the control works almost as if it was a digital control. I don't think that amount of lag is a big issue. Could be improved though.

headshot91 said:
IllegalPaladin said:

Meh, I'm tired of this ongoing back and forth debate though there is a noticable difference between singleplayer and multiplayer. In fact, they've said that they're still looking into it in the official forums.

The lag I'm annoyed with is when you're shooting somebody, they don't go down. I'd really like to see what everybody's ping is when I'm in games because some people go down normally while others feel like bullet sponges and they're also the people where you get the annoying thing where they kill you, but your bullets finally register and kill them while you're falling down.


 thats really annoying when that happens (you kill them only after youve died) but i had a lol moment when i died and it literally took about 2-3 seconds of the respawn screen and me waiting to get back in the game and it popped up id killed him !


Yea that happened to me a couple of times in the beta. Those ones lighten the mood because you're like "WHAT THE HELL!" then "oh.... haha"

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antfromtashkent said:
headshot91 said:
IllegalPaladin said:



 thats really annoying when that happens (you kill them only after youve died) but i had a lol moment when i died and it literally took about 2-3 seconds of the respawn screen and me waiting to get back in the game and it popped up id killed him !

You gotta remeber that there is a class that wears a heavier armour than you do....



Yes, but that doesn't account for a high ping or some lag and the fact that not everybody has unlocked that class.

IllegalPaladin said:
antfromtashkent said:
headshot91 said:
IllegalPaladin said:



 thats really annoying when that happens (you kill them only after youve died) but i had a lol moment when i died and it literally took about 2-3 seconds of the respawn screen and me waiting to get back in the game and it popped up id killed him !

You gotta remeber that there is a class that wears a heavier armour than you do....



Yes, but that doesn't account for a high ping or some lag and the fact that not everybody has unlocked that class.


 Absolutelly.... but the game has been out for a couple of days and everyone is trying it out... i remember when rainbow six vegas 2 came out.... it was abolutelly unplayable online (lag, disconects, etc....) while KZ2 is experiencing some MINOR lag.... thats a hell of an achevement in my book....

The_vagabond7 said:
I honestly don't care. Some people are idiots and say there is like a 1-2 second lag when you press the button!!!11!! which is just ridiculous. The lag is only for a minute and I don't even notice it when I'm playing. I say give it a week. I don't think guerrilla will fix it, I just think the complainers will move on. They will either stop playing, or get used to it and I don't really care which it is.

What! A whole minute! Your in denile man! :P


(When I was reading this first, that what it looked like! :P)





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The_vagabond7 said:
I agree with GG too. If people don't like it they can play COD4 or Halo. I don't mean that in a snarky way, but in a legitimate choice made by gamers sort of way. I play street fighter instead of tekken because I find the special moves in tekken to be un-intuitive compared to the fluid and charge specials of street fighter, and it feels too weighty compared to the high jumping and speed of street fighter. That's not a knock against tekken, it's just a different fighter with different design choices.

They created KZ2 to feel a specific way. They succeeded. If some people prefer the faster twitch shooters, then that is fine. That is a choice they can make as a gamer. But they shouldn't complain that KZ2 should change to accommodate their preferences over the purposes that the designer had in mind and seem to be enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of people.

^This. I'm a general in killzone 2 now after only two days of playing online (you can tell I'm addicted to this game). I even got a trophy for being in the top 6% for the week ending saturday when I only played on saturday lol. After all this time, I still can't pinpoint this lag. I tried moving the right analog stick and it responds fine so I really don't understand you guys who are complaining. I have 16 days of cod4 online and I bet thats more than most played it yet i adjusted to this one just fine as well.


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