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Forums - Sony Discussion - October EGM Scores (HS & Warhawk)

Even tho Capcom did say they wouldnt do an Okami remake, i still think they could, afterall they said Res4 would never be on another format didnt they?
Okami would get alot of interest on the Wii, i think the PS2 one did badly becasue the typical market for that game were already looking away from the PS2 for their gaming fix, the Wii is still new and new games for it get alot of interest, even if they suck.

The sales of Okami were terrible and no doubt they would love for the game to become alot more profitable, if it does come to the wii and sells well, then it could also become a long running franchise too. For the amount of cash it would cost to develop it, im sure its pretty much a guarenteed money maker for them.

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NineOnine, at first I didn't think they would make Okami for Wii, but then you brought up the super success of RE4 for Wii and it actually makes a lot of sense for Wii.

"i think the PS2 one did badly becasue the typical market for that game were already looking away from the PS2 for their gaming fix, the Wii is still new and new games for it get alot of interest, even if they suck."
Great Point, Capcom better act quick.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

Indeed, Capcom has said several times we won't get to see a port of Okami on the WII, neither an Okami 2, but we know by now how reliable developers can be, and of course "quite rightly"! it is. Rumors which turn out to be true, or not, or differently.... meaning... Tales of the Abyss remake for on the WII, Tales of Harmonia as a new game on the WII and Tales of Symphonia 2 on the DS "rumors". Okay a new Tales of game for on the WII and DS, except each with a different name *LOL*.

As I've said before, I love artistic, original games, new and created with style and art which you've never seen before. Therefore I love games such as Dewy, Loco Roco, Ico and Okami. Unfortunate these games are mostly overshadowed by the major titles, the hyped franchises, which might not be twice as good as games who are a part of the "underground" of the gaming industry, and that's sad. A game such as Okami deserves every right to be acknowledged, but unfortunately hardly any gamer notice these titles, as they mostly rather run after the popular titles. New games without any good advertisment or hype are almost doomed to sale good.

As a gamer who appreciates game art in every kind of form, it are these games I just love the most! Therefore a port of Okami to the WII, is to me most likely the best port you could think of, as the remote screams to function as a "brush".

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Supporter of PlayStation and Nintendo

I mostly agree Onna, but I really think 2 things that seem to differ from your statement.

First that some games do get what they deserve, There are lot's of Kinkaids out there (making crappy games for the masses like he makes art for the masses) I feel like Myamoto is really like a Dali or Warhol, who makes these trippy statements that are both approachable and insanely creative. The stories are also becoming more meaningful, making the player make harder decisions that really seem to relate to real world problems (Haze comes to mind, as do newer Splinter Cell games and Little Sisters as collateral damage, though I still haven't played Bioshock).

Second, I see some games heading in the right direction. I really think that we are going to see the true video game contemporaries of Kubrick, Spielberg, Picasso, etc. very soon... if they haven't already emerged and we just haven't realized it yet.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

Bioshock 10, 10, 10 GOTM
Heavenly Sword 8, 8, 9
Warhawk 8.5, 7, 8.5
MySims 6, 5.5, 6.0
Sonic Rush Adventure 7.5, 7.0, 7.0
Wild Arms 5 8, 6.5, 5
Eternal Sonata 6, 8, 7
Madden 2008 9, 9, 8.5
NHL 2008 (EA) 9.5, 9, 9
Medal of Honor Airborne 6.5, 8, 5.5

Capcom working on Okami Wii
Kingdom Hearts spinoffs/prequels for various systems similar to what Square-Enix is doing with FF & DQ
Castlevania for 360 and PS3 in the works
Oblivion PSP canned?
New Jak and Daxter game from Naughty Dog after Uncharted

Reality has a Nintendo bias.
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That MySims score is disappointing... 5.8 just doesn't sound good.

Reality has a Nintendo bias.

Eh which MySims version? DS or WII, or both? Another "no" must have game from EA it is then :P.

New Jak & Daxter game???? That would be great!

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Supporter of PlayStation and Nintendo

NHL scored great, even better then madden. great news for hockey fans. plus warhawk this month can't wait :)

@Onna, it's the Wii version, according to GAF.

Reality has a Nintendo bias.