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Yeah, the PSP year is looking like it may be better than I expected. 360 is looking passable so far, but the year has just begun and it may get far better. The PS3 is currently looking strong, assuming no delays. But, for me, the PC could take the crown if everything is released on time and is as awesome as hyped. The Wii and DS don't have that much on the horizon to my eyes, but there is a pretty strong possibility that I could be very wrong.

Also, while I'm here, I messed with the formatting a little again. I'm still not happy with it, but it's a good start. I'll come up with something better later.

Around the Network

Right, I have a problem. Can someone tell me how to get rid of the silly white background formatting on the OP? I've tried colouring over it, and removing all the formatting, and nothing seems to work. Anyone have any ideas? I'm more than happy to look stupid, just so long as I can sort this. Thanks.

Worry not, I've figured it out (I just reposted the entire thing). I'll now go create a few simple graphics for the thread.

That's the OP updated into a new format. Much as CAL4M1TY suggested, I kinda wish I'd reserved the first 4 posts in the thread, but what I have does for the moment.

Empire: Total War will be the next PC entry.

Around the Network

Wow, it looks a lot better now. Keep up the good work!

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

hey kantor i pre ordered killzone 2 :p

im pretty sure ps3 is gonna win again but the games wont sell as good as 360 games

okr said:
Empire: Total War will be the next PC entry.


Yup, looks pretty likely to me. And it's another game that I'll be buying.

I think this should be stickied.

Kantor said:
Wow, it looks a lot better now. Keep up the good work!

Thanks. I spent a bit of time on the layout yesterday trying to make it look a little better. Sure, a simple list may be more functional, but I'm quite enjoying twiddling with making it look a little grander. Yes, a waste of my time, but I have deadlines looming, so any reason to procrastinate is a good one as far as I'm concerned.

Also, while I'm here, I've re-attached the links to the metascore pages for each game to the score graphic or, for non-exclusive titles, to the number itself. Also, as before, the game titles link to the appropriate VGC page, so you can check details, current estimated sales, or whatever else may strike your fancy.