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Forums - Gaming Discussion - LBP Vs. Blocks

So in another thread we started talking about the differences in Blocks for the Wii and Little Big Planet for the PS3. To me, it's perfectly clear that they are completely similar games but to others they believe that they are as different as night and day. I will admit that I don't fully know what the gameplay is in LBP (other than physics, building, and sharing) but they are still essentially the same game. As long as this doesn't turn into an outright flame war it seems like this could be a decent thread so I decided to make it.

As for Blocks (short video here), it seems like a fairly casual puzzle game having to do with physics simulations. From what I've seen and read, these appear to be the base gameplay ideas for the game:

  1. a physics simulator
  2. a level editor
  3. something to share with friends
  4. cartoon style art
  5. puzzle based

That doesn't seem like something to me that will have the masses anticipating the release of this game, but with Spielberg's name, EA backing it, and a wide variety of hooks the game will more than likely do well.

So now we look at Little Big Planet for the PS3. This is another casual game that has to do with building, sharing with friends, and having fun with physics simulators. Pardon me for not knowing the actual gameplay for this game, I did a few quick reads but the main idea behind this game appears to be sharing in a community. If someone knows the gameplay for this game (whether it's puzzle, platformer, whatever) tell me and I'll happily fill it in. Anyways, here are the base gameplay ideas for Little Big Planet:

  1. a physics simulator
  2. a level editor
  3. something to share with your friends
  4. somewhat realistic style of art
  5. -=insert gameplay here=-

Just like with blocks, this shouldn't be something that will have the masses waiting in line but it has been decently hyped (and more than likely see more about it as it gets closer to release) and has a wide variety of gameplay hooks that will help draw people in.


Now, if you take a second to look, you'll notice that these are more or less the same game. The main hooks of these games are that you get to play with physics, build your own levels with a detailed level editor, and you get to share this user created content with friends. The only differences are possibly the gameplay and the art style. Why are people having such a hard time believing that these two games are so similar?

Is it because the PS3 crowd doesn't want to believe that a casual game that people are excited about has infected their console? Wii owners don't want to think that possibly they might have a game that was copied from a PS3 game? If both appear to be equally fun and get about the same score would PS3 owners have to admit that the art style isn't what made the game fun? Am I just completely missing an aspect of either game that makes these games so different?  It just completely confuses me why people are so hard to believe that these games are so similar.

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LBp casual, yahh iam sure a soccer moms will be making levels.

You have no clue what LBp will be, but you need some way to justify mediocre wii games so you make crazy comparisons to PS3 games.

Hus said:
You have no clue what LBp will be, but you need some way to justify mediocre wii games so you make crazy comparisons to PS3 games.

 Then please tell me what it will be.

Soriku said:
Hus said:
LBp casual, yahh iam sure a soccer moms will be making levels.

You have no clue what LBp will be, but you need some way to justify mediocre wii games so you make crazy comparisons to PS3 games.


^ This an example of what I said. Hus, LBP is SOOOOO HARDCORE. MOST HARDCORE GAME EVER!! >_>

 another dumb pointless post by Soriku, did not see that coming.

LBP is a lot different than blocks, from what I can tell from the blocks video (first time I've seen it). LBP is a lot like a side scroller, there are 4 characters called sak-men (which you can customize), and from what I can tell, the basic gist is to get them through the level (from left to right). Blocks looks more puzzle like to me, where the object is to knock down all the blocks, LBP is more like a platformer. Here are some videos:

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twesterm said:
Hus said:
You have no clue what LBp will be, but you need some way to justify mediocre wii games so you make crazy comparisons to PS3 games.

Then please tell me what it will be.

Why don't you find out your self if your gonna make a comparison thread. If you don't know what it is make a "what is this" thread.

Looks like nothing more then a bs thread trying to justify crap wii casual games by sticking it in the same space as LBP. Thats how i see it.

Platforming, LBp enemies yes there will be enemies.
coop play
racing through sets with people
Building sets.
Sharing through the online community.

Blockls is Not like LBP, unless you think Burnout is like Gran Turismo ?

1/ they are the same game ??? wow
Nintendo is copying sony
at least, they will have something to play waiting Wiisport2


2/ more serioulsy,
Western, before creating a such thread go see some LBP video
How can u create u such thread if u dont even know urself WHAT is LBP ?
`"""" -=insert gameplay here=-"""" lol
globally LBP is a plateform game where u can build urself ur level
we still dont know exactly what we have to do in the level :
kill enemy ?
finish it quickly ? before the other team ? (I believe I get the point here)
reach a special part ?

3/ visually the game are quite different and even if both game share non-realistic graphism cartoon graphism, one (LBP) is pretty, one is quite "basic"

4/ identity: in LBP u play a doll with clothes, in Blocks u are nothing (it is a puzzle game)

5/ if u want to compare ur game with something try a puzzle game, not a plateform game

6/ """"That doesn't seem like something to me that will have the masses anticipating the release of this game, but with Spielberg's name, EA backing it, and a wide variety of hooks the game will more than likely do well."""""

==> because Spielberg makes games now ?
because EA is good making games now ?


Time to Work !

I should also say that LBP is prob. the biggest reason I would get a PS3, the game looks original and amazing.

Currently Playing:  Saints Row 2 | Battlefield 2 | Company of Heroes

Recently Beaten: Gears of War | Super Mario Galaxy | Darwinia | MGS4 | Sam and Max Ep. 4, Portal | Mirror's Edge | Uncharted | Mass Effect

Looking Forward to: Alan Wake | Splinter Cell : Conviction | The Last Guardian | Batman: Arkham Asylum | SMG2 | Mass Effect 2 |

Ghost Rider and God of War: both are beat' em ups using blades on long chains. So they're basically the same game, right?

Main Point: It doesn't matter how similar two games are in terms of style or concept. The main issue is the execution of said concept.

Let's just wait and see how similar these games really are when they actually come out. This type of game pretty much hinges on how intuitive the level editors are. And to me at least, it seems pretty easy to mess up that aspect of the game.

My Top 5:

Shadow of the Colossus, Metal Gear Solid 3, Shenmue, Skies of Arcadia, Chrono Trigger

My 2 nex-gen systems: PS3 and Wii

Prediction Aug '08: We see the PSP2 released fall '09. Graphically, it's basically the same as the current system. UMD drive ditched and replaced by 4-8gb on board flash memory. Other upgrades: 2nd analog nub, touchscreen, blutooth, motion sensor. Design: Flip-style or slider. Size: Think Iphone. Cost: $199. Will be profitable on day 1.

king_of_the_castle said:
LBP is a lot different than blocks, from what I can tell from the blocks video (first time I've seen it). LBP is a lot like a side scroller, there are 4 characters called sak-men (which you can customize), and from what I can tell, the basic gist is to get them through the level (from left to right). Blocks looks more puzzle like to me, where the object is to knock down all the blocks, LBP is more like a platformer. Here are some videos:

 That's what I figured.  Even with LBP being a platformer, it's still more or less the same thing as Blocks.  Like I said the only two real differences in the game are the puzzler vs. platformer and the art styles.  There are of course other little things like the detail in the level editor and how the game controls, but it still boils down to the same three concepts: 

Physics is fun.
Creating is fun.
Sharing is fun.

While we have a puzzler vs. a platformer these are still based on the same above three ideas.  And ignoring Hus' pointless arguments, these are casual games.  I actually see a soccer mom playing LBP planet over Blocks.