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Forums - Sony Discussion - I *really* hate the Playstation Store

twesterm said:
Sharky54 said:
twesterm said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
twesterm said:
AE86 said:

Sounds like this was largely (i.e. completely) your fault, perhaps you shouldn't be so quick to anger next time. It also sounds like you're nitpicking incredibly small things that most people would ignore.


Shitty design isn't my fault.  Why should I have to exit the store to check my download progress and why should it even let me blindly download a huge file 5 times?  You would think they wouldn't want that just to ease the load on their servers.

What were you doing in the Playstation store that was so important you didn't want to leave?


Looking for other stuff to download or play with (or actually anything other than watching a progress bar).


Great thing about the bar. Just press the PS button and it comes up! OMG. Don't even have to stop whatever it is you are doing for more then a min. Stop complaining. Don't like it? Go back to xbox and shut up.


Next time you turn on your PS3, log onto the Playstation Store and bring up the XMB.  Tell me what happens. 


Well do. Oh and know what? Next time you have to send mircosoft some moeny for xbox live, send them a smily face and a thank you for keeping the servers lag free with. 17 million people shelling out 50 dollars a year. That is 850,000,000 dollars a year. Oh yeah I forgot, they arent lag free. I guess all that money goes to steal the Mii idea from nintendo.

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I've gotta be honest Twes, this seems like a really minor complaint that shouldn't lead to you hating the entirety of the PSN store. It is unfortunate that you didn't happen upon the downloads tab in the XMB like everyone else ever, but it isn't something to get mad about. Everything is confusing when you first start using it, that's just the way of inexperience.


Sharky54 said:
twesterm said:
Sharky54 said:
twesterm said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
twesterm said:
AE86 said:

Sounds like this was largely (i.e. completely) your fault, perhaps you shouldn't be so quick to anger next time. It also sounds like you're nitpicking incredibly small things that most people would ignore.


Shitty design isn't my fault.  Why should I have to exit the store to check my download progress and why should it even let me blindly download a huge file 5 times?  You would think they wouldn't want that just to ease the load on their servers.

What were you doing in the Playstation store that was so important you didn't want to leave?


Looking for other stuff to download or play with (or actually anything other than watching a progress bar).


Great thing about the bar. Just press the PS button and it comes up! OMG. Don't even have to stop whatever it is you are doing for more then a min. Stop complaining. Don't like it? Go back to xbox and shut up.


Next time you turn on your PS3, log onto the Playstation Store and bring up the XMB.  Tell me what happens. 


Well do. Oh and know what? Next time you have to send mircosoft some moeny for xbox live, send them a smily face and a thank you for keeping the servers lag free with. 17 million people shelling out 50 dollars a year. That is 850,000,000 dollars a year. Oh yeah I forgot, they arent lag free. I guess all that money goes to steal the Mii idea from nintendo.

That was both lame and win at the same time.


I don't want to read every post to find out if this has been answered but in case it hasn't: You cannot download while you are online with your PS3. This includes using the browser, playing multiplayer online and even using the PS Store. So just exit the store and it will start downloading just check the progress bar and you'll see.

Don't Worry.....Be Happy


tedsteriscool said:
Sharky54 said:
twesterm said:
Sharky54 said:
twesterm said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
twesterm said:
AE86 said:

Sounds like this was largely (i.e. completely) your fault, perhaps you shouldn't be so quick to anger next time. It also sounds like you're nitpicking incredibly small things that most people would ignore.


Shitty design isn't my fault.  Why should I have to exit the store to check my download progress and why should it even let me blindly download a huge file 5 times?  You would think they wouldn't want that just to ease the load on their servers.

What were you doing in the Playstation store that was so important you didn't want to leave?


Looking for other stuff to download or play with (or actually anything other than watching a progress bar).


Great thing about the bar. Just press the PS button and it comes up! OMG. Don't even have to stop whatever it is you are doing for more then a min. Stop complaining. Don't like it? Go back to xbox and shut up.


Next time you turn on your PS3, log onto the Playstation Store and bring up the XMB.  Tell me what happens. 


Well do. Oh and know what? Next time you have to send mircosoft some moeny for xbox live, send them a smily face and a thank you for keeping the servers lag free with. 17 million people shelling out 50 dollars a year. That is 850,000,000 dollars a year. Oh yeah I forgot, they arent lag free. I guess all that money goes to steal the Mii idea from nintendo.

That was both lame and win at the same time.


It is so true though. Didnt microsoft just say they have 17.5 million live users? that would put the amount of money i listed as a low end value. Yet I play Gears 2 online at my friends house, and 5/8 games lag like crazy. I know its not his internet cause we have done some heavy double MMOing over there. Basically they take that money and pocket it and pretend they are doing stuff to xbox live. Everyone thinks this new system took so much R&D, but come on, all they did was add 3d avatars and change the look of everything. 1 or 2 months top. Not almost a billion dollars worth amirite?



The PSN store works great for me. My first time I downloaded 2 of the same demo. But I learned from my mistake right away. Also I am sure those things they make us read before we get the newest updates have something important in there. I never read that stuff.

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twesterm said:
outlawauron said:
madskillz said:
outlawauron said:
twesterm said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
twesterm said:
I don't care about the speed or the content, I just hate the piss poor excuse for an interface.

You find the thing you want to download. You press "download". It downloads.

A dyslexic chimp could do that :P

Yeah, but the problem comes in where I want to download in the background and then check my progress. That's the part that is terrible.

Without someone like SSJ12 specifically telling me to leave the PS Store and go to the XMB I would have never found that because it is in no way at all intuituve. I know they tell me how to check when I download but I have always assumed they meant inside of the store and didn't even realize I have a network option in the XMB (I never really read the headings, I just look at the pictures).

It takes about the same time to pull Active downloads on 360.

Not really - just hit the Xbox button and head to Active Downloads on the far-left tab. I had to redownload a lot of crap I had on my 20gb drive. It was pretty painless.

And all you have to do is press the Playstation button and head to download management under the network tab.

Yeah, but then you have to exit the store and then enter again.

  1. You have to exit the store
  2. Why would I think to exit the store to check my current downloads when there's a button in the store that says check your current downloads.


why do you have to check if its downloading? honestly? once you hit background download and the screen disappears its done. If you canceled the download you it would know since it prompts you if you want to cancel the download. Also all downloads are queued so that even if you hit download 5 times they download one by one so you can simply cancel all duplicate downloads.

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U should change the title to; I hate SONY, 'nough said.

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TOP 12: Deus Ex, Shadow Man, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturn, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, Metroid Prime, Zelda (series), Uncharted (series), FF Tactics, Persona (series), Demons Souls, Vagrant Story.

MOST WANTED: Deus Ex: Human Revolution, The Last Guardian, ICO/Shadow OTC HD

I like the PlayStation store better than XBL Marketplace. Weird that you think so low of it.

PSN ID= bigdaddymoo


MSI GT725-074 owner..... TRUE BEAST.. COD4 is a different game on PC.

vthokiesrmoo said:

I like the PlayStation store better than XBL Marketplace. Weird that you think so low of it.


It really is so easy to use isnt it? I don't see how someone can mess up THAT badly, as to have 10 of the same downloads. Or make a mistake 108729837 times and STILL not notice he is doing it wrong.

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