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Forums - General Discussion - What is your favorite beer?

night said:
i've never heard of half the beers mentioned here.... but then again i'm not a big beer fan and i live in australia -__- where usually its only easy to find imports like corona and heinken(sry, cant spell it.)

i used to think corona is oka. until i wasted myself over it. now it tastes like sht to me... but i somehow still drink it -shrug- i'm very curious to try some of the beers mentioned tho.

but yea, i'm with the vodka/spirits crowd.

on a side note, i dont mind minor posting, but please refrain from tellin us beer is bad. we know that already. let us discuss our beers in peace.

 I recommend finding yourself somewhere like Dan Murphy's (AKA Booze Supermarket) other large (physically, ie Huge Store) retailer. You can definitely find imports for everywhere in those types of places, but be prepared to spend more.

 Your other option is what my Uncle does. Whenever someone travels anywhere, give them some money to buy a selection of local beer. He has ended up with a massive collection of beer cans from all over the world.

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kber81 said:

I like our national stuff:

Wait a sec... the main stockholder is... Heineken International BV...

 Hey, thats that beer my friend from Poland brought me, tastes great... I have no clue how to pronounce it tough... zy = j ... or something like that ???




Duffs!!! mmm, beer...

moe nl said:
people saying heineken or grolsch or budweiser (bud) are wrong it aint beer, its pilsner.

real beer is much better ;)

 "Pilsner" is a specific style of beer, actually; it's a very dry, moderately-hopped lager that originated in the Pilsener region of Germany. Most American macro-brews that call themselves "pilsner" actually aren't. In fact, most American macros just plain suck.  Try a real German Pilsener (or an American facsimile, such as Victory Prima Pils) and it'll change your mind. :)


@ leo-j: This is why the DARE program (or whatever they have in schools now) is a horrible thing. Any such programs fail to distinguish moderation from excess. While the ethanol in beer is a drug, you can avoid addiction and most (if not all) of the health problems associated with it by limiting yourself to 1-2 drinks a night. As long as you don't "drink to get drunk," then you won't become addicted. 

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



El Duderino said:

Hey, thats that beer my friend from Poland brought me, tastes great... I have no clue how to pronounce it tough... zy = j ... or something like that ???


Pretty close. English j = Polish dż not ż... It sounds similary to first part of Zhivago surname (from Doctor Zhivago/Żywago in Poland) so if I have to write it in English I would go with Zhiviec. It's not exactly like this but close enough to be understood.

Edit: - almost good



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leo-j said:

My teachers tell me it all the time. Not only that you can look it up beer is a drug. Not a hardcore drug, but its a drug. Keep drinking it and you'll end up dead when your 60.

Funny how people that actaully drink it dont accept its a drug (same as my dad).

 Yes, and we all know how reasonable americas educative system is about alcohol. Your teachers are touted and whipped by christian conformists who thinks everything outside their own living room is the devil's spawn. A natural relationship towards alcohol goes a long way, and to state that any person who drink will perish from it, is like stating that every driver will die from driving (driving is statistically more lethal than drinking fyi).

I drink maybe 3-4 times a year (it ruins my workouts!!), but don't get drunk, I don't like being drunk. 

kber81 said:

I like our national stuff:

Wait a sec... the main stockholder is... Heineken International BV...

 Poland has some decent vodka to; Dworek, which I sample on occassion.

i don't know if it is very famous, but my fauvorite beer is the snake bite, i tasted it for the firs time in London, here in Spain i can't find it, :(.

Kasz216 said:

It will however kill your wallet. Everytime i went drinking i'd look at my wallet and think... "Dang for what i paid to get some drinks I could of used to buy a video game that would of been fun for longer." (Even moderate wise you can get a video game for 20+ used.)

Which is why when I go to bars i usually go with my friends I just get a soda and hang out now. Even two drinks will usually run you 8-12 dollars. Its almost as bad as cigarettes. Stuff like that just costs way too much.

You don't have to pay 4 bucks for a draught, pick up a Sam Adams Variety 12-pack at the store and drink it at home.  That way, you don't need a DD.  :)

Pilsner is from the town of Pilsen, in Bohemia, part of the Czech Republic.  The cheap stuff you buy in the states is called American Pilsener, and it's crap.  You need good pale malts and noble hops to make a good pilsner, not rice and corn.  Careful drinking imported pilsners, though, since they almost always come in green bottles, and are often handled improperly and allowed to receive sunlight.  UV rays can go through green glass, and they'll skunk the beer. 

kber81 said:

I like our national stuff:

Wait a sec... the main stockholder is... Heineken International BV...

 Hey they had this at a Polish buffet I went to. That was good stuff!!

PS360 ftw!

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Gears of War 2, GTA IV Lost and Damned, Little Big Planet (Yes I said I had no interest but my girl wanted to try it and we did and now Im hooked )