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I mostly agree Onna, but I really think 2 things that seem to differ from your statement.

First that some games do get what they deserve, There are lot's of Kinkaids out there (making crappy games for the masses like he makes art for the masses) I feel like Myamoto is really like a Dali or Warhol, who makes these trippy statements that are both approachable and insanely creative. The stories are also becoming more meaningful, making the player make harder decisions that really seem to relate to real world problems (Haze comes to mind, as do newer Splinter Cell games and Little Sisters as collateral damage, though I still haven't played Bioshock).

Second, I see some games heading in the right direction. I really think that we are going to see the true video game contemporaries of Kubrick, Spielberg, Picasso, etc. very soon... if they haven't already emerged and we just haven't realized it yet.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.