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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Conduit will surpass Halo sales if...

Bashing isn't my point, I'm hoping that's not what you thought I was pointing out; I'm just a bit confused I guess, Squilliam explained it to me: (It being why in the quaterly reports sites like metacritic were quoted)

I still don't get it though; before there was internet people had to wait for quaterly reports to make their investment decisions, to this day these reports put into english what a company is up to for the long term investor. Citing Metacritic would be like pulling a refference point out of the encyclopedia dramatica.

To be fair I'll do a contrasting argument.

A person refferencing VGC is wrong depending on the reason for reffering this site, if it's casually it's probably fine, if it's a monomedium then no it's not fine, VGC's method of tracking should be considered a guesstimate as much as NPD and Mediacreate, the core of this is because this site works on estimates that are realigned based on... quaterly reports.

A person refferencing Metacritic is wrong in both cases - using metacritic to gauge what the public opinion is of a product is just incorrect, because it appropriates a consensus without nailing down the share of the market they appropriated, it seems like it's such an in your face ommision that it is the best hidden fact in internet history. Because of the assumption about a generalization refferencing any summation of reviews will always be flawed, except in particular conversations where all parties want to delude themselves.

In the end, any consensus, IGN or metacritic or whatever that bases their content on subjective date is wrong, no matter how they slice and dice things. That isn't up for debate and to be fair there is a possibility of them being correct, however it's very narrow.

Just because a thousand people think the sky is falling doesn't mean it's falling.

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The game would sell better if they called it "Party Game Shooting"

Times Banned: 12

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conduit will never ever, reach 2/10ths of halo 3 sales.

Undying said:
The game would sell better if they called it "Party Game Shooting"

Yeah, but the name is The Conduit. 360 would sell better if it had "Wii" somewhere in the name...

Ari_Gold said:
conduit will never ever, reach 2/10ths of halo 3 sales.


1 fifth u mean ? 2 tenths!!!!

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

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whorenraged said:
Undying said:
The game would sell better if they called it "Party Game Shooting"

Yeah, but the name is The Conduit. 360 would sell better if it had "Wii" somewhere in the name...


Most likely.

Times Banned: 12

Press----------------> <----------------Press

SpartanFX said:
no,,people that are buying wii are not buying it for FPS games.

just look at metroid, how much has it sold?? ;)

My console sales prediction for the end of 2009?? [made January 2 2009]
PS3: 30M -- XBox 360: 40M -- Wii: 72M -- PSP: 65M -- NDS: 138M

wanterpool said:
SpartanFX said:
no,,people that are buying wii are not buying it for FPS games.

just look at metroid, how much has it sold?? ;)

Metroid is not an FPS...


That Wii box might look alittle intimidating to some people. I don't think that would work really.

Generation 8 Predictions so far.....(as of 9/2013)

Console that will sell most: Nintendo Wii U

Who will sell more consoles between Microsoft/SONY: SONY


Ari_Gold said:
conduit will never ever, reach 2/10ths of halo 3 sales.

That's currently 1.8 million.

You don't think with a good marketing push it can reach even 1.8 million?



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