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night said:
i've never heard of half the beers mentioned here.... but then again i'm not a big beer fan and i live in australia -__- where usually its only easy to find imports like corona and heinken(sry, cant spell it.)

i used to think corona is oka. until i wasted myself over it. now it tastes like sht to me... but i somehow still drink it -shrug- i'm very curious to try some of the beers mentioned tho.

but yea, i'm with the vodka/spirits crowd.

on a side note, i dont mind minor posting, but please refrain from tellin us beer is bad. we know that already. let us discuss our beers in peace.

 I recommend finding yourself somewhere like Dan Murphy's (AKA Booze Supermarket) other large (physically, ie Huge Store) retailer. You can definitely find imports for everywhere in those types of places, but be prepared to spend more.

 Your other option is what my Uncle does. Whenever someone travels anywhere, give them some money to buy a selection of local beer. He has ended up with a massive collection of beer cans from all over the world.