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Forums - Sony Discussion - Thank you Sony for not ruining the PS4!

Khuutra said:
What's the razorblade model?


Lose on hardware, make up for it by software. But software development has become so expensive that it has enough problems to make a decent profit in itself and with the relatively low hardware install base the model seems finished.

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Yeah I bet they're not doing that anymore.

Did anyone actually read the article?

There is no mention of anything like Wii style specs or really specs at all.

It says that Sony is undecided on whether to use an extension of the cell or use a different chip like the larrabee. There was a large negative reaction from 3rd parties against continuing with the cell, but the 1st parties supported it. The article is inconclusive over which Sony is going to end up using, if either.

ajmd20 said:

Did anyone actually read the article?

There is no mention of anything like Wii style specs or really specs at all.

It says that Sony is undecided on whether to use an extension of the cell or use a different chip like the larrabee. There was a large negative reaction from 3rd parties against continuing with the cell, but the 1st parties supported it. The article is inconclusive over which Sony is going to end up using, if either.


That's what it says?

They should/probably will use an extension of Cell, but just continue to give tools, engines, and other help out for free to devs. 

Except nothing to gabe newell.

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I enjoyed your two lengthy posts, Khuutra. You said far more of value in those two posts than some people here have done in 10,000.

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End of 2008 totals: Wii 42m, 360 24m, PS3 18.5m (made Jan. 4, 2008)

ajmd20 said:

Did anyone actually read the article?

There is no mention of anything like Wii style specs or really specs at all.

It says that Sony is undecided on whether to use an extension of the cell or use a different chip like the larrabee. There was a large negative reaction from 3rd parties against continuing with the cell, but the 1st parties supported it. The article is inconclusive over which Sony is going to end up using, if either.


 wow @ this thread. If that's all the article says, this was just much ado about nothing LMAO.

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It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

ajmd20 said:

Did anyone actually read the article?

There is no mention of anything like Wii style specs or really specs at all.

It says that Sony is undecided on whether to use an extension of the cell or use a different chip like the larrabee. There was a large negative reaction from 3rd parties against continuing with the cell, but the 1st parties supported it. The article is inconclusive over which Sony is going to end up using, if either.


I believe you but that barely makes sense. When devs are finally used to working with the Cell, they want sony to put another, new and probably hard to work with again chip in the PS4? Strange.

@ Khuutra, you are the definition of tl;dr :P

*gets crushed under wall of text*


Soriku said:

Can you name me any system who's successor didn't get huge games due to the previous system winning unless the company screws up (N64 and PS3...but even the PS3 has and is still getting big games. Not all, but quite a lot. And this is due to the PS1 and PS2 previously winning.)?

The Wii 2 is going to be HD, it will have good graphics, and most of all it will still be innovative. That's the reason the Wii is winning in the first place. If Nintendo don't screw up, and chances are they won't, there's no reason why the Wii 2 will miss out on big games. The DS and PS2 sell shovelware yet look at the quality on both of them!


The PS2. People complained the first year that the PS2 had no games and did the same with PS3. By your logic they all would have gotten huge games at the beginning.  The X360 got a lot more games it's first year and that was a console who's precessor failed as hell.