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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I'm starting to like my PS3 just as much as my Xbox 360!

badgenome said:
City17 said:
I like my 360, but it doesn't play HAZE!

My PS3 doesn't play Haze, either.



 I can see why.  Found it in the new cheap lineup for 18 bucks and thought it couldn't be all that bad.  I really could not put up with listening to those assholes talking and shut it down before the third scene.  Had to stick in some Gears 2 just to get my perspective on what a game should be :)

@Leonidus  Fire is too good for it...

Around the Network

I recently got a 360 about a month ago and WOW! It is by far the best console this gen. I'm having a blast with the 360; I just need a wifi adapter to go online :( PS3 doesn't come close in terms of the game library and online service. I do like my PS3. It plays PS2 games and movies.

Mirson said:
I recently got a 360 about a month ago and WOW! It is by far the best console this gen. I'm having a blast with the 360; I just need a wifi adapter to go online :( PS3 doesn't come close in terms of the game library and online service. I do like my PS3. It plays PS2 games and movies.

You say these things without actually playing one of the best 360 titles. (I'd throw in PS3 as well)

Seriously, though. Get Tales of Vesperia.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.